Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 241 Invisible pretense

Chapter 241 Invisible Pretense (Second Watch for Ticket)

In the hotel, someone has already noticed the abnormality here, and they can't help but look towards this side.

Many people know Ding Yuan. After all, the young master of the Ding family is well-known throughout Nanjiang City, especially the waitresses at the front desk. They also know Ding Yuan.

As for Ye Luo, almost no one knew him.

Of course, there is one exception.

That person is the exquisite lady who often appears in the hotel lobby, drinking coffee quietly.

When Ye Luo first came to the Dorsett Hotel to open a room, he was despised by a waitress. It was the lady drinking coffee who said something that made the waitress turn pale with fright, and then apologized to Ye Luo.

And the identity of this noble lady is the real owner of the Dihao Hotel.

Ye Luo didn't know this delicate lady, but this lady knew Ye Luo, because when Ye Luo went to the wrong women's toilet at the police station, this delicate lady forgot to bring toilet paper, and it was Ye Luo who handed it to her .

However, because Ye Luo accidentally put his business card in the toilet paper in the women's restroom, the lady knew Ye Luo's identity.

Now, she also looked towards this side.

If there are ancient martial monks here, looking at the exquisite lady at this time, they will definitely find that there is a strange wave of aura flashing through this exquisite lady.

This fluctuation flashed away, and then fell silent.

Ye Luo has already approached three steps!
Fear suddenly rose in Ding Yuan's heart.

In fact, when he learned that Ye Luo might be a war doctor, Ding Yuan didn't panic, because, according to the information provided by his family, the war doctor was invincible before, but after the birth of the ancient martial arts practitioner, the war doctor has become No longer invincible.

Moreover, in order to eradicate this possible explosive hazard, the Ding family has spent a lot of money to contact a third-level ancient martial arts practitioner, preparing to deal with Ye Luo, but unfortunately, that practitioner is not around now!
He is the young master of the Ding family. He was born with a golden key in his mouth. He is destined to be rich and famous. He has been a master in this life. If he was stabbed to death by Ye Luo today, how wronged would he be?
Not worth it!

Ding Yuan originally wanted to say a few harsh words, using ancient martial arts practitioners to scare Ye Luo, but he swallowed the words again. The man in front of him is a terrifying war doctor. He can't take this risk. He only lives once. .

Ding Yuan faltered, his hands trembled a little.

"Ye, Brother Ye, I think the two of us have misunderstood." Ding Yuan tried his best to put a smile on his face, and then he made a surprising move.

Seeing that, Ding Yuan suddenly raised his palm, first slapped the vice president Gao Qingyun on the head, and then slapped the handsome male doctor Gao Yingjie on the head, and said angrily: "You two are counting! What, how did you talk to Brother Ye?"

The deputy dean and the handsome male doctor were taken aback for a while, with a blank look on their faces, what's going on?

Seeing this, Ye Luo paused.

Seeing that Ye Luo had stopped, Ding Yuan quickly took out a cigarette from his pocket, handed it over respectfully, and said, "Brother Ye, there might be a little misunderstanding between the two of us, I really didn't hire those bastards, However, it may also have something to do with me, I am here, first to apologize to you."

After the vice president and the handsome male doctor were drawn out, seeing Ding Yuan treat Ye Luo so respectfully, he was even more at a loss. What happened to Ding Yuan, the young master of the Ding family?
How could he be so respectful to Ye Luo?

What is Ye Luo?
Gao Qingyun and the handsome male doctor stared wide-eyed, confused for a moment.

Seeing this, Ding Yuan turned around and scolded: "Why are you two looking at it? Is Brother Ye the one you guys want to watch? Are you still apologizing?"

The handsome male doctor rubbed his head, was a little dazed for a while, and said blankly: "Ding, Young Master Ding, Ye Luo is just a cleaner, why do you..."

Ding Yuan slapped him again, and said angrily: "Male Gobi, is your name Brother Ye? You are the cleaner, and your whole family are cleaners!"

Looking at this scene, Ye Luo couldn't help but smacked his lips, this Ding Yuan is really shameless, he can do anything to keep himself alive.

Ye Luo didn't plan to attack Ding Yuan here, after all, he was in public, and he had important things to do today, so he really didn't think about fixing Ding Yuan here.

Unexpectedly, this Ding Yuan can be so scared, it seems that his mental quality is not good.

However, looking at Ding Yuan's reaction, I am afraid that he knows some clues about his identity.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Why don't you hurry up and apologize to Brother Ye? Do you still want to work in the hospital? Let me tell you that 80.00% of the shares in the hospital have been bought by our Ding family. I can do it at any time." Fire you!" Ding Yuan angrily scolded the vice president and the handsome male doctor.

The deputy dean and the handsome male doctor were a little dizzy from the pumping, but when they heard this sentence, they instantly became sober.

They knew the methods of the Ding family. The expulsion that Ding Yuan said was not a simple expulsion. Once expelled, they would have to settle the old score. Just the two of them, who can stand the investigation?
If it is really investigated, not only will they lose their current superior life, but what is even more frightening is that they may be sent to prison!

Although they had great doubts in their hearts, under Ding Yuan's threatening gaze, they all had to look at Ye Luo, and said with some difficulty: "Doctor Ye, I'm sorry, I, we were wrong."

"Paralyzed, will you be louder, will you bow? Can you be a little sincere?"

The vice president and the handsome male doctor had ugly faces, but they didn't dare to disobey. Under the attention of everyone, they bowed firmly to Ye Luo and said loudly: "I'm sorry, we were wrong!"

At this time, in the hotel, many people who saw this scene were surprised and puzzled. Many people could see that the reason why Ding Yuan smoked those two people and asked them to apologize was because Ding Yuan was afraid and let The person he was afraid of was the young man dressed all over the floor.

Who is this young man?Ding Yuan is the majestic young master of the Ding family, how could he be afraid of such an ordinary, even poor young man?Could it be that this young man has a lot of background, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

The two nurses beside Ding Yuan knew Ye Luo, and they were the ones who saw Ye Luo most clearly from the beginning to now. The shock in their hearts at this moment was already turbulent. What's going on?
Beat up the high-ranking vice president and the handsome male doctor in intensive care unit No. [-] for the sake of a cleaner?

The two of them were dumbfounded.

Even the proprietress of the hotel, that delicate lady, had a look of surprise in her eyes.

Under everyone's amazed gaze, Ding Yuan looked at Ye Luo respectfully, and said anxiously, "Ye, brother Ye, is this okay for you?"

PS: Please ask for tickets, the excitement will continue tomorrow, friends who have a shortage of books, you can read my old book "Super Soldier King", please remember the pseudonym Best Villain, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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