Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 233 Conditions That Can't Be Refuted

Chapter 233 Conditions That Cannot Be Refuted (Second Watch)

Demolition area, inside the rental house.

Under the dim light, Chu Xiaohuan and Yang Ying got together to study a yellowed book with great concentration. If Ye Luo were here, he would definitely find that this yellowed book is the one after he killed Huo Qianchou. , the ancient martial arts practice cheats found from him.

However, since this book is all about the cultivation method of a single spiritual root, it is of no value at all to a star like Ye Luo, so before going down the dry well, it was stuffed under the pillow.

"Xiaoying, are you sure you found this book under Ye Luo's pillow?" Chu Xiaohuan frowned.

"That's right, I originally wanted to help Uncle Ye get out of bed, but when I was taking the pillow, this book was exposed. At that time, I thought it was a book about medicine, but later I found out that it was not, so I showed it to you." Yang Ying replied.

Chu Xiaohuan frowned even tighter, and said: "It's strange, why is this book so similar to the legendary ancient martial arts training secrets? You look at the records above, the first level of Qi training, the condensed spiritual power seeds, the second level, Gather the aura vortex, the third layer, the aura gauze, and the fourth layer, the aura armor, etc."

"Ancient martial arts training secret book?" Yang Ying was stunned for a moment, and said in doubt: "Aren't ancient martial arts and other things a lie? In the past, in the circus, people with big stones in their chests said that they had practiced ancient martial arts, ah, Now that I think about it, could Uncle Ye be deceived, because he wants to be strong and marry a wife too much, so he spent money to buy a deceptive book and wants to become powerful?"

"Probably not. I don't think this book is fake. There are many things in it that make sense." Chu Xiaohuan studied it carefully and shook his head.

Yang Ying hesitated for a moment, and said, "Miss Xiaohuan, why don't you practice according to the method in the book and try to see if it's true or not? Then we'll tell Uncle Ye later."

"That's a good idea. I'll try it first to see if the book is true or not. If it's true, hmph, I'll go and smash the store that sells this book. How dare I fool Ye Luo , You really think that Ye Luo is easy to bully, don't you know that Ye Luo is under my cover?" Chu Xiaohuan's eyes were full of murderous intent.

"Yes! If you dare to fool Uncle Ye, you should smash the shop to him." It was rare for Yang Ying and Chu Xiaohuan to agree on such a violent matter, which was related to Ye Luo.

Chu Xiaohuan sat cross-legged, looked at the nose with the eyes, and watched the heart with the nose, and began to concentrate on practicing according to the first-level method of Qi training recorded in the book. At this moment, the originally very thin spiritual energy in the air seemed to be like It was like encountering a fatal temptation, rushing towards Chu Xiaohuan crazily.

It seems that Chu Xiaohuan has a terrifying natural attraction to spiritual energy. If this phenomenon is seen by Da Neng among ancient martial arts practitioners, he will be extremely shocked!

In this era of depleted aura, is there anyone who can absorb extremely thin aura from the air?And still a newcomer?
What is even more shocking is that when Chu Xiaohuan was cultivating, there was a palpitating aura in his eyes, which was slowly waking up, but that palpitating aura seemed too strong, even though the air The spiritual energy in the body was pouring into Chu Xiaohuan's body, but after all it was too thin to wake up that breath.

Yang Ying watched from the side, and glanced at the book from time to time.

two hours later.

Chu Xiaohuan opened his eyes, with a strange look on his face.

"Sister Xiaohuan, how are you?" Yang Ying asked nervously.

"It seems to have some effect. There is spiritual energy gathering in the dantian. However, the speed is very slow, and it has not condensed into the spiritual energy seeds recorded in the book. It is not easy to determine whether the book is true or not. Otherwise, you can try it too?" Chu Xiaohuan Said.

Yang Ying hesitated for a moment and said, "Okay, for Uncle Ye, I will try."

Yang Ying imitated Chu Xiaohuan's appearance, sat cross-legged, and began to practice according to the cultivation methods recorded in the book. However, just as Yang Ying started to practice, a crystal clear stone hanging around her neck began to emit a wave of The rich aura surged madly towards Yang Ying's body.

If you look carefully, this stone is obviously the same as Ye Luo came back from Hidden Dragon Mountain. Since he didn't bring a gift, he took two spirit stones as gifts and gave them to two little girls.

However, at that time, Chu Xiaohuan thought that it was just a broken stone that Ye Luo picked up on the mountain, and there was no need for it at all, but Yang Ying caught it, and polished one of them, tied it with a rope, and used it as a pendant .

As for the other one, it was always in her pocket, kept for Chu Xiaohuan.

Yang Ying practiced, and with the rapid surge of aura, the imprint of a mysterious plant leaf flashed between her eyebrows, and a strange aura emanated from her body.

"Oops, Yang Ying is crazy, isn't she?"

Seeing this, Chu Xiaohuan became anxious, and hurriedly took out his mobile phone to call Ye Luo, but he couldn't get through at all.

"This dead Ye Luo, what are you going to do again, he always loses the chain at critical moments."


Ye Luo didn't know this, he was negotiating terms with the donkey.

Let me run rampant in heaven and earth, and plunder the saintesses of the holy places as wives.

Just listening to this kind of thing makes people's blood boil, and Ye Luo is no exception.

Of course, he is not a second-rate young man who is fooled casually and rushes forward with enthusiasm. To become a generation of war doctors, his means are definitely not Gaide.

"Just brag, you don't have to file taxes anyway." Ye Luo pouted, with a look of disbelief.

"Next time, I will tell you the method of cultivation directly. Don't you know? I also know where the treasure houses of the ancient holy places are. I can take you to steal them, no, to get them! You can move them as you like!
In addition, all the major holy lands owe me favors. Their current holy masters have to call me old ancestor when they see me. Let me tell you, I can order them to let the saintesses of each family be your maids. Warm the bed and wash your feet, and what else..." the donkey continued to promise.

However, at this moment, the mist had surged in and reached Ye Luo.

Seeing this, Ye Luo didn't dare to stay any longer, rubbed his nose and said, "Your conditions are still so-so, wait for me to go back and think about it."

After Ye Luo finished speaking, he ignored the donkey's yelling, and left without looking back, exiting the bronze gate.

The turbulent mist surged to the front of the bronze gate, and after the bronze gate touched the mist, it closed automatically, completely isolating the mist from the passage of the outside world.

Looking at this scene, Ye Luo frowned.

"How many truths are there in the mouth of the donkey?" Ye Luo pondered.

The ancient altar, the dark river, the ten-story demon pagoda, the donkey, the taboo fog, and behind the bronze gate, all of these things are extraordinarily mysterious and strange.

"Can cinnabar and black donkey's hooves really be effective against the fog of taboo?" Ye Luo said to himself, and then said: "Whether it works or not, you will know if you try it. Of course, in addition to these things, you have to find some restraints." That donkey thing, that guy is a jerk, we must guard against him."

(End of this chapter)

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