Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 215 It's Easy to Ask God

Chapter 215 It's Easy to Ask God


Just when Zhou Xiaoyu thought that Ye Luo had been bragging all this time, the door of the detention room suddenly opened, and then, a fat policeman, the director of the police station and several police officers walked in one after another.

Zhou Xiaoyu was taken aback. Seeing a large group of people coming in, he said sternly, "What are you going to do? Let me tell you, this is a society ruled by law, and the practice of torture into tricks is outdated."

The director's face froze for a moment, and then a forced smile appeared on his old face that had experienced many vicissitudes, and he said, "Don't get me wrong, we are here to pick you up."

"Pick us up?" Zhou Xiaoyu was puzzled, but he didn't think it was that simple.

"That's right! I was the one who picked you up. I was the one who was so blind that I was blinded by others' words that confused black and white. I caught you in by mistake. It's all my fault."

The chubby policeman also hurried over, his tone extremely respectful, without the slightest smug attitude from before, he was a completely different person from before. .

The chubby policeman is now quite sober.

He has already figured out that Ye Luo is something he can never afford to offend, and now that he has brought Ye Luo in, he has already made a huge mess. His intestines are green with regret, and his heart is full of fear.

If the higher authorities really wanted to investigate him thoroughly, based on his behavior over the years, just picking out a few random items would be enough to deprive him of everything he has now, and even send him to prison.

"What qualifications do you have to arrest people? Do you know that your problem is very serious! Regarding your behavior today, the police station will definitely investigate to the end and give Mr. Ye Luo an explanation!" The chubby policeman was half-faced, obviously wanting to show his impartiality in front of Ye Luo.

Afterwards, the face of the chief of the police station changed, from strict to gentle, he looked at Zhou Xiaoyu and Ye Luo, and continued: "It is indeed our responsibility to arrest you two by mistake, and we will definitely be responsible to the end. I came here this time to apologize to both of you, it was my laxity that caused this kind of thing to happen, but don’t worry, I will definitely investigate to the end at this time, and I will never condone adultery..."

When the chubby policeman heard that the director had sold himself directly in order to clear his responsibility, and said that he would thoroughly investigate himself, his heart immediately felt as cold as death.

"Director, you can't do this." The chubby policeman begged.

The director turned a deaf ear, glanced around, rubbed his hands together and said, "The condition of this detention room is too bad, let's go out and talk about it, the reception room is next to it."

After all, the director is the director, and the level of speaking and doing things is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people. These words are very learned.

Zhou Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, and asked in doubt, "That is to say, we can leave?"

"That's right, I just invited you two out." The director said respectfully.

Zhou Xiaoyu still didn't believe it, and said, "What, we have monitoring in our pharmacy, so we really don't blame us for this matter."

Hearing what Zhou Xiaoyu said, and seeing that the chief ignored him at all, the chubby policeman knew that begging the chief was useless, so he begged Zhou Xiaoyu: "This matter is all my fault, I beg you two to show up and bypass me." Just once, just this time, I promise, there will never be a next time in the future!"

"There's another time, huh! You'll be thoroughly investigated. On the way here, I've had someone call over the surveillance in that area, and I've watched the whole thing happen on my phone. Everything is the responsibility of you and your brother-in-law." The director's voice became more severe.

Then, he looked at Ye Luo and Zhou Xiaoyu again, and continued: "According to the normal procedure, a record is required for this kind of thing, but there are some black sheep in our police force, who don't distinguish between black and white, and their behavior and language are relatively aggressive. You have indeed been wronged, this police officer, we will definitely investigate and investigate it to the end, but I still want to apologize to the two of you again."

Although Zhou Xiaoyu was smart, she still felt a little embarrassed when faced with the director's words, and didn't know how to answer, so she turned her head to look at Ye Luo.

Ye Luo was also a little puzzled. Even if the matter was found out, the director should not have appeared here, and there was no need to use such a humble and self-blaming attitude to come to apologize to himself, and the fat policeman should not have such an attitude. Apologizing and begging for mercy with a terrifying attitude, after all, he and Zhou Xiaoyu's current identities are just ordinary people, there is no need for these.

Now, the director and the chubby policeman appeared with such an attitude, there must be something tricky in it.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes and said, "Since I've come in, I didn't want to leave. I wanted to stay here for a few more days. It's not bad here, so I take care of my food and drink."

When the director heard this sentence, his body froze again, and he didn't want to leave?What do you mean, is it easy to invite God, but difficult to send God off?

"However, now I have changed my mind again. In terms of your attitude in handling things, I will forgive you once. However, I want to know why you appear here and why you solve the problem in such a humble way? Everyone He's an adult, so let's just talk about the reason." Ye Luo looked at the director calmly.

The director swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and he could see that this young man looked young, but he was definitely not a person who could be fooled. In addition, there was no need to hide this kind of thing. He said: "A big man has come to the imperial capital. I want to ask you to treat me, and I am now at the house of Mr. Tangshan."

A big shot from the imperial capital?cure?

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes again.

"Grandpa Tangshan and Mr. Zhou came here by car at the same time after they heard that you were arrested. They are already on the way and want to pick you up in person." The director explained sincerely.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Not long after the director finished speaking, Mr. Tangshan and the lame old man had already brought people here.

The group ignored the director and the chubby policeman at all, but greeted Ye Luo politely and expressed their intention to ask him for help.

The director watched from the sidelines, his eyelids kept twitching wildly. These are all big figures who are rare to see on weekdays, but now they show up together to invite a young man, and this young man has just been treated unfairly by him...

Thinking of this, he broke out in a cold sweat. Although he didn't do anything during this process, it was the police officers in his office who targeted Ye Luo. If he really pursued it, he would definitely have nothing to do with it.

A thorough investigation must be conducted.

The police force is not a breeding ground for crime, and it must not condone adultery. In order to show their attitude to those big shots and for the sake of justice in their hearts, the chubby police must conduct a thorough investigation.

(End of this chapter)

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