Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 214 You have a big deal

Chapter 214 You have a big deal
Urban villages, police stations, conference rooms.

"I just received an order to find a young man named Ye Luo immediately. This young man is a doctor at No. 1 Civilian Hospital in Nanjiang City. He currently lives in Building 36 of Chengzhong Village under our jurisdiction and rents a house. Living, single, living with a girl who is in the third year of junior high school.

This person has a special status, and the higher-ups are urgently urging him, and the phone cannot be reached for the time being. According to the news, the higher-ups attach great importance to this person, and today's emergency meeting is to find this person. "The director of the police station, with a stern tone, quickly introduced the situation.

Hearing this, the chubby policeman froze for a moment, stood up abruptly, and then asked respectfully: "Director, did you say why you are looking for this person? Is it because of something he committed, or because others……?"

"The higher authorities didn't mention this, but we are the police station. Logically speaking, if the higher authorities ask us to find someone, then there is a high possibility that this person committed something. Otherwise, there is no need to Come to us." The director said.

"So, this person's identity may be a criminal?" the fat policeman asked cautiously.

The director nodded and said, "It's very likely."

The chubby policeman was still a little worried, hesitated for a moment, and said, "There is no need to look for this person."

"What do you mean?" The director froze for a moment, and the other police officers also looked over.

"This person was in the pharmacy today and injured several people. I have brought him back. I just made a record of him. Because he didn't cooperate, it was suspended. As a result, we have to continue the investigation. You held a meeting here." An emergency meeting." The chubby policeman said carefully.

"What? You have already arrested this person, or is it because he injured someone?" The director was taken aback again, then his eyes lit up, and said: "From this point of view, Ye Luo should be a criminal in all likelihood. Those who fled later!"

The chubby middle-aged policeman was still a little uncertain, and continued to ask: "Director, where did you give us this order?"

"The Municipal Public Security Bureau ordered us in a very urgent tone." The director replied.

"Public Security Bureau? So that's the case. The people that the Municipal Public Security Bureau ordered urgently to find are usually repeat offenders. Could it be that this Ye Luo has committed some serious crimes outside, and now something has happened?" The chubby policeman was puzzled.

The director patted the table and said: "Don't guess, I will reply to the above. If it is really a fugitive, we have made a great contribution. If not, we have also found him, which is also a contribution. Anyway, we have made a contribution." Already!"

In the detention room of the police station.

"Ye Luo, they didn't beat you, did they?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked eagerly when he saw Ye Luo came back from the interrogation room.

"How is it possible, brother Ye and I are so powerful, do they dare to hit me?" Ye Luo casually took a step forward.

"It's impossible. I heard it's dark inside. In the WeChat gossip discussion group we established, someone broke the news, saying that after entering the police station, he was first interrogated like an eagle, then poured pepper water, and sat on a tiger stool. , and firecrackers were set off on the head, if you beat up the policeman's brother-in-law like you, why not kill you?" Zhou Xiaoyu was worried.

"On the gossip group, most of them are bragging, don't worry, they will invite us out soon." Ye Luo smiled.

"Brother Ye, I think you're just bragging. Let me tell you, it's really dark here. Don't you watch the gossip news? Even if you don't read the news, you should watch a movie. I haven't seen torture to extract a confession. Is it?" Zhou Xiaoyu looked serious, as a gossip genius, Zhou Xiaoyu knew all kinds of "dark inside stories" very clearly.

"In the future, you should read less gossip and read more books." Ye Luo shook his head.

"Brother Ye, are you a hidden super expert? I see that you beat up those gangsters earlier, and you look like an idol. Do you have any hidden identity?" Zhou Xiaoyu changed the subject immediately. When it comes to the question you want to know.

"Do you know the most powerful war doctor mercenary dynasty in the world?" Ye Luo asked.

Zhou Xiaoyu nodded, and said with a little worship: "Of course I know. According to legend, the man who founded the mercenary dynasty is a god-like existence. .”

"Oh, now, he is standing in front of you." Ye Luo said lightly.

"Standing in front of me, who is it?" Zhou Xiaoyu froze for a moment.

"I am Ye Luo, a war doctor of the first generation!" Ye Luo stretched his body, standing like a javelin.

Zhou Xiaoyu took a closer look at Ye Luo, chuckled, and said, "Although you can fight a little bit, but if you pretend to be a legendary war doctor, you are still a lot worse. That's enough, stop bragging, Brother Ye, you Have you practiced martial arts before, or been a soldier?"

"You don't believe I'm a war doctor?" Ye Luo asked.

"Hey! Brother Ye, we have to limit our bragging. In our gossip discussion group, sometimes people who brag but don't know how to restrain themselves will be kicked out of the group. People like you probably got kicked out a long time ago. Come on, stop bragging, to be honest, what did you do before?" Zhou Xiaoyu shook his head, not believing a word.


In the conference room of the police station, after the director made a phone call, the smile on his face that was asking for credit slowly froze after hearing a few words, and then his gaze turned to the slightly fat middle-aged policeman quietly.

Seeing the change in the director's expression, the middle-aged policeman had a bad premonition in his heart.

The director didn't hang up the phone, and cold sweat began to break out on his forehead. He stared at the slightly fat middle-aged policeman, his gaze became a little stern, and his tone became more serious.

After a while, the director hung up the phone and asked the chubby middle-aged policeman angrily, "Where is he?"

"In the interrogation room, director, do you want to interrogate yourself?" The slightly fat policeman said something when he saw the director's question.

Afterwards, the director said in a calm tone: "I will personally pick up Ye Luo, you guys, go and investigate the ins and outs of this matter immediately."

(End of this chapter)

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