Chapter 227
The huge bronze door vibrated, emitting a mysterious sound of vicissitudes.

On the door, the mysterious lines are undergoing extremely strange and mysterious changes in some unknown way.

This kind of change didn't last long. After about a few breaths, it completely quieted down and formed a brand new appearance.

"It's words!" Ye Luo was slightly startled.

The lines on the door were recombined, and there were ten big characters in ancient style!
Some of these ten characters resemble the small seal script of the Qin Dynasty, some of them resemble the Jindingwen handed down from the Xia and Shang Dynasties, and there are even some shadows of oracle bone inscriptions, which are specious, but seem to convey an inexplicable message in the dark.

Ye Luo looked at it carefully, identified it little by little, and after a long time, slowly read out: "The world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog!"

The reason why Ye Luo can recognize these ten characters is because a tourist on Kunlun Mountain found a stone tablet three years ago before killers, agents, and even the army all over the world frantically snatched the bead around his neck.

Later, this stele was transported back to the World Character Research Center. After being appraised by the top experts, it was impossible to determine its age. However, the experts extracted ten characters from the stele.

Ye Luo has seen photos of those ten words on the news, and the ten words on the stone tablet are exactly the same as the ten words on the bronze gate!
Later, after a month of research and comparison by many character experts in the world, the meaning of these ten characters was finally deciphered, that is: the world is not benevolent, and everything is a humble dog!
At that time, there was a map on the stone tablet, and the bead on Ye Luo's neck was where many killers, agents, soldier kings, and even troops at that time found it in a Jedi along the map on the stone tablet. of.

Later, Chu Tian, ​​the leader of the killer, risked his life and snatched the beads back, and finally handed them over to Ye Luo, and at the same time entrusted Chu Xiaohuan to Ye Luo.

Three years ago, everyone's eyes were focused on the map on the stone tablet. Later, the beads were born, which caused a bloodbath. As for the ten characters on the stone tablet, they were gradually forgotten.

Until today, when Ye Luo was here, seeing the ten simple and vicissitudes of characters on the bronze gate, he remembered the ten characters on the stone tablet back then.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and all things are dogs!
What does it mean?
Ye Luo still clearly remembers that in the history of China, a great man riding a green ox, before leaving Hangu Pass in the west, wrote this sentence in a wonderful book "Tao Te Ching" Pass!
Although many literary experts in later generations have made many annotations, all the annotations are basically speculations. As for the true meaning of this sentence, no one is sure.

Ye Luo looked at the ten words and was silent for a long time.

Afterwards, Ye Luo turned his eyes slightly, and looked at a small bronze flower next to the ten ancient characters. The location of the bronze flower was right in the center of the ten big characters.

I don't know why, when Ye Luo went to look at this little flower now, he vaguely felt a sense of sadness and sadness.

This small bronze flower that only existed in the records, almost never seen before, seemed to be mature and just waiting for someone to pick it.

Ye Luo cautiously walked up to the small bronze flower, stretched out his hand, and picked it.

When the hand touched the small bronze flower, it felt cold and refreshing.

"Wang Wang Wang-"

The moment Ye Luo's hand touched the bronze flower, there was a sudden noise!
Behind the huge bronze gate, a strange sound of dog barking suddenly came from the raging darkness, as if someone had taken away the bone belonging to the dog, and the dog barked wildly!

Ye Luo's body froze for a moment.

Is there a dog behind the bronze gate?
How can there be a dog?
Few of these bronze doors are thousands of years old, and from the thick copper rust on the door, it can be seen that this door has not been opened for many years. In this case, Why is there a dog inside the door?

Did I hear it wrong?

Ye Luo listened carefully.

The darkness surged, the dog barking disappeared, and there was no trace of it.

Ye Luo frowned, and went to pick the bronze flowers again.

The bronze flower seemed to have matured, and Ye Luo didn't use too much effort, and the flower fell into the palm of his hand, crystal clear, with an incomprehensible dao rhyme.


The flowers fell, and there was another roar on the bronze gate.

Immediately afterwards, the ten simple characters on the door changed again. This time, the ten characters actually floated down from the bronze gate, and then, like a stream of light, penetrated into the bronze flower in Ye Luo's palm.

At this moment, the bronze flower also slowly underwent a strange change.

The petals that were still together bloom quietly, and the petals are divided into ten pieces. The petals are entwined with aura, crystal clear, with mysterious brilliance flowing, like a dream.

The most surprising thing is that the ten big characters on the bronze gate actually appeared on the petals of the bronze flower. Each of the ten petals has a character on it.

When ten pieces are joined together, it is still: the world is not benevolent, and everything is a straw dog!

After a long time, the flower also took shape, and the petals were firm. Ye Luo broke off the petals with his hands, and found that the petals were so weak that they couldn't be pulled out, and they were several times stronger than fine steel.

"What does this mean? The bronze flower has been plucked, and the words on the door have also got into the flower. What is the use of this flower?" Ye Luo looked at the flower in his hand, full of doubts in his heart.

"It seems that I can't study it clearly for a while. I will study it in detail when I go back. Right now, I still want to think about how to open this bronze door and see what is hidden behind this door." Ye Luo muttered to himself.

Ye Luo tied the bronze flower with a rope and put it around his waist.

After that, Ye Luo turned his head and looked at the bronze gate again.

At this time, the bronze gate has no bronze flowers, no characters, and no mysterious lines, leaving only a thick layer of copper rust.

Ye Luo reached out and touched the bronze door, wanting to push it to see if it could be pushed open.


Ye Luo didn't seem to use much force when he tried to push, but the bronze door was easily pushed out of a gap, as if the bronze door had become a little lighter after the flowers and characters were removed.

"Wang Wang Wang-"

As the door was pushed open a gap, a ray of light poured out from inside the door, driving away the raging darkness, and at the same time, there was another faint bark of a dog, faintly heard.

"Why do I always hear a dog barking, is it an auditory hallucination?"

Ye Luo frowned and thought for a moment, finally couldn't help being curious, gritted his teeth and pushed towards the bronze gate, muttering in his mouth: "I want to see, what is behind this bronze gate?"

(End of this chapter)

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