Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 218 Black Strange Stone

Chapter 218 Black Strange Stone

Ye Luo shook his head, took the mouse, turned around and left.

How about selling a treasure map with a spirit stone to coax children?This old man who practiced ancient martial arts is very likely to be a liar.

After buying the mouse, Ye Luo basically gathered all the things he needed, and turned around to leave. However, when he was about to walk out of the store, Ye Luo suddenly felt the beads on his neck vibrate .

Ye Luo was taken aback for a moment, then turned around and looked towards the direction that caused the vibration of the beads.

Ye Luo saw that on the ground in the southwest corner of the store, there was a stone the size of a millstone randomly placed on the ground. The stone was placed in the corner of the store, and it seemed that it had been around for some years.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes and walked over at a leisurely pace.

The owner of the store couldn't help but be overjoyed when he saw that the customer who had just spent 300 yuan to buy three mice went to the big rock that even his ancestors hadn't sold.

"Let me tell you, this stone was collected by my grandfather. For some years, my grandfather once said that this is a gambling stone that belongs to some ancient martial arts practitioner. It comes from an ancient mine in the early Yuan Dynasty. It is only for ancient martial arts practitioners." Useful, worth tens of thousands of gold, rare in a hundred years!" The owner introduced with a serious tone.

"Hahaha, an old stone that has been in the store for 40 to [-] years, and I want to throw it away, but I think it's too much trouble, and it's worth tens of thousands of gold. Liu Laosan, are you crazy about money?" In the store, there is a The middle-aged man with two iron balls in his hand laughed.

"Even if you are fooling around, you have to be more reliable in fooling around, Liu Laosan, do you know what is an ancient martial arts practitioner? Do you know what is an ancient mine in the early Yuan Dynasty?" The old man also said something.

"Liu Laosan, your heart is too dark. Just this broken stone that has been used as a stool under your buttocks for decades is worth ten thousand gold?" More than one person in the store couldn't stand it.

The boss Liu Laosan's face darkened, and he scolded: "What do you know? 800 yuan, how about it, this is an auspicious number!"

"Pfft? 800 yuan? You can even go to the best nightclub in Xicheng, including two beauties! Liu Laosan, your heart is really dark!" As soon as the words finished, someone mocked.

"Little brother, I see that you are also a newcomer. The other things in the boss's store are quite affordable, but this stone is a deceptive thing. Don't buy this stone. Look at other things. Go." The middle-aged man holding two iron balls said calmly, quite gracefully.

Those who can come to the black market, there are not many good people, and they are familiar with the boss, and the stones are not very much, so they follow suit, and the boss is used to it. It's time to close.

Ye Luo didn't care about everyone's words, but just asked indifferently: "It's eight less, I think the stone is quite eye-catching, so I bought it."

When the boss heard this, he immediately beamed with joy, and said, "Hey! Young man, I knew that you are the only one who knows the goods. Okay, I will give you eight less, and I will sell this stone to you as 8000 yuan!"

The middle-aged man with two iron balls in his hand frowned when he heard this. This newcomer, who doesn't understand anything, ignored their words and still forced to buy it?

"Little brother, this rock is a waste rock. You still want to buy it. Don't you believe what we say? I see that you don't look like a rich man. 8000 yuan is not a small number for you. That's it. Don't you think it's stupid to spend it on a piece of waste rock?" The middle-aged man holding an iron egg once again dissuaded.

"Hey! Tie Laosan, what do you mean? Let me tell you, this stone is the treasure of our store. 8000 yuan is too much, little brother, don't listen to him, cut it open With this stone, maybe you can really get rich overnight, countless beauties will pay you back, and you will become famous in one fell swoop!" The shopkeeper first glared at the man holding two iron balls, and then turned to Ye Luo to brag about his stone.

"You misunderstood, it's the eight in front." Ye Luo shook his head, still ignoring the outsiders' dissuasion.

"Eight in front?" The smile on the boss's face froze for a moment, and he continued, "Eight, eight hundred?"

Seeing Ye Luo acquiescing, the boss smiled wryly: "Brother, if you don't take such a counter-offer, such a large stone, even if you sell the stone, you can't give it [-]."

"For stone materials, he is not even worth eighty." Ye Luo said, "For this price, if it is suitable for you, I will buy it. If it is not suitable, I will leave."

"Wait! Little brother, I see that you are also the first time to buy things in my store, and you are a newcomer, so I will sell half and give it to you, only [-], give me the money, and the stone will be yours!" The boss Said with a painful face.

If someone who is not familiar with the boss sees this scene, they may really think that the boss is in pain and will be moved, but those who are familiar with the boss know that no matter what the boss sells, he always has a face of pain appearance.

After decades of practice, he has already become proficient.

Naturally, Ye Luo could see through it, but he didn't understand it.

The man with the two iron balls in his hand was displeased when he saw that Ye Luo ignored his advice and insisted on buying stones, so he said directly: "This young man, even if he is 800 yuan, I’m afraid it’s a lot of money for you, why don’t you listen to dissuasion? Let me give you a piece of advice, don’t always think about finding mistakes, you still have to make money one step at a time, and get rich overnight They are all miracles, how can there be so many miracles in the world.”

Ye Luo just shook his head slightly, and didn't talk to the man holding two iron balls, but handed the money to the shopkeeper

After paying the money and receiving the goods, Ye Luo could easily pick up the stone weighing more than 100 kilograms and the size of a millstone with one hand.

People in the shop who saw this scene couldn't help sighing secretly that Ye Luo had great strength, but it was stupid strength. That stone was worthless at all, and it was a loss to buy it for 800 yuan.

"Hey! Brother, what are you doing? Why don't you go to the construction site with my brother to move bricks? With your strength, your income must be very considerable. You don't have to worry about food and drink." Seeing this, a strong man with tattoos said quite excitedly. said a word.

Ye Luo rolled his eyelids, glanced at the strong man angrily, and asked him a generation of war doctors to move bricks. It's a good thing he could figure it out.

The man holding two iron balls saw that Ye Luo refused to listen to his dissuasion again and again, and made him feel ashamed in front of everyone, so he took a step forward and said, "Young man, don't watch gambling a few times. If you don’t believe me, you can cut it open on the spot, if it’s not a waste rock, I’ll pick out the eyeballs for you.”

(End of this chapter)

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