Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 230 Layered Demon Tower and Supreme Inheritance

Chapter 230 Ten-story Demon Tower and Supreme Inheritance

"What is there against the sky in the tower?"

Hearing the description of the donkey, Ye Luo couldn't help asking.

On the ancient altar, the donkey obviously didn't expect Ye Luo to ask this question, and didn't think about the answer. It glared at the donkey, burst into a rage, and said, "Noisy, don't you feel that, don't you ask too much? Now , you immediately go and pull out all the small bronze flags around the altar, as long as you can pass the test and pull out the small bronze flags, I will pass it on to you as the supreme inheritance!"

Ye Luo didn't do anything, but glanced at the sixteen small bronze flags around the ancient altar, and narrowed his eyes slightly. Why did the donkey ask him to pull out these small flags?
test?Impossible, this is just an excuse for donkey pit people.

But if not a test, what is?
Ye Luo observed carefully again, and suddenly a guess arose in his heart, that is, whether this donkey who does not know its origin but can speak human language was trapped on this ancient altar, and the ten donkeys The six small bronze flags might be the flags of some powerful formation?
Ye Luo didn't know much about formations, but only read vaguely in books that formations did exist in ancient China, but with the passage of time, all things about formations have been lost.

Suspicious in his heart, Ye Luo took two steps towards the nearest small flag, wanting to see what it was.

On the ancient altar, seeing Ye Luo walking forward, the donkey thought that Ye Luo was about to pull out the flag, and a gloomy and excited light burst out from the eyes of the donkey the size of a walnut.

Ye Luo moved closer to the first small bronze flag, observed it carefully, and found that under a thick layer of copper rust, there seemed to be lines that exuded a terrifying atmosphere carved on the surface of the flag.

This line is somewhat similar to the line on the bronze door, mysterious, simple, and terrifying!
"Woof! What are you looking at, boy? Pull, as a man, why do you act like a woman!" On the ancient altar, the donkey stared at Ye Luo and scolded!

Ye Luo pointed the middle finger at the donkey, "pooh" again, and then said seriously, "I suddenly thought of a question."

Seeing that Ye Luo used these two postures again, the donkey recalled the meaning of these two postures that Ye Luo said earlier, his tense face relaxed a little, and said lightly: "What's the problem?"

"I am a star. According to legend, this is the most deceitful physique since ancient times. It cannot be cultivated at all. With my physique, can I accept your inheritance?" Ye Luo looked up at the donkey.

"Woof woof! What? Are you a star?" The donkey's eyes widened, and after holding back for a long time, his expression became tense again, and he said, "Isn't it just a mere star? The emperor gave a hint to guide a star 5000 years ago." , that star will be able to directly compete with the supreme being after its great achievement!"

"How do astral bodies cultivate?" Ye Luo already had serious doubts about what the donkey said.

"Ordinary people usually have one spiritual power seed in their practice, while astral body cultivation will have 360 ​​five spiritual power seeds. It is also from the first level of Qi training to the second level of Qi training. If the astral body wants to advance, it must let all Spiritual energy vortices are formed around the spiritual power seeds, and the speed is more than 300 times slower than ordinary people, and it is also more than 300 times more difficult.

However, 5000 years ago, the emperor creatively invented a unique astral body cultivation method, which is earth-shattering and weeping ghosts and gods. This method is the devouring of spiritual seeds!
The first step in cultivation is to control one of the spiritual power seeds of one attribute in the body, to devour the remaining 300 spiritual seeds, so that the 360 ​​five-in-one, and finally only one of the spiritual seeds is left to practice.

Since the last spiritual seed was formed by devouring, it also contains a lot of attributes. Once it is cultivated, it will be invincible within the same level! "The donkey said a lot in one breath.

When Ye Luo heard this, his body shook.

After killing Huo Qiandu in Hidden Dragon Mountain, Ye Luo inadvertently obtained a cultivation method from him. In that exercise method, there was a secret technique of mutual devouring of spirit species. However, that book There is a shortcoming, only the devouring of the same-sex spirits, but not the devouring of the opposite-sex spirits.

According to the engulfing method in that book, once Ye Luo practiced, after engulfing, nine large spiritual power seeds with different attributes would be formed in his dantian.

However, these nine spiritual power seeds with different attributes cannot be combined into one again.

Because, in that training book, there is no fusion secret technique for spiritual species of opposite sex.

If there are nine spiritual species, the speed of cultivation will still be very slow, but Ye Luo has no time to wait. The one-year agreement is getting closer day by day, and he must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Could it be that there is a fusion secret technique on this donkey?

At this time, the donkey spoke again: "However, the mutual engulfment and fusion of spiritual species is extremely difficult and risky, especially the engulfment of heterosexual spiritual species, the Emperor does not recommend it, and for stars, There is another better choice, that is to give up Qi training and turn to body training."

"Although body training has gradually declined or even disappeared since ancient times, that doesn't mean that body training monks are weak, but it's just that body training is more difficult and painful, and it's just that body training has reached the extreme, and it can also compete with the Supreme! "

"When you accept this emperor's inheritance, no matter whether it is Qi training or body training, it will not be a problem, and it can be solved perfectly!"

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes. Although the donkey had been fooling around and pretending to be aggressive, from the donkey's tone, it seemed that the donkey knew a lot of valuable things.

When Ye Luo wanted to continue asking, the beads on his neck trembled violently. The trembling this time was completely different from the trembling when encountering treasures in the past.

This trembling was more like a warning.

in danger?
Ye Luo suddenly raised his head and looked around, quietly, Ye Luo's gaze fell on the ten-story demon tower across the dark river!

Above the ten-story demon tower, there seemed to be a strange and subtle sound, and then, from the ten-story demon tower, a burst of mist like a veil gushed out madly.

The mist came out from the ten-story demon tower, and it spread extremely quickly. In the blink of an eye, the mist filled the entire opposite side of the dark river, and spread towards this side quickly.

On the ground, a mouse led by Ye Luo suddenly let out an uneasy creaking sound.

"Woof, woof, woof! What are you doing, boy, quickly pull out the small bronze flag on the ground!" Seeing the fog that was about to drift over, the donkey's face changed, and he began to urge Ye Luo hastily.

Ye Luo's eyes shrank fiercely at this moment, and it was only at this moment that he could vaguely judge that the most important thing in this underground space was not the ancient altar and the donkey, but the mysterious ten-story building. Demon Tower!
However, what is the mist that suddenly diffuses out of the ten-story demon tower?
Why do mice squeak in fear?
And the donkey on the ancient altar seemed a little anxious?
What is there in the ten-story demon tower?
(End of this chapter)

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