Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 208 Seeing the Dry Well Again

Chapter 208 Seeing the Dry Well Again
"What do you know, you kid? That's how women are. They look strong on the outside, but they have to kneel on the washboard at home. I'm trying to save face for her. Let me tell you, don't look at her attitude, wait until you get back Let's see how I deal with her!" Ye Luo said seriously.

Seeing Ye Luo's appearance, Chu Xiaohuan felt sore in his heart and didn't continue talking.

In her opinion, Ye Luo was bragging to maintain his last dignity as a man. After all, where would an ordinary man have any status when he was with a rich and beautiful woman driving a luxury car?
I have reached the age to find a girlfriend, but I can't find a suitable one because of poverty, and I am with a rich beauty, but I am living a life of humiliation, or, that beauty is just playing with feelings, and my own Uncle Ye is a mess. Have you reached this point?
"Hey! What's wrong with you? Why don't you talk? Let me tell you, the beautiful woman in the car just now will become our housemaid sooner or later. She will bow at your Uncle Ye's feet, wash our clothes and cook for us. "Ye Luo said arrogantly.

Chu Xiaohuan didn't believe it at all, she just took La Yeluo's big hand and said: "Let's go home first, this woman may not be suitable for you, I have already thought about it, I will find you a better and more suitable one. "

While speaking, Chu Xiaohuan glanced in the direction where Maserati disappeared, his eyes flickered with coldness, his fists tightened slightly, and he said to himself: Don't let me touch you again, or you will be rewarded.


Late at night, in front of the demolition area of ​​the village in the city.

Ye Luo, Chu Xiaohuan, and Yang Ying got out of the taxi, walked across the path in the demolition area, and walked towards the rental house.

However, halfway through the walk, Ye Luo couldn't help but cast a glance towards the east of the demolition area, and saw that at some point, there were more than a dozen large bulldozers and some other machines used on the construction site. .

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, turned his head and glanced in the direction of the dry well in the demolition area, and thought to himself: "I thought the demolition area would not start construction so soon, but now it seems that this site may soon be rebuilt .

And once the construction starts, the dry well may be discovered when the foundation is dug. Even if it is not discovered, it will be a lot of trouble if you want to go down the dry well in the future. Two days must go down the well. "

Ye Luo paid more and more attention to this well.

He also gradually understands now that the earth today is in a state of depletion of spiritual energy. Spiritual stones and spiritual objects are extremely scarce and precious, and the violent vibration in his chest is enough to show that in this dry well, There must be a major spiritual object, or a spirit stone.

There may be other unknown secrets in this well.

Ye Luo took the two little lolis back to the rental house, let the two little lolis sleep in the same bed, and slept in the same bed by himself. At night, the two little lolis kept muttering, as if they were discussing something .

Ye Luo didn't care, but when she was lying on the bed and turned on the phone, she found that there were more than a dozen missed calls in the phone, most of which belonged to Su Ying.

Ye Luo was slightly stunned. When his cell phone was in the unfinished building, he turned it to silent. If he didn't take it out to check it, he really didn't know that someone was calling. .

Su Ying breathed a long sigh of relief after hearing Ye Luo's report that they were safe, and also told Ye Luo that they were all safe, and asked Ye Luo how they escaped in the end.

Ye Luo rolled his eyes, but he didn't go into details, he just said that we'll talk about it later when we meet.

Afterwards, Ye Luo fell asleep. As for the killer card saying that he should go to the Emgrand Hotel after delivering the two little lolis, Ye Luo simply went in his left ear and out his right ear.

No.12 in the killer list?
For Ye Luo, after recovering one-third of his strength, it would be enough to hang on to fight!
And that night, after returning to the Dorsett Hotel, the killer card saw that Ye Luo hadn't come, and the murderous intent and anger in his eyes flickered at the same time.


early morning.

Chu Xiaohuan and Yang Ying had breakfast early and left. When they left, they were still muttering about something, about beautiful teachers and girlfriends.

But Ye Luo checked his body carefully again after the two little lolis left. As a generation of war doctors, Ye Luo already felt it when he was sleeping last night. It may take at least a week for the sequelae to be automatically repaired.

This kind of secret technique that overdraws potential is the most harmful to the body, and it is also the most difficult to manage.

After the examination, Ye Luo combed his body with the Sancai acupuncture method, and then went to the pharmacy when he went out. Although the damage caused by this forbidden technique could not be recovered immediately, the recovery time could be shortened by using silver needles and medicine.

According to Ye Luo's calculations, after conditioning, he can return to his peak within two or three days.

Going out and turning left, there is a pharmacy not far from the rented house. Ye Luo is very familiar with this pharmacy. The first time I brought Zhou Lanxi back, I bought the condom from this pharmacy, and it was in this pharmacy during the past three years of seclusion. Ye Luo also bought a lot of medicines in this pharmacy.

It was early in the morning, the pharmacy had just opened, and there was no one there yet.

"Hey! Uncle Ye, you're here so early, have you used up all the sets you bought last time? How's the effect?" In the store, the proprietress was not there. Zhou Xiaoyu, the proprietress' daughter, saw Ye Luo coming over, and her eyes immediately sparkled. light.

Zhou Xiaoyu is a complete gossip girl, but if there is any disturbance in the village in the city, even if the old king next door goes to Lao Song's house, has a meal with Lao Song's wife, or goesssiping outside, she can guess it on the fly. Some truths, and for online gossip news, she is very familiar with it, and she can be called the top person among gossip girls.

"Don't call me Uncle, call me Brother Ye." Ye Luo felt helpless looking at this girl who had just turned 17 years old, her breasts were just beginning to take shape.

"Okay, Brother Ye, as far as I know, you have been single all these years, and you have a little girl at home. A few days ago, why did you need condoms? Do you have a girlfriend? Or, do you spend money on it? Did you go out to find a woman?" Zhou Xiaoyu stared at Ye Luo, his eyes became brighter, and he wanted to find some secrets from Ye Luo.

"Crack!" Ye Luo patted Zhou Xiaoyu on the head very bluntly, and said, "You're so young, why are you asking so many questions, and you're thinking about something messed up, go get me some medicine."

"Tell me! Brother Ye, if you really find a girlfriend, as a cleaner with a monthly salary of 2K Klan, it will be big news in our urban village!

And, last time you bought a set, did you really push that girl down?Who is that girl? Do you still want to buy condoms this time? "Zhou Xiaoyu brought his talent for gossip to the extreme.

Ye Luo patted Zhou Xiaoyu on the head again, and said, "You have a camera in your store, so you are not afraid of your mother coming back to watch the video, if you know you are asking these questions, I'm afraid your little ass will suffer again. "

Zhou Xiaoyu's body froze for a moment, she looked up at the camera, she couldn't help shrinking her head, but she rolled her eyes, and suddenly said: "Brother Ye, there is something about you, do you want to hear it? It's definitely a big deal! "

"Big thing? What big thing can you have?" Ye Luo looked skeptical, but didn't take it seriously, and didn't think he was a big deal.

"What kind of eyes do you have? Let me tell you that I can be the gossip queen. Who in our area doesn't know." Zhou Xiaoyu said unhappily. Seeing Ye Luo's lack of interest, he looked like he was going to leave at any time, and he didn't show it off. He said directly: "Do you know ancient martial arts practitioners?"

(End of this chapter)

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