Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 216 Another Ghost Valley Secret Store

Chapter 216 Another Ghost Valley Secret Store
Tang family mansion, in a quiet big room.

Ye Luo saw at first sight that there was a shriveled old man with white beard and hair, a stooped body, a hoarse cough, and occasional bloodshot sputum in the room.

Afterwards, his gaze fell on the hand of the old man with white beard and hair, and his eyes shrank fiercely.

Afterwards, Ye Luo waved his hand to signal the others to leave the room.

"See it?" The old man with white beard and hair sat on the chair, coughed again, and stood up slowly.

"I see." Ye Luo nodded, his eyes still fixed on the old man's hand.

"What do you see?" the old man with white beard and hair asked again.

"You are an archaeologist. Looking at your hands, the nails of your ten fingers are half gray and black. It should be caused by touching the funerary objects in the tomb for many years. The dry and cracked skin is gray, which is because Yin Qi has entered the body and almost eroded the blood vessels. You may have been involved in archaeology for more than 40 years, and with your physical condition, if you can live to this day, you may have taken precious medicines to regulate your body." Ye Luo responded.

The eyes of the old man with white hair and beard suddenly lit up, and he said, "You are the only person in the whole world who can tell these things just by looking at me, but why don't you guess that I am a tomb robber?"

Ye Luo shook his head and said, "It's impossible for a tomb robber to be accompanied by the city's leaders, and I'm afraid you're not just an archaeologist, because if you were an archaeologist, you wouldn't be treated like you are today." .”

The old man with white beard and hair smiled, without nodding or shaking his head.

Ye Luo's mind was moved. At this moment, he thought of a possibility. This old man, who can be called an antique, came to Nanjiang not only for medical treatment, but also very likely for the legendary Ghost Valley secret. Tibetan.

The news of Ghost Valley's secret treasure has spread quietly among ancient martial arts practitioners, and some mysterious experts in this field will probably come to Nanjiang one after another in the next few days.

This old man should be one of them.

But, what unit does this old man belong to?It seems that his status is very high.

Just when Ye Luo was thinking about it, the old man with white beard and hair smiled and said, "My name is Ge Gen. Both Tang Shan and Lao Liu said that you have excellent medical skills. Come and see if I can still treat this disease." rule?"

"I need to check my pulse." Seeing that Ge Gen was unwilling to say more, Ye Luo didn't ask any more questions.

Ye Luo's hand fell on Ge Gen's pulse.

After a cup of tea, Ye Luo let go of his hand and said: "The physical damage of the archaeologists is essentially the same as that of the tomb robbers, but the protection of the archaeologists is better.

The diseases in your body are all caused by long-term exposure to things with too much yin energy. Now, the most serious part is the lungs, followed by the heart and spleen.

Yin Qi has been accumulated for more than 40 years, and it is unlikely to be forced out in a short period of time. I can use silver needles to force out part of it first, and then I will give you a prescription. According to the medicine on the prescription, it will take three months. Should be able to recover more than half. "

"Recover half of it in three months?" Ge Gen, who has white beard and hair, couldn't help but tremble. He has sought numerous doctors, and no one has ever dared to say that he will recover more than half of it within three months, except of course, liars.

Ye Luo didn't speak, but quietly took out the silver needle. Sometimes, no amount of explanation is better than the simplest action.

Half an hour later, Ye Luo and Ge Gen walked out of the room side by side.

Ge Gen, who had white beard and hair, had a much rosier face than before, and he was more energetic, and his coughing almost stopped, as if he was rejuvenated.

His attitude towards Ye Luo has also changed significantly, and his tone is inexplicably more respectful. At the same time, he also has some doubts about Ye Luo's identity. Ye Luo's medical skills are beyond his. cognition.

However, Ge Gen didn't ask too much, after all, everyone has their own secrets, just like he didn't reveal his own secrets.

Ye Luo took Zhou Xiaoyu and left in a car amidst Ge Gen, Tang Shan and Mr. Liu with a broken leg. It was not unkind, but a sense of urgency.

Antique-level archaeological experts like Ge Gen have come to Nanjiang City. Secretly, how many unknown ancient martial arts practitioners, or experts in finding secret treasures, will come to Nanjiang City?

Ghost Valley Secret Treasure may set off a storm in Nanjiang City!
Ye Luo is certainly interested in the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, but what Ye Luo is most worried about now is not this, but the ancient well. Some strange people come to Nanjiang City openly and secretly, and the dry well may not be safe.

If it is discovered by others, the loss will be great.

"It seems that we are going to attack the dry well in advance." Ye Luo muttered to himself.

Just as Ye Luo was thinking, Zhou Xiaoyu who was on the side recovered from the series of shocks, took Ye Luo's arm and chirped, "Ye Luo, why are you so powerful, even Mr. Tangshan respects you, tell me honestly Who are you, are you an expert hermit living in the city?"

Ye Luo slapped him on the back of the head and said, "Stop thinking about it, go home quickly."

"No, just tell me!"

Ye Luo ignored her and let her go home by car, while he came to a subway station, got on the subway here, and went straight to the big market in the eastern suburbs.

Since we are going down the dry well, we must make some preparations, and 500 meters south of the big market in the eastern suburbs, there is a black market hidden in a shanty town. Only people with a special profession know about this black market.

In the black market, there are many things that cannot be bought in the world. Ye Luo is going to go down the dry well. To be on the safe side, he must go to the black market to buy a few unseen but necessary things.

In summer, the subway is noisy and crowded.

As soon as Ye Luo got on the subway, he felt a wave of heat and his crowded body. In the narrow compartment, he swayed with the shaking of the car. What doesn't fit.

It's just that after stopping at a site once and meeting several people, Ye Luo felt a little strange.

Because, Ye Luo noticed that there was a mature woman who was dressed in some enchanting and revealing clothes, had a good figure and a good face, and exuded a strong perfume smell, and there seemed to be a strange look on her face.

Afterwards, Ye Luo saw that a man in a suit with an obscene face was clinging to the mature woman. In the crowd that was not very crowded, this man seemed to be doing something nasty to the mature woman. action.

The mature woman's face was flushed, her breathing was flustered, her eyes were frightened, and she was shy. She stood there, holding the handrail, silently, and did not dare to speak.

With Ye Luo's sharp eyesight, he could tell at a glance that the mature woman had met a bus pervert.

"Hey, you're out of luck." Shaking his head and muttering, Ye Luo approached with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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