Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 220 Blood Ginseng

Chapter 220 Centennial Blood Ginseng

"Cut up."

"This little brother is really lucky."

Everyone talked and watched with great interest.

Contrary to everyone's excitement, the boss's intestines are now full of regrets. He bought a good gem, but he bought it as garbage. This time, he lost a lot.

Ye Luoke didn't care what everyone thought, raised his knife for the second time, and it was about to fall again in a blink of an eye.

"Wait, 80 is too little, right? I'll give you 800, no, I'll just give you [-] million!" The old man with big yellow teeth saw that Ye Luo kept holding the knife, and immediately shouted a sky-high price!
800 million!
This time, everyone in the store gasped. ,

800 million, what is this concept?It can make an ordinary person rich overnight!

The owner of the store felt like his heart was about to pump, but he sold it for 800 yuan.

At this moment, everyone was staring at Ye Luo. They almost thought that this young man who was dressed all over the floor would sell this stone without hesitation. After all, it was a sky-high price of 800 million.

To sell, or not to sell?

The man with the two iron balls in his hand gasped when he saw this, feeling his face was hot, as if someone had slapped him hard. To prevent Ye Luo from buying, he never thought that such a pricey item was hidden in the stone.

Although everyone's attention is now focused on the stone, and no one is looking at the man holding the iron ball, he himself feels as if there are many pairs of mocking eyes staring at him.

He gritted his teeth, took another step forward, and said, "Young man, even if there is something in this stone, it won't be of much value. Now they have already given you 800 million yuan, so you can sell it. If you cut it off and there is nothing inside, wouldn't that be a disaster?"

"That's right, young man, whether you want to sell it or not, if you sell it, I'll give you the money right now." The old man with big yellow teeth stared at Ye Luo closely.

Ye Luo smiled lightly, the knife in his hand fell down again suddenly, the knife turned into a light and shadow, and the stone chips on the original stone flew again, and in the blink of an eye, under the startled eyes of the people around, the remaining stone, All cut!
The rich fragrance is tangy, and after smelling it, people have a strange feeling of comfort and refreshment.

On the stone-cutting table, a blood-red, human-shaped, brightly colored thing exuding a strong fragrance lay quietly among the stone chips.

"It really is a century-old blood ginseng!" The old man with big yellow teeth narrowed his eyes severely and said in a surprised voice.

The owner of the shop was stunned, his intestines were completely remorseful.This is a century-old blood ginseng. Just hearing the name, just one blood ginseng is enough to surpass the wealth he has earned in his life.

The man holding the iron ball turned red and was slapped in the face again!

The people around were all stunned when they saw this scene.

Ye Luo was also shocked, the century-old blood ginseng!
"Emperor's Internal Classic" has a cloud: blood ginseng, a great tonic, sacred thing, eating it can completely clear the residual poison in the body, eliminate all kinds of diseases in the body, and greatly increase the power of qi and blood!

This blood ginseng, as long as you take it yourself, can not only completely eliminate the side effects caused by using the forbidden technique last time, but also allow you to automatically heal some of the dark wounds you suffered during training before, and most importantly, it can also greatly increase your blood energy Power.

Now my strength has far exceeded the limit of ordinary people. If I take this blood ginseng again, I am afraid that the strength of one hand will exceed the terrifying [-] catties!
With such terrifying power, if you encounter a monk below the fourth level of Qi training in the future, you can easily blow him up with your fist!

Secondly, after my body has fully recovered, plus the things I prepared in the black market, I can directly take down the dry well and see what is inside the dry well!
Ye Luo saw that many people were already staring at the Gambling Stone Workshop, so he directly put the blood ginseng in his arms, turned around and left without revealing his wealth, otherwise it would be very troublesome if people peeped at him.

"Hey! Little brother, don't go away, 1000 million, sell this blood ginseng to me, no, 500 million, we can discuss the price!" The old man with big yellow teeth with aura fluctuating on his body asked Ye Luo directly. Go, and immediately follow.

There was a commotion in the store, Ye Luo's leaving back attracted many eyes, and several people tried to talk to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo's footsteps were fast, and no one paid attention to him. Before attracting more people to watch, he strode out of the Gambling Stone Workshop.

After that, at the door, I hailed a taxi and left.

The big yellow-toothed old man with aura fluctuating on his body, saw Ye Luo leaving with such determination, and knew that buying with money would no longer work. He turned hard and said, "You don't have to drink a toast! Don't you know that everyone is innocent? Conceived as a crime?"

The old man with big yellow teeth also stopped a taxi and asked the taxi driver to follow Ye Luo's taxi.

The old man with big yellow teeth is a genuine ancient martial arts cultivator, but he has no family or sect, has been in the black market for many years, and coupled with his low talent, he can only cultivate to [-]% Qi at such an advanced age.

The monks at the third level of Qi training can already condense aura gauze clothes. In ordinary cities, monks at this level can even be said to be invincible against special forces and killers. In the world, it is just the beginning.

In the eyes of the old man with big yellow teeth, Ye Luo is just an ordinary person who suddenly became rich. When he finds a remote place, he can directly subdue Ye Luo and loot the blood ginseng on his body!
The car drove out of the black market and went straight to the village in the city.

While thinking about blood ginseng, Ye Luo also thought about how to go down that dry well after taking blood ginseng to recover his strength, and what is in that dry well?
However, Ye Luo did not let down his vigilance. In a place like the black market, where fish and dragons are mixed together, no one can be sure if anyone will have malicious intentions.

Sure enough, through the rearview mirror of the taxi, Ye Luo soon discovered that there was a taxi that had been following him since he left the black market.

Ye Luo frowned, and said to the driver in the car: "I'm not going to the village in the city anymore, I'm going to the suburb next to the South Railway Station. I remember that there is an abandoned factory next to that suburb. Go to that abandoned factory."


Half an hour later, the factory was abandoned.

Ye Luo got out of the car and strolled into the deserted factory overgrown with weeds.

The old man with big yellow teeth saw it, and he was secretly happy. Although he didn't know why he got off the car here, he didn't care about it. He quickly got out of the car and quietly entered the factory.

As soon as he entered the factory, he saw Ye Luo looking at him with a half-smile, "You follow me all this time, don't you want to rob like others?"

(End of this chapter)

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