Chapter 239 Su Ying
Ye Luo had already heard the beast's blood boil!

Su Ying and Su Mu are taking a bath together, yet Su Ying wants Su Mu to go and see?

Ye Luo was about to shout out, what does Su Mu know, let me do this!
However, unexpectedly, just after hearing the most exciting moment, Su Mu discovered that the phone was not hung up.

Just when Ye Luo thought that the phone was going to be hung up in grief and indignation, unexpectedly there was another turning point, Su Ying was going to press the wrong button on the Bluetooth headset, and was going to turn on the video?
With almost the fastest hand speed in his life, Ye Luo took the phone from his ear in an instant and put it in front of his eyes. His eyes radiated an incomparable light. He stared at the phone, as if he wanted to follow the screen of his eyes. Drill to the opposite side.

Ye Luo thought silently!

"You must press the wrong button, you must press the wrong button, turn it on! turn it on! turn it on..."

Ye Luo was engrossed!


The phone screen flickered!
It actually opened!
"Ah! Sister, it's almost closed, you pressed the wrong button!" At this moment, Ye Luo heard Su Mu's cold voice with a trace of anxiety.

Ye Luo's nosebleed almost spurted out, but when Ye Luo stared at the screen, he found strangely that the phone screen flickered, as if seeing something pure and flawless, but because the shaking was too fast, he couldn't see it too clearly.

what happened?

Ye Luo froze for a moment.

"It scared me to death. Fortunately, you acted quickly. You locked the screen on the table and the camera. Even if the other party looked at it, they could only see the table." Su Ying's voice came from the phone.

"Sister, who are you talking on the phone with? Hurry up and turn it off first. He won't hear what we just said, right?" Su Mu's cold tone was filled with worry.

Su Ying couldn't help feeling tense when she heard the words, and said, "Probably not, I called Ye Luo just now, but I already told him before, hung up the phone, and then there was no voice from him. He should think I hung up and didn't hear our conversation."

"What? Are you calling Ye Luo?" Su Mu was startled.

"Mu Mu, don't worry, I told you before that I hung up the phone, he probably won't listen again, so don't worry, I'll know after I try it." Su Ying comforted Su Mu while pointing at The phone suddenly asked, "Hi! Hello! Ye Luo, are you still there?"

Ye Luo listened to the voice on the phone, held his breath, did not make a sound, and kept his eyes on the screen.

"Mu Mu, look, there is no sound, he didn't hear it." Su Ying breathed a sigh of relief, and then said: "Mu Mu, come in quickly, the water will be cold in a while, by the way, I read it in the book before, It is rare to say that girls have this kind of physique, is it true or false? Do you know? How about we study it?"

"Hang up the phone first!" Su Mu said!
"Oh! I'll hang up now, he didn't listen anyway, it's okay..."

The sound stopped abruptly.

In the rental house, Ye Luo was breathing heavily and his throat was extremely dry.

What did Su Mu just say?

What are you studying?
Ye Luo took a deep breath, swallowed hard, and without saying a word, turned around and took out a poker box from under his quilt.

Then, he reached out and took out a thing.

After Su Ying took a shower, she was about to go on a date with him at the Emgrand Hotel. How could this thing be missing?
Ye Luo bought it a few days ago. In order to prevent Chu Xiaohuan from discovering it, he put it in a playing card box and made a disguise.

However, Ye Luo took out one, and before turning around to leave, he suddenly came back and took out three more from the poker box. After he hesitated, he murmured: "I am so powerful, Can it be used?"

Ye Luo's eyes turned hard, and he put all the poker boxes into his arms. Without saying a word, he turned around and left, going downstairs to the Emgrand Hotel.

Big things to do tonight!

With parched mouth, Ye Luo rushed downstairs, stopped a car, and went straight to the Dihao Hotel.

Today he must eat Su Ying.


in the bathroom.

Su Ying was lying in the bath, Su Mu hung up the phone, and also entered the bath under Su Ying's call.

"Mu Mu, come here quickly, I'll rub it for you." Su Ying greeted.

Su Mu didn't respond, stared at her for a moment and said, "Sister, do you like Ye Luo?"

"Ah! I like him, no, no, how is this possible." Su Ying distinguished with a red face.

"You still said no, your face is red."

"Is there? It's too hot in the bathtub. It's steaming."

Seeing her sister's denial, Su Mu didn't agree, and said again: "Ye Luo called you on the cell phone yesterday. Since I was busy, I answered it for you."

"What? Ye Luo called me yesterday? What did he say?" Su Ying was a little nervous.

"It's nothing, oh, by the way, I mentioned a bet." Su Mu said calmly.

"Bet, bet? Mu Mu, don't trust him, that bet doesn't count at all, I won't have a room with him!" Su Ying said in a hurry!

Seeing Su Ying's reaction like this, Su Mu sighed slightly. The more anxious he was to explain, the more it meant that there might be something wrong. However, he only had this elder sister. Before Ye Luo's identity was found out, she would never allow it. Ye Luo went to touch Su Ying.

"You, don't look at me with such eyes. We really have nothing to do. By the way, Ye Luo is actually a good person. Although he sometimes owes something, he is very kind. A deputy director of our hospital, Sister Yang Yu I said before, Ye Luo is a good man, the kind who won't mess with women." Su Ying explained.

"Won't you mess with flowers?" Su Mu frowned again.

"Hmm, you don't know, our hospital has a lot of beauties, and Ye Luo hasn't really come into contact with any of them in the past three years." Su Ying said.

Su Mu and Ye Luo didn't have much contact and didn't know much about it. Seeing that Su Ying was so sure, she didn't ask further.

"Mu Mu, do you have someone you like?" Su Ying changed the subject in order to ease her embarrassment.

"A person you like?" Su Mu was slightly stunned, a tall and straight figure appeared in his mind, a look of sadness flashed in his eyes, then he shook his head and said, "No."

"Really?" Su Ying stared at Su Mu.

"No." Su Mu nodded.

"Then I'll find you one later, don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Then, Su Ying said again: "By the way, Mu Mu, Ye Luo saved us the day before yesterday. I've already made an appointment. I'll go to the Emgrand Hotel to treat him to dinner later. I'll make a special trip to thank him. Are you going?"

"Of course we have to go together, that guy is a pervert, I don't feel at ease if you go alone." Su Mu said as a matter of course, but soon he called the street, hurried out of the bathtub and said: "Sister, I have something important If you want to leave, I can't accompany you, you have to be careful alone."

PS: Ask for tickets for the second watch, and the excitement will continue tomorrow. I also recommend a free new book titled "Rekindled Youth". It is ten times more funny than Charlotte's troubles, and the whole book is free. Those who like funny articles should not miss it.

(End of this chapter)

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