Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 243 I'm sure of her

Chapter 243 She's Decided (Second Watch)
What the hell!

Hearing Su Ying's words.

Ding Yuan almost stumbled and fell to the ground.

He wanted to scold her, wishing he could slice the two vice presidents into pieces, but he had to stop.

Ding Yuan squeezed out a smile, followed Su Ying's gaze, and looked at Gao Qingyun and Gao Qingyun. Although his face was smiling, his eyes were cold, and he secretly made up his mind that if the two dared to make trouble, they must turn their heads hard. clean them up.

As if feeling Ding Yuan's gaze, and also seemed to understand the current situation, Vice President Gao hesitated after hearing Su Ying's words and said, "Actually, we are looking for Dr. Ye."

"Yes, this patient's condition is a bit weird. We don't have a good treatment right now. Thinking of Dr. Ye Luo's superb medical skills, we brought someone here to see him." The handsome male doctor agreed.

"Doctor Ye is really skilled in medicine. We are all helpless, but you can solve it with just a few words, and you don't need to take medicine to be hospitalized. You only need to pat it a few times. The effect is immediate. I admire it..." Vice President Gao praised insincerely.

"Yes, yes, we came together to find Dr. Ye."

Seeing that Vice President Gao and the two did not reveal their secrets, Ding Yuan quickly nodded in agreement, and said hypocritically to Vice President Gao and the two: "Vice President Gao, thank you very much for introducing Dr. Ye to me and allowing my Headache relief."

"Ding Shao is too polite, this is what we should do."

Ding Yuan and Vice President Gao flattered each other politely, and what they said was serious, and those who didn't know the inside story thought it was all true.

Of course, it's a different story for those who know the inside story. For example, Ye Luo and the surrounding crowd reacted wonderfully immediately.

Ye Luo's expression was extremely strange, while the surrounding audience were dumbfounded and flustered in the wind.

One moment he was arrogantly asking for trouble, but the next moment he was stepped on, not only did he not dare to say anything, but he kept thanking him, respectfully like a grandson, the sharp contrast between before and after is too funny.

Su Ying frowned slightly. Although she didn't know the whole story, she always felt weird. Vice President Gao and the two had always had a tense relationship with Ye Luo. When Ye Luo and them rescued Tang Bing, Vice President Gao The dean took the credit for saving people from them, and also did many shady things. Ye Luo also didn't like him very much, so he would help him so kindly?
Seeing Su Ying's doubts, Ye Luo didn't dare to let her continue to ask, otherwise I don't know how much time will be delayed, and God knows when I can open the room, so without waiting for her to continue asking, he directly pulled her up and said: "I was busy just now. Healing, I'm hungry, let's go eat soon."

"Vice President Gao, let's go first." Su Ying greeted Vice President Gao and left.

When they walked away, Ding Yuan and the others fled away, turning their heads nervously as they walked, lest Ye Luo would come out again suddenly.

The crowd was in an uproar.

The people in the hall who saw this scene were all shocked and confused, and many people who reacted slowly did not understand what was going on at all.

As for the proprietress of the hotel who was sitting drinking coffee, that is, the delicate lady, a smile flashed in her eyes, and she said softly: "This kid, it's really interesting."


Outside the hotel.

Ding Yuan fled away.

The handsome male doctor and the vice president, who looked bewildered, puzzled and shocked, also hurriedly followed.

Seeing Ding Yuan getting into the car, the two wanted to say hello, but Ding Yuan didn't intend to talk to them at all, and drove away in the car.

The car drove for a while, and arrived at a hidden corner. The panic on Ding Yuan's face instantly turned into fierceness, and an angry murderous intent flashed in his eyes.

He took out his phone and dialed a mobile number.

After a while, the call was connected, and he said with a cold tone, "Tell that cultivator, as long as you kill Ye Luo, our Ding family will give him double the price, and let him do it as soon as possible!"

After hanging up the phone, Ding Yuan murmured in a low voice, "What's wrong with the war doctor! In front of ancient martial arts practitioners, you are also an ant! If you dare to treat me like this, I will let you die!"

The family behind Ding Yuan has been investigated clearly. No matter how powerful the war doctor is, he is still just a mortal after all, and a mortal is an ant in front of ancient martial arts practitioners!

Their Ding family paid a high price this time, and found an extremely terrifying ancient martial arts practitioner.

That ancient martial arts practitioner has already said, the king of soldiers, all killers are ants!If he uses his hands, he can be crushed to death with just one finger!
Ding Yuan has made up his mind to kill, he must kill Ye Luo, otherwise he will have trouble sleeping and eating!

Ye Luo didn't know what happened behind him.

At this time, he had already held Su Ying's hand and came to the booth by the window.

Being grabbed by Ye Luo's palm, Su Ying twitched hard, but she didn't pull it out at all. She stopped struggling, but her face turned slightly red.

In this way, Ye Luo didn't let go of his hand even when he walked to the seat.

Su Ying felt a little anxious, she stared at the hands held by the two, and said, "You can let go of my hand."

"Well, it's cold, I'll help you warm up." Ye Luo said solemnly, rubbing her face while talking.

"Cold?" Su Ying turned her head and looked out the window. Passers-by who were wearing short-sleeved pants, eating popsicles, and drinking cold drinks on the street immediately withdrew their hands and said, "It's so hot in summer." , where is it cold?"

"Cough, the temperature of the air conditioner is turned down. I'm afraid you'll freeze. If you freeze, I'll feel so bad." Ye Luo patted his chest.

"Fuck you, you're glib." Su Ying shot Ye Luo a look.

"No, I haven't eaten meat for many days, and there is no oily water in my mouth. How can I be glib!" Ye Luo said seriously.

That serious look made Su Ying speechless for a while, knowing that she couldn't say anything to Ye Luo, she shook her head and said directly: "I won't be poor with you, let's order."

After the two ordered, the food came out quickly.

When the food was served, Su Ying raised her water glass and said seriously, "Ye Luo, thank you for saving us."

"Wait..." Before Su Ying could finish speaking, Ye Luo interrupted her, glanced sideways at her water glass, and said, "You don't mean to thank me like that, no matter what I say, I saved you and you." Sister, it’s too insincere to throw away just such a meal.”

Su Ying froze for a moment, thinking of what Ye Luo said when she was on the phone, asking her to make a promise with her body, her face flushed slightly, and she blamed: "Ye Luo, can you be more serious."

"Why am I not serious?" Ye Luo pretended to be at a loss, and said angrily, "For the grace of saving my life, I can't just eat a meal, at least I have to..."

After a pause, under Su Ying's nervous gaze, the corners of Ye Luo's lips rose slightly, and the next words came out, "Add some wine."

Su Ying let out a long breath, her high hanging heart dropped.

Before, she thought that Ye Luo was going to say a promise with her body, but she didn't expect it was just to add some wine.

Adding some wine is nothing at all, so Su Ying naturally wouldn't refuse, she beckoned to the waiter and said, "Waiter, bring us a bottle of red wine."

"Drinking red wine is boring, come to the white bar."

Ye Luo ordered two bottles of baijiu without hesitation. As for the reason, of course, it wasn't because baijiu was interesting, but because the ulterior motive was not in drinking, but in eating Su Ying.

Knowing that she is thin-skinned, Su Ying would definitely not agree to her if she directly said that she would marry her with her body, so he can only get her drunk first, and it is not up to him to decide what will happen then.

Today he is determined to eat her.

(End of this chapter)

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