Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 237 Teasing the Card

Chapter 237 Teasing the Card
Ye Luo is so smart.

Looking at the reaction of the card, she knew that she was going to get angry next time.

And once the card gets angry, things will not be so easy to clean up, so Ye Luo preemptively, not giving her a chance to get angry, said first: "You are my girlfriend, let me kiss you, what's the matter, I tell you, wait My uncle and I dug up the hidden treasures of Ghost Valley and made a fortune, I will buy you a house and a car, and then I will make you eat delicious food and drink spicy food."

When Ye Luo mentioned Guigu Secret Treasure, the anger on Kaka's face subsided a little.

Ye Luo saw that the strategy had taken effect, the corners of his lips raised slightly, and he said intentionally, "I'll just kiss you, and you always react like this, so it could be that you approached me on purpose and wanted to use me to hide in Ghost Valley, right?"

Kaka was startled. Seeing that Ye Luo began to doubt, how could he dare to explode, and said coldly: "Where did you think, but we are not married yet, so it is not good to make out now."

"I can't see that you are quite conservative, but I like it."

Ye Luo took advantage of the slope to get down from the donkey, and said with a smile, and then said: "When we go down to the ghost valley and get the treasure inside, I will marry you immediately, and then we can make out as much as we want." , then I not only want to kiss you, but also..."

Ka Pai's legs couldn't help being clamped, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and his pretty face flushed angrily. This shameless bastard didn't say anything after kissing her, but he was still thinking about that.

"When you get to the secret treasure in Ghost Valley and get the treasure inside, let's see how I deal with you." Ka Ka Chi Chi panted heavily, comforting himself over and over again in his heart, finally suppressing the raging killing intent.

However, even so, she didn't dare to stay here for too long. She was afraid that she would kill the bastard for a while, so she glanced coldly at Ye Luo, and Kaka turned around and walked out of the rental house, "I'm sorry!" Bring it back to you soon."

The card has already decided, after waiting for the secret treasure of Ghost Valley, this shameless bastard must be scraped off with a single knife. For so many years, no one has ever taken advantage of her. Now that this trash has taken advantage of her, it is necessary to Be prepared to pay the price!

However, the killer card just took two steps, but was dragged back by Ye Luo. She originally wanted to use her strength to break free, and even wanted to stab Ye Luo to death, but when she thought of Guigu's secret Zang was about to get it, but she still held back abruptly.

"What are you doing?" Willow brows stood erect, her tone was cold, and her anger was like snowflakes falling into boiling oil, tumbling wantonly in her body.

"What's wrong? You misunderstood me so much, so I can ask for some compensation, isn't it okay?" Ye Luo was sad and angry, and continued: "How can you treat me with such an attitude? Don't you understand my heart?"

The card is clenched tightly, the silver teeth are clenched, and the killing intent is like ice, but the ghost valley secret treasure is too important to her, it is related to whether she can break away from the killer organization and regain her freedom.

Now, all hope is on Ye Luo, success is only one step away, the card can only bear it again, and when she finds the ghost valley secret treasure, she must make Ye Luo's life worse than death!
"How do you want to compensate?" Kaka stared at Ye Luo.

"It would be the best if you could sleep with me..." Ye Luo didn't seem to see the murderous intent that Kaka had endured to the limit, and then said: "Of course, if you can't accept it, let me hug you." OK!"

The murderous intent on Killer Card Card has slowly broken through the suppression and started to spread out.

Seeing this, Ye Luo rolled his eyes and said, "Ahem, what, in fact, you can change it, at least you have to kiss me, my uncle said that if a woman refuses to kiss you, then That means she doesn't love you at all."

The killer card action paused slightly.

"Didn't you kiss him just now?" Killer Card glared at Ye Luo.

"That doesn't count, it was my initiative to kiss you. Now, you have to take the initiative to kiss me, so that counts." Ye Luo was serious, and said in a sad tone: "Don't you really hate me so much? Will you kiss me? Hey, if that's the case, let's break up. My uncle said that there is a kind of love called letting go."

After sacrificing so much, Guigu Secret Treasure is about to be obtained, so break up at this time?
The killer card looked at Ye Luo's sad look, and his teeth were itchy with anger. This humble and ordinary man took advantage of everything, but now he wants to let go, which is too shameless.

The sad expression on Ye Luo's face became more and more serious, and he sighed sadly, and said, "I thought you liked me a little bit, but it turned out that I was self-indulgent, I'm sorry, I have caused you trouble these two days, I won't pester you anymore, so that's it, you go."

"You!" The killer card was already a little dizzy from anger.

"Come, no matter how windy or rainy, I will pick you up. If you go, I won't see you off. Maybe it's just letting go. My uncle is right. It's hard to find a man like me who really likes me." woman." Ye Luo turned her back, stood with her hands behind her back, her face was tense, and her tone was slightly sad.

"I, I kiss you!" Kaka gritted his teeth!
"What?" Ye Luo suddenly turned around.

"My dear!" The card also went all out.

"Really, that's great. I thought you didn't love me, but I misunderstood you." Ye Luo was pleasantly surprised, and took a big step forward, holding the two small hands of the card with two big hands. Has reached its peak.

Card's body froze, and she wanted to pull out her hand, but she held back forcefully. She looked at Ye Luo, who was close at hand, and finally kissed Ye Luo on the mouth with a cruel heart.

Jingle Bell!
Just then, the phone rang untimely.

Kaka pushed Ye Luo away, jumped out two steps like a rabbit, and said, "I'm going back first, and I'll come to you when I find something."

The fat in his mouth turned yellow, leaving Ye Luo here alone, he felt bad all over, he whispered through gritted teeth, "I don't care who you are, you'd better pray, you have important things to do, Otherwise, I'm not done with you."

With a whisper, Ye Luo took out his cell phone, only to find that it was Su Ying calling.

"Don't call early, don't call late, and call at this time, isn't it torture?" Ye Luo murmured bitterly: "The anger has been stirred up, since you scared away the card, I will take it away." You do it."

PS: Please ask for tickets, the excitement will continue tomorrow, friends who have a shortage of books, you can read my old book "Super Soldier King", please remember the pseudonym Best Villain, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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