Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 238 Beauty Invitation

Chapter 238 Beauty Invitation

Card cards left as if fleeing, lest Ye Luo make any more unreasonable demands.

Fleeing out of the rental house like a rabbit, seeing that Ye Luo didn't chase him out, Ka Pai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

But immediately, she became annoyed. As the 12th killer on the list of killers, a super killer who has made countless people famous and fearful, but now she is forced to be like this by a wretched ordinary person. What kind of shit is this.

"I'll let you be proud for another two days, and when I find the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, I'll let you return it with interest..." With murderous intent flickering in his eyes, Ka Kaka muttered to himself, and strode away from here.

Although she wished she could kill Ye Luo now, she also knew that now was not the time, the most urgent thing was to find cinnabar and the black donkey's hoof that had been stored for 300 years.


Inside the rental house.

Ye Luo didn't know what the cards were thinking.

Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care, because at this moment his attention was completely attracted by Su Ying.

Although the card's body and appearance are quite outstanding, not a little worse than Su Ying, but compared to the card, Ye Luo is more eager to get Su Ying.

Thinking of Su Ying's hot figure, Ye Luo couldn't help swallowing, and connected the phone directly.

"Hello! Ye Luo?"

Su Ying's sweet and blunt sound was accompanied by a rushing sound, as if water was flowing around her.

"Haha! Of course it's me, what's wrong? Miss me? Could it be that you want to fulfill your bet?" Ye Luo's ears were erect, and he keenly caught the sound of the water flowing.

Ye Luo wondered in his heart, could it be that Su Ying was urinating, otherwise why would there be the sound of water flowing, and calling while urinating, could it be a hint?
"Bah! What kind of bet? Don't keep thinking about these silly things." Su Ying took a sip, and her pretty face blushed.

"Why are you out of tune? In black and white, whether it is Tang Bing or the old foreign oil tycoon, I have saved them. Shouldn't we honor the bet and open the house?" Ye Luo said seriously, it is related to his own welfare, and he must Argue hard.

"Why don't I know what is written in black and white?" Su Ying pretended to be confused with an understanding.

"From what you said, do you want to play tricks?"

"What kind of cheating, nothing at all, you see I lost my memory, did you deliberately lie to me?" Su Ying said loudly, but there was a trace of panic in her voice.

"Amnesia? Don't think that you can play tricks if you lose your memory. You said you would have a room with me." Ye Luo argued with reason, and at the same time, his ears became straighter, because the sound of water flowing around Su Ying became louder.

Ye Luo's heart moved, and she thought again, this doesn't look like urinating, but rather like taking a bath in the bathtub, the sound of water fluctuating, could it be that Su Ying is lying naked in the bathtub to take a bath, taking a phone call with a bluetooth headset while taking a bath?
Thinking of this, and recalling Su Ying's youthful and beautiful appearance, as well as her hot and mature figure, Ye Luo couldn't help but see a looming figure lying in the bathtub.

"Ye Luo, can you be more serious, I have something to do with you." Su Ying changed the subject and directly explained the purpose of her visit: "I want to treat you to dinner."

"Bring me to dinner, you don't think you have thoughts about me, do you?" Ye Luo said flowery.

Su Ying spat at her and said, "Where did you think you were? You saved us last time. I want to treat you to a meal to express my gratitude."

"I saved your life, but I'm afraid it's not enough sincerity to eat." Ye Luo smirked, and began to play tricks.

"What do you want?"

"At least you have to agree with your body."

"Fuck you, you think beautifully."

Su Ying reprimanded lightly, and said, "I just treat you to a meal, whether you like it or not."

"Beauty invites you to dinner. I will definitely give you this face. Where can I eat?" Ye Luo asked.

"The Emgrand Hotel, the environment there is good, and it's also close to our hospital. You should know the location, right?" Su Ying asked.

Ye Luo's eyes glowed, he knew this place, it was still fresh in his memory!
In Nanjiang City, many people will go to the Dihao Hotel for any serious dinner. They met the fairy dance when they were looking for a lady, the first time they met a killer with broken eyebrows, and the fat man's sister-in-law Zhou Lanxi. This Dorsett Hotel?
Dihao Hotel is not just a place to eat, the most important thing is that it also has the function of accommodation, commonly known as open room.

Is this a hint?
"Okay! Just Emgrand Hotel, when will we go?" Ye Luo asked.

"Now, I'll go out later." Su Ying thought for a while, and then said: "I've already reserved a seat, seat No. [-]."

"I'll go right away, see you later!" Ye Luo promised.

"Well, then I'll hang up first, see you later." Su Ying also said.

Then, Ye Luo heard a beep from the phone, which seemed to be the sound of hanging up the phone, but after the sound rang, the phone still showed that it was in a call state and did not hang up.

Ye Luo looked at the phone, scratched his head, and was about to press the end call button.

However, before pressing it down, Ye Luo suddenly heard a voice, and couldn't help but pause.

"Sister, have you washed yet?"

This voice was a bit cold, but when it was said at this time, there was a bit of warmth in the coldness, Ye Luo judged almost instantly that it was the voice of Su Mu, the ice-cold policewoman.

"Hee hee, it will be ready soon, come in, we can wash together." Su Ying smiled.

"Squeak—" the sound of opening the door.

"Hey! Mumu, why are you still wearing clothes in the shower?" On the phone, Su Ying asked suspiciously.

"I, I'm not used to it." The cold Su Mu's tone was hesitant.

"Take it off, it's just the two of us here anyway, it's okay, come on, let me rub your back for you." Su Ying said playfully.

"Hmm." Su Mu responded, and then there was a slight sound of undressing.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!" The voice of wearing slippers and walking in the bathroom came from the phone, as if Su Mu was approaching.

"Hey! Sister, why is the cell phone on the table still on and showing that it is in a call?" Su Mu stopped and asked suddenly.

"What?" Su Ying was shocked, and continued: "Impossible. I just made a call. I was afraid that my phone would get wet, so I used a Bluetooth headset to make a call. The headset can end the call directly. I just pressed the end call button Already."

"Sister, did you press the wrong button?" Su Mu said.

"Impossible. Could it be that the Bluetooth headset is broken? I'll try pressing it twice." Su Ying's voice came from the phone, followed by the sound of water coming out of her hand, as if she was going to press the button on the Bluetooth headset.

"Ah! Sister, don't press randomly. Last time I saw your phone was set to press twice in a row to automatically start the video call. Once you press it, the video on the phone will automatically open."

(End of this chapter)

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