Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 245 Playing with fire and setting yourself on fire

Chapter 245 Playing with fire and setting yourself on fire
Fulfill your girlfriend duties.

Kissed by Ye Luo in public, Ka Pai was so angry that his seven orifices smoked.

But before she got angry, Ye Luo's lips came closer again, and kissed her on the cheek, leaving a red mark.

Kaka's body froze suddenly!
This bastard actually kissed her again.

Kaka was shocked, her mind went blank, she never thought that Ye Luo would dare to hug her and kiss her directly.

Ye Luo didn't give the card any time to react. After dropping it in one bite, he aimed at the wet little mouth of the card and printed it again.


Card's subconscious struggle.

In the lobby of the hotel, the eyeballs of those who saw this scene almost popped out. They were dating another woman and were caught by their wife. Logically speaking, they should have made a big fuss and started beating their heads until they were bleeding. Ah, why did they kiss each other so quickly?
Su Ying's face couldn't help turning pale, and she didn't know why, she felt a burst of bitterness and discomfort, Ye Luo, Ye Luo actually had a girlfriend.

Su Ying was bitter and uncomfortable, and the cards were not much better, she was almost going crazy with anger.

Not only did Ye Luo kiss herself in public, but she became addicted to kissing, her tongue sticking out!

Card was furious, and a sense of regret rose in his heart.

You shouldn't provoke Ye Luo!

Regardless of being shameless and hooligan, how can I be Ye Luo's opponent!
This time I really want to lose my wife and lose my army, and lose everything.

Kaka finally couldn't go on acting, and was afraid that if he continued to act, he would really be wiped out by Ye Luo, and even Kaka suspected that if Ye Luo continued to act, Ye Luo would do even more beastly things.

With all his strength, Kaka pushed Ye Luo away, and said angrily, "Get out, don't touch me, shameless and obscene!"

Kaka turned around and left. He didn't dare to stay here for a moment. He planned to sabotage and let out a bad breath, but he didn't let his anger out. Instead, he was taken advantage of.

Chi Chi!

Ka Pai was panting heavily, so angry that his heart, liver and lungs hurt, and he secretly made up his mind that when he got the Ghost Valley Secret Vault, he must cut this bastard into pieces!
The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched, revealing an old fox's smile. He watched the cards leave, and was about to explain to Su Ying.

But before he could open his mouth, Su Ying said first, "Ye Luo, hurry up and explain to her that I, I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Su Ying, in fact, she is not my girlfriend, she is here to sabotage..."

Ye Luo explained, but Su Ying didn't listen at all, she rushed out the door and left here as if fleeing.

Ye Luo was stunned, and immediately chased after her, shouting: "Su Ying, listen to my explanation, it's not what you think, that woman is acting and making trouble on purpose, I have nothing to do with her!"

Ye Luo followed behind Su Ying, explaining non-stop.

But Su Ying didn't listen to him at all, and ignored him, Ye Luogui's situation was ruined.

It shouldn't be to take advantage of the cards for the sake of quickness, but in the end, Su Ying misunderstood her because of a small loss, not to mention opening a room, even if the other party ignores him in the future.

Ye Luo's thoughts turned, and when he was about to grind his teeth, his body froze suddenly, and he felt an extremely dangerous murderous intent at the door of the hotel, which had enveloped him.

Ye Luo's footsteps paused slightly, and out of the corner of his eye, he looked towards a young man in sandy yellow clothes and carrying a huge package half as tall as half a person in front of a shop on the east side of the street.

When Ye Luo looked at him, he also looked at Ye Luo.

His eyes were icy cold, without a trace of warmth. Looking at anyone, it was as if he was looking at a dead person. When he stood there, he looked like a pile of sand that had been silent for thousands of years.

At this moment, he looked at Ye Luo with unscrupulous killing intent and undisguised contempt.

It seems that Ye Luo is not an opponent at all to him, but just a grasshopper that can be crushed to death with one finger. He seems to be a little impatient, staring at Ye Luo, the murderous intent on his body is getting stronger. thick hair.

Ye Luo frowned, slightly puzzled, he had never seen this person before, why did this person have such a strong killing intent towards him?Could it be that people from the Huo family started to take revenge?


Whether it was killing Huo Qiandu or Huo Qianchou, there were no outsiders present, Ah Er and Su Mu would not take the initiative to reveal the news to the Huo family, even if the news was revealed, it is impossible for the Huo family to come so fast.

However, if he is not from the Huo family, who is this monk?

The cultivator carrying a backpack as tall as half a person strode directly towards Ye Luo, his cold murderous intent burst out, his body surged with spiritual energy, and the three-layer Qi training gauze, which is the iconic Qi training garment, flashed across his body. passed away.

"You are Ye Luo."

The man walked up to Ye Luo, and spoke arrogantly, arrogantly.

In fact, young people have this kind of mentality. As a cultivator, ordinary people are like ants in his eyes, and they are not qualified to be his opponents. Even if they know that Ye Luo is a war doctor, he has made a big name in the underground world. , is no different.

If it wasn't for the fact that Ding's family paid him very generously, and it was his first time in Nanjiang City, he needed some information about Ding's family, otherwise, he wouldn't bother to kill such a weak ordinary person.

The war doctor is powerful in the eyes of ordinary people, but in his eyes, he is still just an ordinary person. To him, killing an ordinary person is simply a waste of his precious time.

Young people looked down on Ye Luo, and Ye Luo also disliked him.

Ye Luo didn't fight a practitioner once or twice, and he could still distinguish the minimum level. Judging from the momentum shown by the young man just now, he was obviously at the third level of Qi training.

With this level of strength, he dared to be arrogant in front of him. Among the people he killed before, there was far more than a third-level practitioner of Qi training.

Huo Qiandu who was killed by himself in Hidden Dragon Mountain was the third level of Qi training, and even Huo Qianchou who was on the fourth level of Qi training, also died in his hands. With his current strong body and strength, facing the third level of Qi training is enough. It can be blown up directly.

Of course, although Ye Luo didn't take the other party seriously, Ye Luo didn't take it lightly. As a war doctor of the first generation, Ye Luo instinctively and vaguely felt that this monk exuding a dead breath like sand and stones, the one behind his back There seemed to be a terrifying aura hidden in the black package that was half as tall as a person.

But he is fearless, and he also has cards.

Because of Su Ying's misunderstanding, Ye Luo was in a bad mood at first, and there was nowhere to vent her anger. Now this person came to her door, just because she was dozing off, someone sent a pillow, Ye Luo didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, rolled her eyelids, He said directly: "Why are you looking for grandpa?"

The young man was stunned. He didn't expect Ye Luo to be so bold and dare to take advantage of him verbally. He was furious, bursting out with cold murderous intent, and said angrily, "Who grandpa do you say you are?"

"I am the grandfather whoever answers." Ye Luo said confidently.

"you wanna die!"

"Can you change the lines? All the villains appear in the same way." Ye Luo rolled his eyes, and said directly: "If you can do it, don't beep, I think you are looking for trouble, here It's not a place to do it, come with me if you have the courage, grandpa happens to be in a bad mood today, so I'll teach you how to behave."

(End of this chapter)

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