Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 209 Disturbance at the Pharmacy

Chapter 209 Trouble at the pharmacy
Ancient martial arts practitioners!
Ye Luo paused for a moment, and looked at Zhou Xiaoyu in surprise. Ordinary people seldom know the word ancient martial arts practitioner. How did this gossip girl know?
"I don't know! I knew you didn't know, let me tell you, those legendary ancient martial arts in China really exist, and they are very powerful. Some big men can even shatter mountains and rivers with a snap of their fingers! "Zhou Xiaoyu said mysteriously.

"Bragging!" Ye Luo was puzzled, but said two words.

"What I said is true, I will tell you a secret, you know, I like gossip very much, I know all kinds of gossip events on the Internet, and I am also an administrator of a WeChat gossip group.

Just two days ago, in our WeChat group, a group leader who seldom came out to speak, saw that I was very talented in gossip, so he pulled me into a strange WeChat group. That group was very strange, and the people in it claimed to be Ancient martial arts practitioners.

At first I thought they were all a group of psychopaths, talking about cultivation, ancient martial arts, medicine pills, spiritual objects and so on every day, but then I slowly discovered that what the people in this group said was probably true .

I haven't dared to speak yet, for fear that they will find out that I am not an ancient martial arts practitioner and kick me out.

However, in order to confirm my thoughts, I also asked the owner of the gossip group that pulled me into the group, but unfortunately she never replied to me. Later, I checked a lot of information on the Internet and found that ancient martial arts practitioners may be real The presence. "Zhou Xiaoyu looked around and said in a low voice.

A WeChat group composed of ancient martial arts practitioners?
A real-life comprehension chat group?
When Ye Luo heard this, his heart suddenly tightened. Ye Luo really didn't care about this before, but now that he thinks about it, since it is in this era, how can ancient martial arts practitioners not have their own Internet circle?
"Before, the reason why I said that there was a big event related to you was because in the past two days, there was a hot topic in that group. The eldest lady is retiring!
I read the content in the group, and it said that it was an ordinary person named Ye Luo, not an ancient martial arts practitioner, who had a marriage contract with the eldest lady of the Ning family named Ning Caier.

However, there is an insurmountable gap in identity between ancient martial arts practitioners and ordinary people, and there is an ancient martial arts genius from the Huo family who fell in love with Ning Caier, so that ordinary person named Ye Luo, The Ning family broke the engagement.

However, the man named Ye Luo also had the backbone, and he said "after one year, I will double the humiliation of retiring the engagement", but none of the ancient martial arts practitioners in that group believed Ye Luo. Can counterattack.

Moreover, it has recently been reported in the group that the ordinary person named Ye Luo seems to be not a simple ordinary person, but some kind of star, but it is similar to ordinary people, because in the eyes of their ancient martial arts practitioners, stars are not ordinary people. If you can't practice, you're trash!

Brother Ye, look, this has something to do with you, that Ye Luo, who was divorced, has exactly the same name as yours. "Zhou Xiaoyu said a lot in one breath.

Ye Luo's body froze.

"By the way, Brother Ye, there is also a picture in that group, but that picture only has a sideways picture, so you can't see the real face, but if you only look at the figure, it looks exactly like you Very similar, hee hee, Brother Ye, compared with the person whose engagement was divorced, although you are a cleaner, you are much luckier than him, right?" Zhou Xiaoyu patted Ye Luo on the shoulder.

A terrifying aura gathered in Ye Luo's heart, but it disappeared quickly in an instant, and then he said: "I am very interested in the WeChat group of that ancient martial arts practitioner, please send me the QR code of this group later. , I also join the group."

Zhou Xiaoyu hesitated for a moment, and said: "They may not let you in, I will send you the QR code of the group, whether you can get in or not depends on your own luck, but if you get in, let alone me Give you the QR code."

"That's for sure. Do I look like someone who betrayed my friends?" Ye Luo smiled, and then said, "I'll go pick some herbs, and you can send the QR code of the group to my WeChat."

After finishing speaking, Ye Luo smiled faintly, and walked towards the traditional Chinese medicine section of the pharmacy, but Ye Luo's hand was tightly clenched, and the nails dug into the palm of his hand!

Zhou Xiaoyu took out her mobile phone and followed Ye Luo. As a leader of gossip girls, she always felt that Ye Luo had big news.

However, after following a few steps, she heard a noise at the door of her pharmacy. Full of gossip, she turned around and went to the door of the pharmacy.

Ye Luo also heard it, but he didn't pay attention. Instead, he walked to the innermost shelf of traditional Chinese medicine in the pharmacy and picked out the herbs he needed.

Ye Luo's selection of medicines was very fast, and after a while, he had already selected the medicines he needed.

At this moment, the noise at the entrance of the pharmacy became more intense, and there was even a loud reprimand, which was full of gunpowder.

Ye Luo frowned slightly, and walked towards the door.

"Losing money! You must lose money. Let me tell you, call your mother over. My brother died suddenly after taking the medicine from your pharmacy. If your pharmacy doesn't lose money today, don't blame our brother for being rough!" A man with a fierce scar on his head and a big gold chain pointed at Zhou Xiaoyu and said viciously.

"Yes! Hurry up and call your mother over here. This is fatal. If you don't pay a million to hundreds of millions, don't let it go!" A man with red hair said viciously.

"Brother Scar, what are you talking about with her? I saw that the little girl looks so pretty, so let's just take her away and ask her mother to pay the money. If she doesn't pay, we'll sell her to a nightclub. , must be worth a lot of money!" A bald and strong man also said viciously.

In addition to the three people who spoke, there were also a few strong men around, and they seemed to be in the same group.

And the movement here also attracted some pedestrians on the road and people in the surrounding shops, but few people dared to approach, they just watched from a distance.

"You bloody spouts, I don't know when you bought the medicine in our store, and besides, what evidence do you have that your brother died after taking the medicine from our pharmacy!" Although Zhou Xiaoyu's face was a little pale, but Still argued.

"Blood? We have evidence, and I'll show it to you now!" Brother Hu said fiercely.

"Why are you talking so much to her, a little girl, first smash this evil black shop..."

(End of this chapter)

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