Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 228 The Familiar Feeling

Chapter 228 The Familiar Feeling


With Ye Luo's strength in both hands, the bronze door was slowly pushed open!

Inside the door, a faint ray of light suddenly poured out as the door was pushed open, and the originally raging darkness was instantly dispersed ten steps away!
Ye Luo raised his head and looked into the door warily.

As far as the eye can see, there is a huge dilapidated underground space inside the door.

In this space, some broken stones scattered on the ground emit faint light. It seems that these stones should be fluorite, and the faint light in the space is emitted by these fluorite.

Fluorite is a common ore, and it can be bought in the market outside, and the price is not expensive, but the amount of fluorite in this space is a bit surprising.

However, Ye Luo's eyes were not on these fluorites.

Ye Luo's eyes first fell on a huge five-color ancient altar that was three stories high in the huge and empty underground space.

The material of this altar is mysterious, and there are countless mysterious and mysterious symbols engraved on it. These symbols flow with Dao rhyme, and there is a terrifying aura that is difficult to distinguish.

And around the altar, there are sixteen small bronze flags. These small bronze flags are like stars, surrounding the entire ancient altar. I don't know how many years have passed.

In front of this ancient altar, there is an underground underground river, which is wide and full of water.

And on the other side of the dark river, there is a mysterious tower standing on the huge, empty ground. Because the tower is a little far away, you can only vaguely see it at a glance. The tower has ten floors, and the tower body seems to be a kind of strange Material cast.

Even at such a distance, Ye Luo could feel that there was a suffocating smell on the tower.

The three-story ancient altar and the ten-story mysterious tower correspond to each other across a dark river, as if there is some extremely mysterious connection between the two.

"Eat, eat it!"

The bead on Ye Luo's neck, at this moment, quietly conveyed an extremely strong thought to Ye Luo, but the bead seemed to be a little bit afraid, after sending out this thought, it fell silent and restrained all breath .

It seems that there is something in this underground space that makes it afraid.

"Who did you eat, what are you afraid of?"

Looking at the huge and empty underground space, Ye Luo was shocked at first, and it took a long time for him to regain his composure, and doubts arose in his heart.

In this underground space, there is actually something that makes Zhu Zi afraid?
"Wang Wang Wang-"

Just when Ye Luo was shocked and puzzled, a dog barked quietly from the huge and empty underground space, but this time the barking seemed a little unusual, as if it carried a trace of restrained majesty.

Ye Luo is awe-inspiring!

Suddenly, Ye Luo looked in the direction of the dog barking, and at the same time, took out the flaming little sword obtained from Cui Yan, his whole body tensed up, and he was in the most vigilant state.

The direction of the dog barking was at the three-story ancient altar.

Ye Luo's eyes scanned the ancient altar, but he didn't find the dog.

"Wang Wang Wang-"

The dog sounded again, this time, Ye Luo raised his head abruptly, and then his body froze suddenly.

Because Ye Luo suddenly saw a donkey appearing on the edge of the ancient altar!

The donkey was standing on the ground with two hooves, and the other two hooves had just been lifted up. The man was standing upright, the donkey's face was tense, the donkey's eyes were half opened, and the donkey's mouth was pursed.A donkey stood there, unexpectedly standing out like a generation of emperors.

However, just now on the ancient altar, it was obviously a dog barking, why did this donkey suddenly appear now? Could it be that besides this donkey, there was also a dog on the ancient altar?


How long has this dilapidated underground space existed? If you just look at the bronze gate next to it, it must have been thousands of years. After such a long time, how can there still be donkeys?

Can donkeys live for thousands of years?
"Wang Wang Wang-"


When Ye Luo was contemplating and shocked, on the ancient altar, the donkey who was standing upright, exuding an imperial power, suddenly opened his mouth and let out an incredible bark.

This is obviously a donkey, how come it suddenly became a dog?

Ye Luo's eyes shrank fiercely, his body tensed even more, and he asked, "What are you?"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, and said, "Can this thing understand human speech?"

"Wang...boy, you are so courageous, how dare you talk to the emperor like that!" On the ancient altar, the man stood upright, his donkey's face was tense, and the donkey with the look of a generation of kings actually spoke, or did he say something? Words from people!
A donkey can speak human language and claims to be the emperor.

Ye Luo was shocked again!

This donkey has become a sperm?
The blood-red sword in Ye Luo's hand was tighter, and his vigilance became stronger. Although his heart was turbulent, his tone was surprisingly calm, and he asked, "What are you?"

"Kneel down!" The donkey didn't answer Ye Luo's words, but said two words in an extremely majestic tone, carrying the momentum of an emperor.

However, while saying these two words, the donkey's eyes turned quickly.

kneel down?

Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, this donkey is really smart, and he still makes people kneel down?

"Human beings like ants don't kneel down when they see the emperor? If ants like you were placed 2000 years ago, the ten clans would have been exterminated!" The donkey said lightly, and his long donkey face tensed even more. , the breath of the king is more intense.

"You, no, it's you?" Ye Luo felt a little nervous, what is this thing?

"Ants! You don't even know me? This emperor is the dog emperor, a generation of supreme in ancient times. He was once as famous as the emperor of heaven, the emperor of earth, and the emperor of man. It can shatter mountains and rivers, disillusion the universe, and break the nine heavens and ten earths with a single move!" The donkey's face was slightly raised, and the tone was serious, half of the donkey's eyes were opened, and the eyeballs were as big as walnuts.

King of Dogs?

Ye Luo was stunned for a moment. In some myths and legends in China, the Three Emperors of Heaven, Earth and Man had heard of them, but the Emperor of Dogs had never heard of them.

Also, this is obviously a donkey, why does it insist on calling itself a dog?

At the same time, Ye Luo also had a strange intuition in his heart. This intuition told Ye Luo that the donkey on the ancient altar seemed a little weird, and the words sounded very familiar.

"It's the first time I've seen it, why do I feel the words are a bit familiar?"

Ye Luo murmured to himself, frowned and thought hard. He was sure he had never seen this barking donkey, let alone heard its voice, but why did he feel familiar?
Could there be some special connection between the two?
(End of this chapter)

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