Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 240 Ye Luo's True Identity

Chapter 240 Ye Luo's True Identity

"Mu Mu, you seem to have some prejudice against Ye Luo, did you have any trouble with him before?" Women's hearts are always very sensitive, Su Ying looked at Su Mu suspiciously.

"No, but Ye Luo may not be as simple as he appears on the surface. I suspect that after saving us the night before yesterday, he killed Huo Qianchou, and Huo Qianchou was at the fourth level of Qi training. In the world where spiritual qi is exhausted, how terrifying is a monk at the fourth level of qi training, sister, you may not understand." Su Mu shook his head.

Su Ying was even more puzzled, and said: "What is the fourth level of Qi training? Mu Mu, you think too much, I have known Ye Luo for three years, and he has been working as a cleaner in the hospital for the past three years, and was recently promoted to be an attending doctor It can't be that complicated."

"Maybe I'm thinking too much, but I have already sent an application to investigate Ye Luo to the intelligence department above, and the results will be available soon." Su Mu smiled.

"Just him, still need to investigate? Mu Mu, let me tell you, Ye Luo, male, single, no money, no house, no car, a poor young man, a professional cleaner, recently got lucky and became a doctor, Bringing a little loli who is in junior high school, and living in a rented house in a village in the city." Almost without thinking, Su Ying revealed Ye Luo's family background.

Su Mu smiled again and didn't explain any more.

After taking a shower, Su Ying put on her clothes, tidied up, went out, and went to the Dihao Hotel.

Not long after Su Ying left, Su Mu's cell phone vibrated suddenly.

Su Mu turned on the phone, saw that it was a text message, and opened it casually. After that, his face changed suddenly, because this text message was the investigation result sent by the mysterious Huaxia Dragon Group Intelligence Office.

"Battle Doctor Ye Luo!" Su Mu's face suddenly changed.


Imperial Hotel.

With a beating heart, Ye Luo hailed a taxi, urged the driver all the way, and arrived at the entrance of the hotel.

Ye Luo got out of the car, threw a hundred-yuan bill to the driver, and said lightly, "You don't need to look for it!"

The taxi driver was stunned for a moment, then ecstatically, he met a rich man, a man from Mahler Gobi, he has been driving a taxi for three years, and this is the first time he has met a one-hundred-dollar bill and refused to give change!

Ye Luo got off the taxi, bought a bouquet of flowers at the flower shop next to the hotel, and walked directly towards the hotel door.

The Dorsett Hotel is resplendent and resplendent. The beautiful waiter at the entrance is wearing a fiery red cheongsam with white and attractive thighs, smiling and standing against the wind.

Holding the flowers, Ye Luo lingered on the waiter's thigh for a second, then moved away. Although her figure is not bad, it is far behind Su Ying, the most beautiful nurse recognized by the whole hospital.

This is not comparable to ordinary women!

Ye Luo touched the condom in his arms and walked into the hotel gate.

"Hey! Ye Luo, why are you here?" A familiar voice suddenly rang in front of the service desk.

Ye Luo followed the voice and looked over, slightly surprised, because there were five people standing in front of the service desk, three of whom he knew, namely Gao Qingyun, the vice president of the hospital, Gao Yingjie, a handsome male doctor, and Ding, a rich second generation. Ding Yuan, the young master of the family, but there are also two pretty nurses in nurse uniforms.

Those two nurses, Ye Luo, looked familiar too, and they should also be from the No.1 People's Hospital of Nanjiang City.

"It's you! Ye Luo!" The rich second generation Ding Yuan also looked at Ye Luo, his eyes froze!
Ever since he was rejected by Tang Bing because of Ye Luo's presence at the old man's birthday banquet last time, he has always held a grudge against Ye Luo.

Because, in his opinion, the Tang family rejected him because of Ye Luo!
In order to retaliate, he has already spent a lot of money to find Brother Scar and Brother Hu, two well-known gangsters in Nanjiang City, and went to deal with Ye Luo several times, but none of them succeeded. They were all maimed by Ye Luo and sent to the police station.

"Hey! Young Master Ding, we are really destined!" Ye Luo's eyes narrowed, he took two steps towards Ding Yuan, and then said: "You found those bastards, right?"

Ding Yuan was surprised, he went out today without a bodyguard!

"You, what are you talking about? What are you bastards, don't spout blood, if you dare to speak nonsense again, I will have my lawyer sue you for defamation!" Ding Yuan said harshly!
"Don't be so nervous. I don't have the time to deal with you because I have a major event today. Just don't hang around in front of me all the time. If my hands itch, heh, I can't guarantee that I won't be surprised." Ye Luo said lightly.

"Ye Luo! What nonsense are you talking about? How dare you talk to Young Master Ding Yuan like that!" Vice President Gao Qingyun reprimanded him!
"Yes! Ye Luo, that's all. You don't work in the hospital. What are you doing here? Are you able to come to this kind of place? Don't forget, you were only a cleaner, and you were only recently appointed as an attending doctor. The hospital has the right to expel you at any time!" The handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie also said.

Ye Luo saw what the two said, then looked at the two beautiful little nurses, and then at Ding Yuan, and immediately understood what was going on.

Some time ago, there have been rumors in the hospital that the No.1 Civilian Hospital in Nanjiang City will open a larger and more advanced new campus, and the investment in this campus will exceed a terrifying five billion. As for the investor, But it is the Ding family.

Vice President Gao Qingyun and the handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie, accompanied by Ding Yuan, the eldest son of the Ding family respectfully, appeared in this hotel, accompanied by two beautiful little nurses, the purpose was already very clear.

This is to curry favor with Ding Yuan in order to obtain a position in the new campus!
Those two little nurses were probably arranged to accompany Ding Yuan, maybe they would have to sleep with him at night.

Ye Luo, who had stopped at first, suddenly walked towards Ding Yuan again, glanced at the vice president and the handsome male doctor at the same time, and said indifferently: "I saved you yesterday, and today I don't even say thank you, how dare I use it?" Does this attitude speak to me?"

The vice president and the handsome male doctor were speechless. Until now, they didn't know Ye Luo's true identity, thinking that Ye Luo was just an ordinary person.

Seeing Ye Luo walking towards him while talking, Ding Yuan panicked in his heart immediately, such ruthless gangsters like Brother Scar and Brother Hu were beaten into cripples by Ye Luo, what if Ye Luo desperately , directly take revenge on him here, what should I do?
In fact, these are not the most frightening things. What is really frightening is that after all the gangsters he found were beaten and maimed, he used the power of his family to investigate Ye Luo's identity.

In the end, according to the results of various investigations, an extremely frightening conclusion was reached, that is, Ye Luo might be the legendary war doctor!

Originally, Ding Yuan wasn't sure, but when he looked at Ye Luo again, he didn't know why. He felt that Ye Luo was a legendary war doctor who blocked and killed gods, Buddhas prevented and killed Buddhas!

Thinking of this, Ding Yuan shuddered!

When Gao Qingyun and the two saw this, they thought he was angry with Ye Luo, and they scolded at the same time with sullen faces, "Ye Luo, why are you talking to Young Master Ding, please apologize to him quickly, or you, the attending physician, will be ashamed." Feeling dizzy."


Upon hearing this, Ding Yuan's face changed wildly, and he felt like scolding his mother.

Ye Luo didn't plan to pay any attention to these two idiots at first, and he could escape today's calamity, but he didn't expect that these two idiots would take the initiative to provoke Ye Luo.

This is so bad, this is to hurt yourself!

(End of this chapter)

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