Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 219 Cutting Stones

Chapter 219 Cutting Stones
Cut it open?

This shop is just a shop that sells scarce items, not a shop that specializes in selling gambling stones. It doesn't even have a stone cutting knife, how can it cut stones?

Ye Luo shook his head, did not speak, and strode out of the shop carrying a rough stone the size of a millstone, not paying attention to the ridicule from the crowd behind him and the ugly middle-aged man holding two iron balls.

Ye Luo hailed a taxi at the door of the store, put the stone the size of a millstone into the trunk of the taxi, and said to the driver, "Go to the village in the city."

The taxi driver has been in the black market for many years, and he is very familiar with this shop. He watched Ye Luo put the rough stone the size of a millstone into his trunk, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and asked, "Little Brother, did you buy this stone from this shop?"

Ye Luo nodded.

"You've been tricked, this boss is really dark, and he will kill you, a rookie who doesn't understand anything. Let me tell you, just this stone, almost everyone who has entered this store knows it. A piece of waste rock has been thrown in this store for decades without anyone asking, and sometimes it is used as a cornerstone for a table." The taxi driver couldn't help shaking his head.

Ye Luo just pursed his lips and said calmly: Let's drive. "

However, the taxi suddenly said again: "Brother, I was cheated anyway, why don't you find a place to cut it, you need a special stone cutter to cut the gambling stone, you take it home like this , it's useless."

Ye Luo frowned slightly, and asked, "Is there any place nearby where I can cut stones?"

"Of course! Let me tell you, you should ask the right person. Let's go to Li's Stone Square. You can cut stones there for a very low fee. I'll take you there right away." The taxi driver's voice was a little loud , answered a sentence.

In the shop, there were a few people with good hearing who heard the conversation between Ye Luo and the driver in the car at the door of the shop, especially the man holding two iron balls.

"Hahaha! This kid is so stupid that he still wants to cut stones? It's really wishful thinking, he wants to cut out treasures!" Someone laughed.

"Let's follow along. Li's Gambling Stone Square is right in front of us. Let's take a detour, probably before the taxi arrives. Now I want to see what this kid can cut out. This young man, unexpectedly He refused to listen to my dissuasion a few times, don’t you want to see his silly regretful expression when the stone is cut open and there is nothing inside?” The middle-aged man holding the iron ball said loudly.

"Haha, if you want to see it, I'll go too." The old man with big yellow teeth laughed loudly with a wave of aura on his body.

Immediately, several customers in the shop started booing and wanted to follow him to see it.

Even the owner of the shop hesitated for a moment, handed over the work in the shop to the buddy temporarily, and followed him to see. After all, the stone had been used as a waste rock in his shop for decades, more or less There is also some emotion, and he also wants to see the scene where Shi's rock is cut open.

10 minutes later, Lijiashifang, on a stone-cutting platform.

Ye Luo didn't ask the people in the stone workshop to cut the stone, but rented a stone cutter for 200 yuan and cut it himself.

Ye Luo's knife fell directly, and the stone chips flew.

At this time, the people who had followed from the shop, including the shop owner and the taxi driver, all came over to see this idiot, and spent 800 yuan to buy what a useless stone in the shop.

The man holding the two iron balls suddenly said at this moment: "Everyone keep your eyes open, I have reminded this young man several times in a row not to buy this stone, and he still insists on buying it, hehe! Wait for the stone!" Cut it open, and everyone will understand the fate of not listening to persuasion!"

Everyone laughed, and the old man with big yellow teeth also interjected: "It's just this broken stone, do you still need to listen to your advice? You don't need to buy it at all. Whoever buys it will cheat others. Well, the shopkeeper, you are really dark-hearted. You see, this young man was cheated."

Ye Luo still didn't speak. His hand was very strong. A stone the size of a millstone shrunk at a speed visible to the naked eye under Ye Luo's stone cutter. As time went by, there were more and more stone chips on the ground. The stone became smaller and smaller, and in a blink of an eye, there was only a stone the size of a basketball left.

"It really is a waste rock!"

"Haha, I've already said that the boss's stone is a scam. I don't know where it is. I just picked it up and put it in the store to deceive Xiaobai who doesn't know anything."

"I can't blame the boss. This is a willing slaughter, and a willingness to suffer. If this guy hadn't been fascinated by the dream of getting rich, he wouldn't be able to buy this stone for 800 yuan."

Seeing the crowd booing, the boss smiled and said: "This brother is right, one is willing to kill, and the other is willing to suffer. This little brother wants to buy it himself, and I didn't force him to buy it. It's all because of luck." .”

Then, the boss saw that the stone was about the size of a human head, and said, "Little brother, forget it, don't cut it, it's really tiring."

The middle-aged man holding the iron ball took a step forward and said lightly, "Young man, do you realize that you regret it now?"

The other onlookers also shook their heads, intending to leave. After all, this is just a piece of waste rock. At this point, it can be concluded that there is nothing left in the stone.

However, just when everyone had given up watching, Ye Luo dropped his knife again, and the speed of the knife dropped suddenly.

Suddenly, there was a refreshing fragrance that warmed the five internal organs. One sip made one feel extremely comfortable, and the fragrance that relieved many years of unmentionable diseases burst out in the store.

As the scent spread, everyone turned around suddenly, their eyes widened, and they looked at the stone under Ye Luo's knife.

They saw a bright red flashing in the stone.

The boss rubbed his eyes and couldn't believe his eyes.There is something in the stone, it looks like it is still a treasure!
The man holding the iron ball also froze suddenly. What is this?There is something!
How is this possible, isn't this a waste rock?

He widened his eyes and stared at the stone!

And in the store, the old man with big yellow teeth narrowed his eyes for a moment. He strode forward two steps and shouted: "Wait a minute, little brother, you just made your first cut. Although I’m sure there’s something inside, but I don’t know what’s inside, how about this, you bought this stone for 800 yuan, I’ll buy it for [-] yuan!”

Eighty thousand?

The onlookers couldn't help being stunned. It took only a few minutes, but with the knife falling, the stone rose to [-]?
However, smelling the magical fragrance emanating from the stone, it seems that [-] is not much. This silly guy in front of him is about to send out this time!
(End of this chapter)

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