Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 222 Who Robs Who

Chapter 222 Who Robs Who
"What do you mean? What are you here for?" Ye Luo looked up and down the old man with big yellow teeth, his eyes became brighter and brighter.

"I'm here to rob... No, no, that's right, I'm looking at the scenery, hey, look, the grass around here is so lush, by the way, the battle just now was a misunderstanding, when people are old, it is inevitable that they will become obsessed with money for a while You have made some mistakes, young man, please forgive me, I am an old man, I have some mental problems, and I have lived in a mental hospital for a while before." The old man with big yellow teeth sullenly said seriously.

In the abandoned factory, the weeds are messy, the factory building is abandoned, and the equipment is rusty. Come here to see the scenery?Still have some mental problems?This old man with big yellow teeth really dares to make up.

"Don't talk nonsense, let me ask you, how many years have you been doing this kind of thing like robbing black hands?" Ye Luo changed his tone and asked.

"How many years? Robbery? It's against the law. I've never done it before. Today was just an accident. It was a coincidence!" The old man with big yellow teeth continued to pretend to be stupid.

Ye Luo suddenly took a step forward, grabbed the old man with big yellow teeth by the collar, and said, "This is the first robbery, and the routine is so mature, it seems that you are very talented! Be honest, put the things on you , Hand them all over!"

The aura gauze was broken, and before Ye Luo's perverted physical strength, the old man with big yellow teeth was powerless to resist.

"You, you want to rob me?" Seeing Tuqiong, the old man with big yellow teeth finally understood what Ye Luo meant.

Ye Luo wants to rob him!

As a well-known villain in the black market, the old man with big yellow teeth has been in the black market for decades, cheating rookies, cheating novices, and robbing the weak. However, in Nanjiang City, where there are almost zero ancient martial arts practitioners, almost none of them misses.

until today.

He who had robbed others for decades was actually broken by a young man who looked weak but had an unbelievably strong body, and now he wanted to rob him.

"What are you talking about? Are you going to rob me?" The old man with big yellow teeth was shocked.

"Robbery? I'm killing harm for the people. I'll give you two choices now. Either hand over your valuable treasures, or I'll blow your head off with one punch. You choose." Ye Luo said lightly. Stand upright and speak righteously.

"I..." The old man with big yellow teeth was about to speak, but was interrupted by Ye Luo.

"What about me? If you say another word of nonsense, I'll stab you!" Ye Luo directly took out a dagger, and gesticulated on the old man with big yellow teeth.

The old man with big yellow teeth saw this scene, and then looked at Ye Luo's expression. He knew that if he didn't bleed some blood today, Ye Luo might not be able to let it go. His eyes flickered, and he took out a bank card from his pocket , handed it out, and said: "There is 10 yuan on this card, and the password is six zeros. I have earned it by laying bricks in the wind and rain, riding on three wheels, and delivering couriers for most of my life. I originally planned to retire. Now I give it to you, alas, this is my lifeblood."

As soon as Ye Luo took the bank card, the dagger in his hand stabbed the old man with big yellow teeth two centimeters on the buttocks, and the blood spattered.

Da Huangya's body shook violently, and then he screamed, "I've already given you the money, why are you still stabbing me?"

"Just this little money? What are you going to send the beggar for? Take things that are useful for cultivators of ancient martial arts, such as spirit stones, elixir, and practice manuals. If you dare to fool me again, the knife will not be two centimeters!" Ye Luo threatened.

Dahuangya's body froze for a moment.

It seems that this young man is not just a power freak, he also knows a lot about ancient martial arts practitioners, and even, this young man is very likely to be from the ancient times, the legendary physical training, mainly to cultivate the body.

"Are you really a physical cultivator? Impossible, physical cultivators have become extinct thousands of years ago, and now they have become a kind of historical relic. How can you be a physical cultivator?" The old man with big yellow teeth couldn't help asking.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes and said lightly: "This is not what you should care about. I will give you one last chance to take out everything on your body, otherwise..."

The old man with big yellow teeth also heard Ye Luo's impatience. He was too old to be fooled. Big yellow tooth finally reached into his arms, groped for a while, and finally held back his expression of reluctance, and took out the Three shiny spirit stones were handed to Ye Luo.

Then, he said: "That's all. Now that you know about the ancient martial arts practitioners, you should also understand that in the current world, the spiritual energy is exhausted. Except for a few famous mountains and lakes where the spiritual energy still exists, most places have no spiritual energy." Now, cultivation depends entirely on spirit stones and spirit objects, and spirit stones are extremely precious, so I will give you all of these."

Three spirit stones?

Ye Luo's expression moved slightly. Three spirit stones are not a small amount of money. Unexpectedly, the old man's family fortune is so rich, and there are spirit stones, which can be regarded as a windfall.

However, this old man only has these three?
Ye Luo's expression moved, and he didn't threaten the old man anymore, but directly grabbed his feet and lifted him upside down, so that the old man's head was down and his feet were up, and he began to shake directly, trying to shake the old man's body. Everything, pour it out.

The old man with big yellow teeth was startled, he didn't expect Ye Luo to come suddenly, his face changed drastically, he screamed, and immediately wanted to cover his clothes and pockets with his hands, but it was too late.


Almost at this moment, something fell out of the old man's several pockets, the clothes on his chest, and even the shoes on his feet.

Spirit stones, jade pendants, ancient copper coins, and some small things.

Seeing this scene, Ye Luo couldn't help being a little surprised, because among the dropped things, there were as many as five spirit stones alone, which was a real huge sum of money.

Back then, when he killed Huo Qianchou, he only got nine pieces.

In addition, the jade pendant full of aura and the three copper coins full of antiquity seem to be nothing ordinary. I didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary old man with big yellow teeth would have such a rich net worth. Somewhat beyond Ye Luo's expectation.

With so many things, how many people and how many bad things does the old man with big yellow teeth have to rob to save enough?
"Ah! You, you let me go, you are robbing and breaking the law, do you have any humanity? Even the elderly are robbing, this is an animal behavior, you let me go, it's all mine... ..." The big yellow-toothed old man let out a shrill scream. For a person who guards money like his life, taking away his things is simply more painful than killing him.

Ye Luo didn't pay attention at all, grabbed the old man's foot and shook it vigorously again.


Another thing fell from the old man with big yellow teeth.

Ye Luo looked down, and suddenly saw that what fell this time was a yellowed kraft paper map, and on the top of the map, there were four words written impressively: Ghost Valley Secret Treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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