Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 248 A Breakthrough

Chapter 248 Breakthrough
Demolition area, above the ruins.

The strange sand mist slammed down on Ye Luo's head, Ye Luo turned his fist, gave up attacking Sha's body, and instead blasted towards the side of the sand mist above his head.

The fist whistling, with the mighty strength of a thousand pieces of gold, and the whistling wind, blasted towards Shawu above.

In the blink of an eye, Shawu and Iron Fist are close at hand!
"Go to hell!" A cruel smile flashed in the eyes of the monk named Sha.

Ants are ants, and they dare to use their fists to shake Shawu hard, it is courting death!
Ye Luo's eyes were fixed, and he vaguely sensed a dangerous aura from above the sand mist. However, Ye Luo did not dodge, but suddenly increased the strength of his fist, and hit the sand mist with even more terrifying force.

Ye Luo was full of fighting spirit and furious!

Is there a trap?

Ye Luo wants to rely on the terrifying power to break it with force and bring it down with force!


Fist and sand mist collide!

Between the two, there was a loud sound of gold and stone colliding.

The sand mist the size of a millstone was as hard and heavy as a boulder that fell madly, and it hit Ye Luo's fist fiercely.

And Ye Luo's huge and terrifying strength also hit the sand mist the size of a millstone!

Ye Luo took a step back, his blood was surging, his body cells trembled, and his body seemed to be about to burst. On the sand mist the size of a millstone, the force of the impact was astonishing. With his strength, he felt a little unstoppable.

"What a powerful force."

Ye Luo was shocked, this was the first time he was not superior in strength when fighting against others.

Lifting his head suddenly, Ye Luo saw the sand mist the size of a millstone, and it also stopped for a moment. The force of the sand mist smashed down was equal to the force of Ye Luo's thousand-jin punch. The sand seemed to be not sand, but like It's a falling meteorite.

Moreover, after a short period of stagnation, the sand mist the size of a millstone accelerated again, like a falling meteorite, and fell towards Ye Luo again with the power of thunder.

Ye Luo was not given time to breathe at all!

Above the sand fog, mysterious runes flashed, which was extremely strange.

"Huh! Didn't you get crushed to death?" The cultivator named Sha was a little surprised, and then said cruelly: "Once the meteorite sand fog is formed, the attacks will continue, and each blow has a force of more than a thousand catties." , one blow is heavier than the other, I want to see how many times you can last!"

This meteorite sand mist is a great treasure. The young monk named Sha also got a strange meteorite that fell in the desert by chance, and brought it back to his family. With the help of Da Neng, using the supreme secret technique, it was forged for ten years before it took shape!

Every time a blow falls, the person being smashed not only has to bear the terrifying falling force, but also bears the damage from the vibrating mysterious runes in the meteorite sand fog.

If it is an ordinary monk, even a monk who has condensed into a spiritual gauze at the third level of Qi training, under this terrifying impact, the aura gauze will be directly smashed and turned into a puddle of flesh!
What's even more frightening is that once you are locked on by the meteorite sand mist, you can't dodge at all. No matter how you dodge, it will follow you everywhere!
Sure enough, after the monk's words fell, the meteorite dust fell again.

Ye Luo's expression froze, his body dodged suddenly, and he took seven steps to the left at the limit speed, trying to avoid the blow, the sand fog was a little weird.

However, Ye Luo didn't expect that the meteorite sand mist would catch up at an even faster speed, smashing down hard, and there was no way to avoid it. Suddenly, there was another sound of gold and stone colliding.

Ye Luo took two steps back this time, the huge blood in his body churned more and more, and the trembling of the cells became more serious, and a trace of blood flowed from the corner of Ye Luo's mouth.

Because Ye Luo's attention was all on the sand mist, he didn't notice that after this collision, there seemed to be a sleeping mysterious energy in his cells, which moved a bit with the trembling and pressure of the cells.

People get tired, but the meteorite sand mist that seems to have its own spirituality is tireless. After the second hit, the third hit fell.

Ye Luo was startled, and once again dodged at the limit speed, but the meteorite sand mist was still following him, Ye Luo's eyes shrank fiercely, and he could only punch and collide with the sand mist again.

This time, after the impact, Ye Luo took three steps back. There was more blood at the corner of his mouth, and the sound of bones breaking from his fists was shocking.

It seemed that the next attack, Ye Luo's body would be broken and he would die!
After three consecutive blows, Ye Luo's body had reached the limit it could bear. At the same time, deep in the cells of his body, the huge hidden blood energy was slowly surging and was about to wake up!

Ever since he got the mysterious little tree that could increase his strength by eating its leaves at the auction, Ye Luo has been eating the leaves that contain huge blood energy.

However, since Ye Luo does not have physical training skills, every time he eats a leaf, only a small part of the huge blood energy contained in it is transformed into strength, and most of the rest is dissipated or absorbed by the cells and hidden in the cells. deep.

These days, deep in his cells, a large amount of blood energy has been stored.

In particular, after taking the thousand-year-old blood ginseng yesterday, the huge blood energy can only be stored in the cells in the form of energy, and cannot be used directly.

Now, the cells in Ye Luo's body actually contain a huge amount of unused blood energy, which has always been in a state of sleep.

However, after three consecutive collisions, under the crisis of life and death, this huge blood is finally about to wake up!
These energies gushed out from the depths of the cells towards the meridians in the body!

Under the pressure of three consecutive violent attacks, Ye Luo let out a roar!
Ye Luo, whose body was already in the limit state, felt the terrifying blood energy rushing out from all parts of his body. This blood energy flowed out from the beginning, and quickly connected into blood lines. Finally, the blood lines mixed together , formed a rolling torrent!

The terrifying aura sand mist, the size of a millstone, fell down again, this time even more powerful!
Ye Luo was furious!

Following the terrifying surge, Ye Luo's body contained the majestic killing intent that had been contained for three years, and at this moment, it suddenly erupted, and the terrifying killing intent swept across the surroundings as if it were real!

Ye Luo looked up!

Looking at the falling sand mist, he punched again!
The punching method is very simple, almost instinctive. Ye Luo threw out a punch in a sturdy, majestic, and skilled way. energy.

ps: Asking for tickets at the second watch, Ye Luo made a breakthrough in front of the battle, and is about to start the road of real physical training. Tomorrow, the excitement will continue, please continue to support readers, friends who are short of books, you can read my old book "Super Soldier King" , please remember the pseudonym Best Villain, thank you everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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