Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 242 Su Ying's Arrival

Chapter 242 Su Ying's Arrival
Is this okay?
Ding Yuan's nervous voice sounded, and everyone couldn't help but gasp. Everyone's eyes turned to Ye Luo, wondering who the hell he was, that Ding Shao was so in awe of.

Those who can't figure it out include the vice president and the handsome male doctor. The two of them are also confused. For three years, Ye Luo has been a cleaner in the hospital. Knowing that he is becoming an attending physician recently, how can Ding Shao so in awe?

The two are puzzled, but they are not fools. Although they can't figure out the reason, they know that they can't provoke Ye Luo now... Thinking of this, the two suddenly became worried. They used to target Ye Luo a lot, but now the other party arrested Seize the opportunity, I'm afraid they won't let them go easily.

The more they thought about it, the more worried they became, and the two couldn't help looking at Ye Luo.

However, he found that when he raised his head slightly, he didn't look at them, but looked outside the door.


The two of them thumped in their hearts, and their faces became even more difficult, thinking that Ye Luo was deliberately making things difficult.

What he didn't know was that they were completely different. Ye Luo wanted to push Su Ying with all his heart now, so he didn't have time to make things difficult for them. He just saw Su Ying go outside the door.

Today's Su Ying is dressed in casual attire, but such ordinary clothes can't hide her pretty face and well-proportioned figure.

One, two, three or four eyes, Ye Luo couldn't help being stunned, and his eyes were also burning.

As if feeling someone peeping, Su Ying suddenly raised her head, meeting Ye Luose's fiery eyes.

Noticing his squinting eyes, Su Ying's cheeks flushed slightly, her eyes dodged shyly like a bunny, and she walked towards this side with her head down.

Ye Luo stepped forward to meet him, and from the corner of his eye, he noticed that Ding Yuan and others were still standing aside, looking at him eagerly, waiting for his response.

Ye Luo frowned slightly. He didn't have time to deal with these people at this time, especially when there were two pretty little nurses beside him. It would be terrible if Su Ying saw the misunderstanding.

Looking over the two pretty little nurses, Ye Luo reprimanded, "Stop hanging around here, hurry up and do what you should do."

Ding Yuan didn't see Su Ying, he saw Ye Luo hesitated to speak, and, from his angle, he could see that Ye Luo's eyes seemed to have glanced more than once at the two little nurses beside him just now .

These two young nurses were pulled out of the hospital by the vice president to please him, and they ate and drank with him. Ding Yuan thought to himself, could it be that Ye Luo also took a fancy to these two nurses?

Ding Yuan's heart moved, and he immediately turned to the two little nurses and said, "You two, why are you still standing there, why don't you hurry up and accompany Brother Ye, let me tell you, from now on, treat Brother Ye as me Same..., no, treat him with more dignity than me, hum!"

Afterwards, Ding Yuan's expression changed, his face was filled with a complimenting smile, he looked at Ye Luo obsequiously, and said, "Brother Ye, are you satisfied with this arrangement?"

Are you still satisfied?
Isn't this nonsense?

Su Ying has arrived and is looking at him eagerly, can he say he is satisfied?

Obviously not!

Body froze, Ye Luo gouged out Ding Yuan's eyes, turned around and slapped him on the forehead, and said solemnly: "Who are you? Do I know you? You dare to say such shameless words in public, do you want more?" Face!"

Then, Ye Luo turned around and walked directly towards the familiar figure at the door just now.

"What are you doing? Ye Luo, why are you beating someone?" Su Ying looked at this scene suspiciously, and couldn't help but feel puzzled.

"It's nothing, that person has a brain problem, don't worry about him, let's go, let's go eat." Ye Luo strode towards Su Ying, holding flowers in his hands,
"Is his head sick? You can't hit him even if his head is sick." Su Ying was stunned.

Seeing what Su Ying said, although Ye Luo was very anxious and wished he could quickly pull Su Ying to open a room, he had to explain.

He frowned slightly, and said solemnly: "Actually, I didn't know how to beat him, but to treat his illness. He has a brain illness, and he has frequent seizures. Paida can effectively relieve the pain."

"Really?" Su Ying became more and more stunned, he had never heard of this kind of disease.

"Of course it's true!" Ye Luo turned his head, looked at Ding Yuan, and said, "Really?"

"Huh?" Ding Yuan was a little dumbfounded.

"Ah, what? I'm asking if you have a brain disease. It hurts a lot when you have an attack, and you have to be slapped to relieve the pain?" Ye Luo looked at Ding Yuan seriously, and then there was a murderous look in his eyes.

Ding Yuan shuddered cleverly, carefully observed Ye Luo's expression, carefully analyzed Ye Luo's tone, and remembered Ye Luo's terrifying identity, and immediately understood Ye Luo's intentions. Let him cooperate with the acting!
But, how do you act to make it look real?

"Yes, I often have headaches, and I need to Paida to relieve the pain."

Ding Yuan nodded again and again, as if he was afraid that Su Ying would not believe him, his brows were furrowed, and he looked painful, as if his headache had started to flare up again.

This kid is on the right track.

Ye Luo was secretly happy, but said: "I see that your complexion is not very good, it must be another attack, I will slap you a few more times."

Ye Luo slapped Ding Yuan on the forehead.

The tremendous strength caused Ding Yuan to stagger and almost fell to the ground.

His forehead was buzzing, his whole body was convulsed and dizzy, but he said: "Thank you, Dr. Ye, I feel much better."

Su Ying looked at Ye Luo, then at Ding Yuan, and said worriedly, "But I don't think you look very well."

"That may be because I didn't get it right. I'll just take another shot." Ye Luo said casually. After saying a word, he raised his palm again, eager to continue pumping.

Seeing this, Ding Yuan's face turned green.

Even a single slap by this shit made him stare at him. If he slapped him again, he would probably faint on the spot.

Thinking of this, Ding Yuan didn't dare to let him continue to smoke, and hurriedly stopped him: "Doctor Ye, I don't bother you, I just learn to smoke by myself, after all, I have frequent attacks, and you can't be by my side all the time, I have to You have to learn it by yourself.”

Fearing that Ye Luo would rush to slap him, Ding Yuan slapped himself on the forehead as soon as he finished his sentence. After the slap was over, he looked at Ye Luo and said, "Doctor Ye, do you think so?"

"The angle and strength are still a little bit off. You can adjust it again, hit a little harder, and go a little to the left... Yes, that's it, very good."

Under Ye Luo's guidance, Ding Yuan slapped himself a few more times, his scalp was numb, and he grinned in pain, but he didn't dare to show it, and he had to force a smile, saying: "Thank you, Doctor Ye, I feel much better."

"That's fine, you can smoke in this way when you go back." Ye Luo nodded rudely and warned.

Ding Yuan was about to flee here, but just as he was about to take a step forward, Su Ying said to the vice president Gao Qingyun and the handsome male doctor behind him: "Vice president Gao, Doctor Gao, what a coincidence, you guys are here too eat here?"

(End of this chapter)

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