Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 232 A Great Fortune

Chapter 232 A Great Fortune
The donkey yelled loudly.

Ye Luo stopped and turned around, looking at the ancient altar again, only to find that the white mist was surging ten meters away.

Seeing that Ye Luo stopped, the donkey breathed a sigh of relief. It had been trapped on this ancient altar for more than 2000 years. During these 2000 years, Ye Luo was the only person who came here.

If Ye Luo left without saying a word, he didn't know that he would have to wait until the Year of the Monkey before he could meet another person.

On this empty ancient altar, it has already been mad. No one wants to leave here more crazily than it, but although it wants to leave, it doesn't show it on the surface, flickering: "Woof! You What are you running for? I won’t say anything, as long as you pull out these broken flags, I will be able to cover you..."

Seeing that the donkey on the ancient altar began to act aggressive again, Ye Luo didn't say anything substantive, turned his head, and walked away quickly in the direction he left again.

"Woof woof! Why are you leaving again, shit, don't go, I say!" Seeing Ye Luo's footsteps so resolute, the donkey panicked immediately, and understood that this person in front of him is not easy to fool, and Ye Luo's footsteps are not moving. Stop, I'm about to run far away, and I don't care about showing off, I shouted directly: "All things are born and restrained, although this white mist is terrifying, there is also a way to restrain it!"

"How to restrain?" Ye Luo turned around and slowed down.

"It's cinnabar and an old donkey's hoof. This white mist will make people's lifespan go by quickly. It belongs to the taboo mist. It has a strange law of time. All things are born and restrained. Cinnabar is the only thing that can isolate the taboo mist among all things. Just smear the whole body with cinnabar to block the mist.

The aged black donkey hooves that are more than 300 years old have a very strong effect of warding off evil spirits. This taboo mist is also a kind of evil thing. Black donkey hooves that have been stored for more than 300 years are a natural restraint on this mist.

The combination of cinnabar and black donkey's hooves can ensure that you can walk freely in this mist, foolproof! "The donkey said quickly.

Ye Luo's eyes narrowed, and he quickly judged the truth of the donkey's words.

"Woof, woof, woof! I have good intentions, and I fell in love with you at first sight, boy, you don't have to doubt it!" The donkey's voice was very serious, and then said: "You can go back now to find the cinnabar and black donkey's hooves, and then come back here."

"This white mist has just come out, how do you know how to break it?" Ye Luo stared at the donkey and asked, very suspicious of what it said. This guy is full of words and can't be easily believed.

The donkey paused, turned its eyes, and then said, "Well, there is one thing I forgot to tell you. In fact, this is not the first time this fog has appeared. In fact, this fog will disappear when it is dark outside, and it will disappear during the day. It appeared at the time of day, and the outside sky should be dawn now, so the fog gushes out from the ten-story demon tower."

"The night disappears, and the day appears?" Ye Luo said quickly without a wrinkle, "Since this is the case, I can wait for the next night to come again. I don't need to use cinnabar and black donkey hooves, and I don't need to take risks."

"Woof woof! Why not? Although the white mist will disappear at night, it doesn't really disappear, but it is all taken back into the ten-story demon tower. You want to get the heaven-defying power in the ten-story demon tower. You must bring these two things with you." The donkey said seriously.

Afterwards, the donkey said again: "You can go out now and find cinnabar and black donkey hooves that have been stored for more than 300 years, and then come back immediately and pull out these chess pieces outside. I will take you into the ten-story demon tower and get the inverse A thing of heaven."

"What's that thing in the ten-story demon tower? Why do you keep saying that it's something against the sky?" Seeing that the mist was getting closer, Ye Luo couldn't help but took two steps back.

"Woof, woof, woof! The ten-story demon tower has always existed only in legends, and what's inside the tower is an unsolved mystery for tens of thousands of years. This emperor has never found out, cough cough." Look, a little concealed.

"Really? Didn't you sleep here for 5000 years, mending the sky with Nuwa, chasing the sun with Kuafu, and discussing Dao with the Three Emperors? Is there something else you don't know?" Ye Luo looked directly at the donkey .

"Woof! This has nothing to do with the ten-story demon tower. The ten-story demon tower already existed a long, long time ago. Don't ask any more questions. Go and prepare things quickly. By the way, what, wait for you to get ready Things, after you come again, I can give you a great fortune!" The donkey said seriously.

Great fortune?

Ye Luo couldn't help but spit at the donkey again, and gave him a middle finger.

"It's already at this time, don't worship me with the highest etiquette, go back quickly, prepare your things and come quickly! I have seen through the red dust and don't care about these empty etiquettes." The donkey became more and more serious.

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched, and he said: "Worship, worship a hammer, I'm insulting people by pointing my middle finger and spitting. Do you really think it's a compliment? How many of your words are true? I don't believe a single word! "

After Ye Luo finished speaking, he turned and left.

The donkey's body froze suddenly, what?Fingering and spitting are insults?
The donkey's face was so long that it wished to swallow Ye Luo, but in order to trick Ye Luo into helping him out, he could only hold back his anger and said, "Wow! You may not believe what I said, we Let’s not talk about the heaven-defying things in the ten-story demon tower, let’s talk about your astral body. I have a real method of astral body cultivation. Once I cultivate it, I can compete with the Supreme. If you miss me, you will never be able to rise in this life , can only hover at a low level."

"The method of astral body cultivation? It's this time, and you still want to trick me? From ancient times to the present, I have never heard of it. There are astral bodies that can be cultivated to great success. Astral bodies are also considered to be the most useless physique for tens of thousands of years. You can't practice!" Ye Luo didn't look back, and walked faster.

"Woof, woof! Damn, who said that since ancient times, there has been no astral body to cultivate to great success? In ancient times, the Supreme Tuntian was severely injured by a great star body. Don't you know? Hey, don't go, I I’m telling the truth, I really know!” The donkey yelled anxiously, and then said: “In addition to the method of astral body cultivation, I also have the most advanced method of body cultivation in ancient times!”

When Ye Luo heard about physical training, he paused slightly. His current cultivation has always been on the body, and now the strength of one hand has reached a thousand catties, which already belongs to the scope of physical training.

"Don't rush away, I can see that your physical strength has reached the threshold of physical training, but there is no real systematic training, let me tell you, once you follow the training method of physical training I gave you Cultivation, you can break through the nine heavens and ten places with one punch, and destroy the four seas and eight wildernesses with a single finger, then you can run rampant in the sky and the earth, and it will not be a problem to plunder the saints of the holy places as wives..."

(End of this chapter)

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