Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 221 Robbing Ye Luo

Chapter 221 Robbing Ye Luo
"Robbery? Hehe, Mr. Huang, I am a reasonable person and want to make a deal with you?" The old man with big yellow teeth approached Ye Luo step by step.

"Deal?" Ye Luo's tone was flat.

"That's right! Use your life to exchange your blood ginseng!" The old man with big yellow teeth had already walked ten steps in front of Ye Luo.

"Heh!" Ye Luo laughed.

"Do you think I'm joking? Either hand over the blood ginseng, or I'll kill you and then take the blood ginseng!" The old man with big yellow teeth was murderous.

"At such an advanced age, it's rare to come out to rob." Ye Luo shook his head again.

"What nonsense, hand over the blood ginseng, Master Huang, I will spare your life!" The old man with big yellow teeth took another five steps closer.

Ye Luo looked at the old man with big yellow teeth with great interest, and suddenly said: "I see that you are so old, and you are hardworking and dedicated in robbing this industry. You have not lost good things these years, right?"

The old man with big yellow teeth was stunned for a moment, and then he said fiercely: "Why are you asking this? Hurry up and hand over the blood ginseng, otherwise, Master Huang, I will do it!"

Ye Luo's body collapsed, and his momentum suddenly changed. Looking at the old man with big yellow teeth who had already walked three steps in front of him, he said lightly: "Rooting also requires strength. Are you strong enough?"

The old man with big yellow teeth was also an experienced person, and he suddenly felt a killing intent from Ye Luo, which belonged to ordinary killers, and this killing intent was very strong.

The old man with big yellow teeth was shocked and took a step back. After that, he quickly regained his composure, because he had seen some ordinary killers before, and those killers were also powerful in front of ordinary people. Otherwise, it's far from it.

Because, the killer couldn't even break through the aura gauze on his body.

"Killer? Hey, young man, you are hiding deep enough. Want to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger? It's just wishful thinking. Today I will let you know what despair is!" The old man with big yellow teeth quietly released his aura immediately Shayi.

At the same time, the old man with big yellow teeth formed seals quickly with his hands, and a wave of spiritual energy quickly condensed in his hands, shouting: "Fireball!"

"Really?" Ye Luo responded in a cold voice, then suddenly took two steps forward, and punched the aura gauze on the old man with big yellow teeth.

Ye Luo already had two experience in dealing with ancient martial arts practitioners.As a top combat doctor, Ye Luo's strength has far surpassed the limits of ordinary people. Even the ancient martial arts practitioners in the Qi training period are not as strong as Ye Luo in terms of physical strength alone. Therefore, in this duel, Ye Luo didn't panic.

The fireball technique appeared quietly, and with a terrifying high temperature, it suddenly attacked Ye Luo.

Ye Luo slid a step towards the left at a speed beyond the limit, and forcibly avoided the fireball. At the same time, Ye Luo smashed the fist of the old man with big yellow teeth, but did not stop.


The fist collided with the aura gauze of the old man with big yellow teeth, and there was a deafening sound, and a powerful shock wave of the collision also scattered in all directions!
In the last battle, after using the forbidden technique, Ye Luo's strength plummeted. Although he had undergone recovery treatment, he could only use part of his strength under normal circumstances, but that was only under normal circumstances.

Now, he has a hundred-year-old blood ginseng on his body. Once he takes it, it can eliminate all the hidden diseases on his body and the side effects of using forbidden techniques at any time.

Therefore, at this moment, regardless of the side effects of the forbidden technique on his body, Ye Luo forcibly erupted with the most powerful strength in his body, directly swung his fist, and violently smashed down on the aura gauze on the old man with big yellow teeth.

Ye Luo's strength with one hand has reached [-] jin, and the strength of the explosive smash has exceeded [-] jin.


There were several cracks in the aura gauze of the third layer of Qi training immediately.

After all, there is still a huge difference between the aura gauze of the third layer of Qi training and the aura armor of the fourth layer of Qi training.

When this punch landed, the old man with big yellow teeth, who was extremely confident and didn't take Ye Luo seriously at all, suddenly changed his expression, his face turned red with blood, and he was shocked in his heart.

"You, you..." The old man with big yellow teeth was terrified.


Ye Luo didn't care about the shock of the old man with big yellow teeth at all, and he punched down again, and the power exploded again. On the aura gauze, dense cracks like spider webs appeared, and even, the powerful force directly passed through the aura Shayi hit the old man with big yellow teeth.

This big yellow-toothed old man is just an ancient martial arts monk with no background or sect, who works in the black market, with average talent, let alone Huo Qianchou, even Huo Qiandu.

"You, how do you have such a huge and terrifying power? Are you a body cultivator? Impossible. Body cultivators have become extinct in ancient times. Who are you?" The old man with big yellow teeth blushed even more, trying to hold on However, he knew very clearly that he would not be able to receive the next punch.

Ye Luo's physical strength shocked him too much.

In his life, he had never encountered such a powerful person with pure physical strength.With this kind of power, one force can drop ten sessions, and it can directly smash the aura gauze.

Ye Luo didn't speak at all, and raised his fist again, wanting to smash it down again.

"Don't, don't smash it. I'm a lot of age. Is it easy to come out to rob once? Let me tell you, this is my first robbery. Young man, don't smash it. I know the secret of Ghost Valley. Do you want to know the news?" the old man with big yellow teeth screamed.



Ye Luo didn't listen at all, the big old man was talking nonsense, which was not enough to be believed.

With the third punch, Ye Luo directly smashed the aura gauze on the old man with big yellow teeth!The aftermath of the domineering power also hit his body, causing him some minor injuries.

For a monk with three levels of strength, once the aura gauze on his body is smashed, it is like a tortoise without the protection of the shell, exposing the softest body to the eyes of the enemy.

The old man with big yellow teeth was shocked and finally panicked!
"Nian, young man, you, you don't do anything, you have something to say." The old man with big yellow teeth was frightened and frightened, and took two steps back in a row.

"Look at your method of stalking and robbing. It shouldn't be the first time, right? As an ancient martial arts practitioner, you have been doing robbery for decades, and you should have accumulated a lot of money in the black market. The treasures, treasures and other valuables." Ye Luo took two steps forward, his tone low.

"You, what do you mean?" Da Huangya was taken aback for a moment, then laughed and pretended to be confused: "At my age, it is inevitable that I will be obsessed with money for a while. , forgive me once?"

"Have you ever heard of treating a person in the same way?" Ye Luo paused, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

"What do you mean?" The old man with big yellow teeth suddenly changed his expression, and a very bad premonition rose in his heart.

PS: Please ask for tickets for the second watch, I wish everyone a happy Valentine's Day, hurry up if you don't have a girlfriend, I will give you a day off, don't read books today, go out and find a girlfriend.

If you really have no target, you can go to the supermarket, secretly open the chocolate package, put in a note and write "Let's break up", and then follow the boy who buys it, and wait for his girlfriend to break up with him. This is the only thing I can do to help you when I sneak in. You are welcome, I am the best villain.

In addition, I recommend a free new book titled "Rekindling Youth", which is ten times more funny than Charlotte's annoyance, and the whole book is free. Those who like funny articles should not miss it.

(End of this chapter)

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