Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 226 Bronze Gate

Chapter 226 Bronze Gate
That black thing, with oily green eyes, sharp teeth, eight legs like sharp knives, is about the size of a human head, it really is a western region tarantula!
Ye Luo has seen this kind of spider before, but he has never seen such a huge one!
The Western Region tarantula is highly poisonous and likes dark environments. It has a ferocious personality and will attack almost all living things. As long as it scratches the skin, the toxin will enter the body, making its flesh and blood melt and turn into blood.

This kind of spider was extremely difficult to guard against. If it wasn't for the mouse in front of him exploring the way, even Ye Luo would have been in some danger when he encountered this Western Region tarantula in this dark, narrow, dark cave.

However, now that it has been discovered, it is much easier for Ye Luo to solve it.

Ye Luo took two steps back, used a dagger to dig out a large rock on the wall of the cave, and then used a bright flashlight to shine on the Western Region tarantula again.

At this time, the wolf spider from the Western Regions had already devoured the mouse. Seeing Ye Luo shining a bright flashlight on it again, its green eyes also stared at Ye Luo, with an irritable aura.

Ye Luo ignored it, and walked towards the spider with large strides, holding the stone in his hand.

After five steps, the distance between man and spider is only five meters!

The wolf spider in the Western Regions rioted, and finally couldn't help it, and suddenly attacked Ye Luo.

Ye Luo didn't panic when he saw the tarantula from the Western Regions rushing towards him. He directly backhanded the big rock he just dug out and threw it at the tarantula from the Western Regions.


There was no way to use force in the air, and he couldn't change the direction. The big rock that Ye Luo threw was full of great force and was extremely fast. In the air, the rock and the wolf spider from the Western Regions collided fiercely.

Immediately afterwards, the stone smashed the tarantula to the ground with overwhelming force.

The wolf spider from the Western Regions exploded, and its juice splashed everywhere. The poison in the juice corroded the stones on the ground, making a frightening sizzling sound.

The Western Regions tarantula is dead!

Ye Luo was even more vigilant. Seeing that the Western Region tarantula was dead, he stepped forward, looked around, then squatted in front of the Western Region tarantula, and carefully cut off the dead Western Region tarantula's two fangs with a dagger.

The poison of the Western Region tarantula was originally a famous thing on the world's most poisonous list, and the bigger the Western Region tarantula, the stronger the toxin. Like this guy who is three times larger than the normal Western Region tarantula, the toxin It is even more unimaginable.

The most venomous part of the Western Region wolf spider is its fangs.

In the outside world, even the fangs of ordinary tarantulas are hard to come by, let alone the fangs of this mutated giant tarantula.

Ye Luo put away his fangs, took out a mouse again, tied it with a thin thread, and continued on his way.

Ye Luo knew very well that the appearance of the western region tarantula here should be just an accident, perhaps, it just got in by accident and mutated for some reason, and it is not a real thing in the black hole of the dry well.

This time, I went forward without encountering any accidents.

Until, half an hour later, Ye Luo, who had walked for an unknown distance, finally stopped.

The darkness is raging, extending to the depths of the ground. The seemingly endless road seems to have finally come to an end. The hole that originally only allowed two people to pass side by side has suddenly become larger, and the height of the entire hole has been raised to a full two floors. so tall!
Ye Luo stopped and could see from a distance that there seemed to be a huge, simple, and vicissitudes of life in front of him.

Is it the end?
What kind of door is that?

what's behind the door
Ye Luo's heart beat slightly faster. Although his heart fluctuated, he became more careful. He led the mouse, looked around, and walked forward step by step.

The strong light from the flashlight shone on the door through the turbulent darkness, causing Ye Luo's heart to be shaken.

It was a giant bronze door as high as two stories!
The door is densely covered with copper rust, which is as high as two floors. It is carved with dense and incomprehensible lines, and has a very desolate, mysterious, strange, shocking, simple and vicissitudes of life.


Ye Luo took a breath, and said in shock: "In the history of China, according to the unearthed information, the largest bronze vessel should be the Simuwu Ding, but now it seems that only the huge bronze in front of me The gate, I'm afraid it can break the record of Simu Wuding!"

As long as it is made of bronze, it is a bronze ware. There is no doubt that the bronze giant gate is also a bronze ware.

"What dynasty is this giant bronze gate cast? Casting bronze ware requires extremely high technical content, especially giant bronze ware. Among the dynasties recorded in history, is there any dynasty capable of casting such a huge gate?" Ye Luo was shocked.

Ye Luo moved forward vigilantly, approaching the huge bronze gate step by step.


Reach out!

Ye Luo touched the huge bronze door.

The cold, complex, weird, and mysterious lines on the door, composed of esoteric and incomprehensible symbols, moved across the fingertips with the movement of Ye Luo's hand.

Ye Luo felt that what he touched now was not a door, but a dynasty buried deep in the dust of history.

Could it be said that in the history of mankind, there was once a brilliant civilization?

"Hey! Bronze flower?"

Ye Luo raised his head by chance, and suddenly saw, on the bronze door, a crystal-clear flower full of aura and mysterious aura grew on the right side.

Ye Luo clearly remembered that on the penultimate page of the "Emperor's Internal Classic", a sacred book of traditional Chinese medicine, there was a very brief record: Bronze flowers, born on bronze, need to be nurtured for thousands of years, nurtured for thousands of years, experienced for thousands of years The bell spirit of heaven and earth can only take shape before it can be formed. Because it is rare in the world, its function is unknown.

Ye Luo didn't expect that there would be such a rare flower on the huge bronze gate!

When she saw this bronze flower, Ye Luo couldn't help pressing the bronze door lightly because she was so shocked.

It was an ordinary pressing, but suddenly there was a sudden change. There was a suction force from the bronze door, as if it wanted to suck him in together.

Ye Luo's shock was no small matter, and she hurriedly withdrew her hands.

Because he was too frightened, he moved a little impatiently, and his palm was accidentally punctured.

Blood also dripped on the huge bronze gate.

Following the blood infestation, a shocking scene happened. After the blood dripped, the originally mysterious and weird line symbols on the bronze giant door began to change dramatically in silence.

On the door, a mysterious, abundant, and desolate atmosphere disperses violently with an undeniable momentum.

It seems that the line symbols on the door have to be rearranged to form new things.

At this moment, the bronze door changed drastically!
Ye Luo looked up and looked at this scene, he couldn't help being shocked, is the door about to open?Or is something else going to happen?
(End of this chapter)

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