Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 231 Something Against the Heavens

Chapter 231 Something Against the Heavens
In the underground space, the ancient altar, the dark river, and the ten-story demon tower stand alone. A faint mist floats from the ten-story demon tower, overflows the dark river, and rushes towards the direction of the ancient altar. .

The mouse, which was entangled in silk thread and used to explore the way, became more and more frightened and restless at this moment, and the squeaking sound became more and more urgent.

"Wow, woof! Kid, pull out the small bronze flag immediately!" On the altar, the donkey, who had been trying to maintain the aura of the emperor, urged again.

Ye Luo didn't pay attention to the donkey's voice at all, staring at the familiar white mist, and suddenly remembered that just a few days ago, on the ruins of the Great Zen Temple in Canglong Mountain, after the statue of the goddess was put into the bead, the statue below the statue In the black hole that appeared, a white mist that was almost exactly the same as this one also surged out.

Ye Luo remembers very clearly that the white mist on the ruins of the Great Chan Temple has taboo and strange powers, but any person or animal that touches the white mist there will lose all their life spans in a very short period of time. In a short period of time, the black hair will turn white, the skin will become wrinkled, and finally turn into a pile of white bones.

It seems that one breath in the white mist is 100 years.

Fingers crossed!
The white mist here is also an old lady.

Does it have anything to do with the fog on the ruins of the Dachan Temple?
Ye Luo was startled, watching the mist coming in a little bit, and his vigilance was raised to the extreme.


"Eat it!"

At this moment, the beads on the neck, which had been silent before, vibrated suddenly again, vaguely conveying a very strong message to Ye Luo.

who ate?
Is it something in the ten-story demon tower?
Ye Luo has now basically seen that in the entire underground space, the most core thing is not the ancient altar in front of him, but the ten-story demon tower on the other side of the dark river, whose true face cannot be seen clearly!
And this ancient altar, in Ye Luo's opinion, is very likely to be used to suppress something. As for the mysterious deceitful donkey on the ancient altar, it is still somewhat unclear what its origin is.

The donkey said that in the ten-story demon tower, there is something against the sky, which is probably true, otherwise the beads would not send out a message.


The bead on Ye Luo's neck trembled more violently.

On the ancient altar, seeing that Ye Luo hadn't moved, the donkey couldn't help but feel a little anxious in its eyes. It just wanted to urge it again, but the donkey opened its mouth halfway, but before it could say anything, it stopped abruptly. And stop.

Because, its donkey eyes, the size of walnuts, quietly stared at the trembling beads on Ye Luo's neck.

Shocked, puzzled, puzzled, suspicious, at this moment, four different expressions flashed in the eyes of the donkey. It seemed that it was somewhat familiar with this bead, but for a while, it couldn't remember it.

However, its consciousness told it that this bead must have a shocking origin.

"Wow, woof, boy, how did you get the beads on your neck?" the donkey asked hurriedly.

Ye Luo's body froze for a moment, and then immediately covered the beads on his neck with his clothes. The Kanda in this bead was his biggest hole card. He thought that no one would know about it. Thinking, the donkey would notice the bead.

"Woof! Why are you covering it up? Let me show you. Why do I feel that this bead looks familiar?" Donkey said with his eyes wide open.

A murderous intent flashed in Ye Luo's eyes, this donkey seemed to know a little too much!

The donkey was also very sensitive. It actually sensed a flash of murderous intent on Ye Luo's body. It immediately became angry, bursting out with the power of a king, and roared: "Wow! Gobi Mahler, you actually killed the emperor!" Mean? Ants, do you want to defy the sky?"

Ye Luo didn't say a word, because the white mist surging from the ten-story demon tower was getting closer.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly, with a sudden shaking of his hand, he quickly shortened the silk thread tied to the mouse, and then, when the thread was one meter long, he began to shake his hand, and the mouse was at one end of the thread. , was thrown up like a meteor hammer.

After shaking it several times in a row, the squeaking mouse was already in a state of high-speed movement in the air. After that, Ye Luo let go of the silk thread, and the mouse flew straight into the white mist.


The rats flying in the air screamed in fear.

In a blink of an eye, the mouse flew into the thin mist.

All Ye Luo's attention was on that mouse, and that mouse, after being thrown into the white mist, its black and gray hair turned white in the blink of an eye, and its plump body moved at a speed visible to the naked eye. After drying up, it directly turned into a white bone.

Ye Luo's eyes shrank suddenly!

The white mist emanating from the ten-story demon pagoda has the same attribute as the white mist emanating from the ruins of Hidden Dragon Mountain and the Great Chan Temple.
On the ancient altar, the donkey saw this scene, and the donkey's eyes immediately turned around several times.

"Woof! Kid, quickly pull out the small bronze flag beside you, the ancient altar, as long as you get on the ancient altar, the emperor can rely on the supreme magic power to protect your whole body, so that you will not be harmed by this white mist!" !" The donkey regained its majestic tone and said something quickly.

Ye Luo raised his head, finally took a look at the donkey, gave the donkey another middle finger, and spit.

Seeing this, the donkey urged again, "I know you adore me and respect me, but at this point, don't care about these etiquettes, and pull out the small bronze flag."

Ye Luo: "..."

Touching the beads on his neck, and looking across the dark river, at the ten-story demon tower hazy in the white mist, Ye Luo took a deep breath and quickly made a decision.

As the white mist approached, Ye Luo turned around and left.

When the donkey saw it, he became anxious immediately, and said, "Wow, woof! What are you doing? Pull up the flag, why are you going?"

Pull the flag?

Ye Luo will definitely not pull it out now, because the sixteen small flags surrounding the ancient altar are most likely the foundation of the formation that trapped the donkey on the ancient altar. Once pulled out, God knows what will happen.

The heaven-defying thing in the underground space is in the ten-story demon tower opposite the dark river, but now that the terrifying white mist is filling the air, it is no longer possible to go to the ten-story demon tower.

Heaven-defying things are certainly precious, but if you lose your life, what's the use of getting things?
Ye Luo is a decisive person, after making a decision, he left without any lingering thoughts.

"Woof, woof, woof! Don't go, it's just some mist, the emperor has been here for thousands of years, and he's living well, why are you so cowardly?" Seeing that Ye Luo didn't look back, the donkey became even more anxious.

Seeing that Ye Luo was really about to leave, the donkey yelled again: "Woof! Don't go, I will tell you the way to break the white mist, and help you enter the ten-story demon tower and get that heaven-defying thing! "

(End of this chapter)

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