Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 246 Teach You to Be a Man

Chapter 246 Teach You to Be a Man
"Don't beep if you can do it...Grandpa just happens to be in a bad mood today, so I'll teach you how to behave..."

Ye Luo's words resounded in the young man's ears, but they were like a thunderbolt, which stunned him and made him furious at the same time.

A person like an ant dared to speak insultingly to him.

Not only took advantage of him verbally, but also said that he would teach him how to behave. Who gave him the courage?
The young man roared in his heart, and a cold murderous intent burst out from his body. He glared at Ye Luo fiercely, wishing he could kill Ye Luo on the spot.

However, he also knew that this was not the place to do it.

Although he is a cultivator and looks down on ordinary people, he still has some scruples about killing people in the street.

"You'd better pray, your strength is as powerful as your mouth, otherwise you will definitely regret it." The young man said coldly.

"You still worry about yourself."

Ye Luo sneered, and walked forward first. The nearby demolition area was impatient to start.

In the eyes of others, a practitioner at the third level of Qi training is a formidable opponent, but in Ye Luo's view, they are just a piece of food and a fat sheep, who can make him beat up violently, and can also search for some spiritual stone money.

"The last time the forbidden fruit was spawned, the spirit stones have been exhausted. I don't know how many spirit stones this monk will have. The forbidden fruit is almost mature. If the monk has more spirit stones, after killing him, he will get the spirit stones. Maybe it can directly ripen the taboo fruit."

Ye Luo was thinking secretly, already silently guessing in his heart how much benefit he could get from this person.


And after Ye Luo and the monk left, there was a tall building opposite the hotel.

A flash of vengeance flashed in Ding Yuan's eyes, and he said: "A monk who cultivates Qi at the third level is enough to crush everything, Ye Luo, I want you to know the fate of offending me, Ding Yuan!"

"Master, if that person can't kill Ye Luo, and Ye Luo is really a war doctor, what should we do? I heard that three years ago, before the war doctor went into seclusion, he could let his mercenary army wipe out overnight. One army in the Middle East." A bodyguard next to Ding Yuan who was a retired soldier said suddenly.

Ding Yuan's body froze suddenly.

Couldn't the cultivating monks at the third level of Qi training kill Ye Luo?Ding Yuan never considered this question.

According to the information provided by the family behind him, no matter how powerful a soldier king or killer is, they will be as vulnerable as ants in front of powerful monks at the third level of Qi training.

Even the most feared war doctor in the world, he still belongs to the ranks of soldier kings and killers, will he not be able to kill him?
However, what if it really couldn't be killed?
What should he do, what should the Ding family do?
Facing the world's most awesome and terrifying war doctor who has a huge mercenary army under him, what should he do, what should the Ding family do?
When Ding Yuan thought of this, his scalp suddenly went numb, and a trace of fear suddenly rose. The consequences were simply unbearable for him, and even the family behind him.

Although the Ding family is a wealthy family, they are only rich. Once Ye Luo survives, it will be a devastating disaster if they are attacked. All honor, status, and even life may be lost. Gone overnight!
"No, it's impossible! In the face of ancient martial arts practitioners, even a battle doctor is just an ant, and he will definitely die!" Ding Yuan stood up suddenly, his face was full of madness, Ye Luo must die, otherwise... …


Half an hour later, in the demolition area of ​​Nanjiang City, there were ruins, dilapidated ruins, and no one was there.

"This is a good place to kill people. There are no other people in the way, which saves a lot of trouble, ants, I will break your bones one by one!" The young man with a black package on his back stopped in his tracks. Then said something contemptuously.

"You seem quite confident in your own strength." Ye Luo narrowed his eyes.

"You have a little reputation among ordinary people, but these are empty words in front of practitioners." The monk had already walked ten steps away from Ye Luo, and his killing intent burst out quietly.

What is a war doctor?
He didn't pay attention to it at all. The powerful conceit of an ancient martial arts practitioner made him despise all non-cultivators.

Ye Luo shook his head, and said lightly: "A cultivator is very powerful, isn't he also hired by someone, a dignified monk is also hired by someone, tsk tsk, I want to know what your master gave you!"

The monk was furious, and waves appeared in his cold and dead eyes. As a high-ranking ancient martial arts practitioner, it was the greatest shame to be ridiculed by an ordinary person like this. Killing intent surged in him, and he suddenly moved forward Take a step.

"I got it right? Angry from embarrassment?" Ye Luo's tone became more mocking, and at the same time, his body tensed up quietly, and he continued, "I want to know who is the master behind you?"

"You're looking for death!" The monk was furious, and his hands were directly sealed, and a strange breath surged between his hands.

At the same time, there was a wave of fluctuation in the half-person tall and huge package behind him, and he said again calmly: "Remember my name, there is only one word: Sha, you can die in my body!" This subordinate is also the greatest honor in your life!"

A word is a name?
Ye Luo's eyes shrank suddenly, the name is so weird?Does it have any special meaning?However, there was no time to think about it at this time, the cultivator had already started to do it, and the speed at which his hands formed seals was terrifying.

Ye Luo also moved.

His greatest advantage is his melee combat ability, which is his physical tyranny. When fighting these ancient martial arts practitioners, if he wants to win, the first point is to get close.

Sha Jieyin, Ye Luo also violently raised at the same time, his whole body seemed to have broken through the limit, and he punched Sha's thin body fiercely, and there was a sound of breaking through the air in the fist.

After taking millennium blood ginseng, the strength of Ye Luo's single hand has reached a thousand catties. This punch naturally has a terrifying power.


The moment Ye Luo's fist was about to hit the young man named Sha, the imprint between his hands suddenly changed, and a streak of yellow sand suddenly flowed out of the huge package half a person's height behind him. .

The yellow sand was similar to the sand in the desert, but after it flowed out, under the fast seal of the sand's hands, it seemed to have spirituality, and the sand formed around his body in a very short period of time. Something like a gauze.

It's just that other people's aura gauze is made of aura, but the aura gauze on this young man is made of sand!
The huge half-person-high backpack is filled with sand. What kind of magic is this?
Ye Luo's pupils shrank slightly, and while he was puzzled, he also raised his vigilance.

A killing breath flashed in his eyes, Sha had already manipulated the sand, ignoring Ye Luo's fist, and rushed towards Ye Luo quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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