Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 249 Who is the ant

Chapter 249 Who is the ant
The shale was like a millstone, smashing down hard.

Faced with this blow, Ye Luo instinctively threw a punch.

This punch seemed natural, but it carried a terrifying energy that was almost visible to the naked eye, as if all the blood and energy in his body were attached to it.

That terrifying aura gave Ye Luo the urge to scream into the sky.

Even the young monk Sha, who had always been aloof, couldn't help but look sideways in the face of Ye Luo's fierce punch, as if he didn't expect him to have such an aura.

However, the surprise was only for a moment, and soon he calmed down, with a signature contemptuous smile on the corner of his lips.

"Did you work hard?"

Sha jokingly said: "Ants are just ants. Don't think that using secret techniques to stimulate your body's potential can withstand my Sagiri attack. In the face of absolute strength, all resistance is futile."

In vain?

Ye Luo sneered and didn't talk nonsense with him.

The fists were thrown out in a faster, fiercer and more violent way, towards the sand fog above his head.

This punch is powerful, but its moves are extremely simple, just a simple progressive punch.

If a soldier saw this scene at this moment, he would be shocked, because this is the most basic form of boxing in the army: military boxing!
This is almost the first set of boxing techniques that recruits learn when they enlist in the army, and this punch that Ye Luo swung is the most basic style of military boxing: Punch!

In the army, there has always been a legend that although military boxing is easy, there are not many people in the whole country who can practice military boxing to the level of mastery.

A retired old general once said: Military boxing is not a simple training boxing, but a set of the most mysterious institution from the country, combined with ancient body training techniques, after ten years, a set of exercises suitable for the entire army has been summed up. Boxing, unlimited potential.

However, because it is too simple, it is extremely boring to practice, and it is very slow and difficult to improve strength. Therefore, generally speaking, after recruits join the army, they will give up this boxing method after a short period of practice.

However, Ye Luo has never given up on such a boring set of military boxing since he joined the army. As a war doctor of the first generation, he has already been as hard as iron during training. For decades, every morning They will play military boxing again.

Even during the three years in seclusion, there was no interruption.

At this time, this punch was thrown out at will, completely natural!

Just as this punch was thrown, Ye Luo suddenly had a feeling of epiphany. Military boxing is the method of body training, and it is a basic boxing method for the entry into body training.

Before the punch hit Sha Wu, Ye Luo felt that something in his body seemed to be broken.

The blood in the whole body boiled accordingly, every inch of flesh was jumping and groaning, an invisible force was circulating between the flesh and blood.

The bottleneck between mortals and real body refiners shattered with his punch.

At this moment, in a real sense, he broke through the limitation of mortal physical strength and strength, and embarked on a real road of physical cultivation.

When he was in Hidden Dragon Mountain, Ah Er once said that the first level of physical training is the introduction of epiphany, the second level is nourishing blood, the third level is training flesh and blood, the fourth level is training skin membrane, and the fifth level is refining muscles and bones, etc. There are ten terrifying realms, and each realm will have a terrifying upgrade.

Now, Ye Luo clearly felt that after the huge blood energy in his body was fully activated, it merged violently with the flesh and blood of his body, and the blood energy was a powerful tonic and nourishment for the flesh and blood.

Ye Luo's strength also showed a geometric surge in this process!
Almost in an instant, Ye Luo's strength increased by a full five hundred catties, and the speed of growth continued.

Cultivation is a process of accumulation, there is no shortcut, everyone needs to accumulate practice step by step, but Ye Luo is a different kind.

Almost as soon as he got started with body training, he reached the third level of body training in an instant, because his previous accumulation was too deep, and his physical strength alone surpassed a thousand catties, and there was a huge amount of energy and blood in his flesh and blood. , now suddenly enlightened, after entering the level of body training, most of the accumulation detonated in an instant, and directly crossed two bottlenecks, and jumped to the third level of body training, the realm of training flesh and blood!

The flesh and blood boiled, and the blood flowed in, like a melting pot.

Ye Luo exploded, and his momentum soared.

Although these writings are long, they actually happen in an instant.

Until now, Ye Luo's punch hit the sand mist above his head.


Ye Luo punched hard on the falling meteorite sand, and the two collided, making a deafening sound, and the huge energy generated by the collision set off a huge burst of smoke on the surrounding ruins.

Ye Luo stood still, and the strange meteorite fog flew upside down!

The sha mist flew out, and the Sha behind him was struck by lightning, staggered back two steps, and a mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out.

He raised his head in astonishment, and looked at Ye Luo in front of him in horror. He couldn't believe his eyes. In his eyes, the person who looked like an ant actually blasted away the sand mist that he was so proud of.

How can this be?

"This is impossible, this is impossible, you ant, how could you knock my shabu away..."

Whispering in disbelief, Sha stared at Ye Luo, there was no trace of contempt in his eyes, only deep shock and disbelief.


Ye Luo sneered, at this point, this person still called him an ant.

I really don't know where his inexplicable self-confidence came from, his eyes flashed sharply, Ye Luo clenched his hands tightly, approaching the sand step by step, and said coldly, "Now I will let you see who is the ant .”

Sha turned pale with fright, and couldn't help but take two steps back. At the same time, his hands quickly formed a seal again, and with the meteorite gauze, he hit Ye Luo fiercely again, and this time, he exhausted the maximum impact force, roaring Said: "Do you think you are sure to win?"


Ye Luo turned around and slapped out with a palm, carrying the power of thunder, and slapped the meteorite sand mist on the body, and there was another roar, and the meteorite sand mist was directly smashed away with another punch.

"You, how did your strength increase so much in an instant? Impossible, it's impossible!" Sand's eyes shrank fiercely, with fear and disbelief showing on his face.

The change in Ye Luo's strength exceeded his expectations, and it also posed a serious threat to his life.

It is no exaggeration to say that if Ye Luo can maintain his current strength, even if he can only maintain the strength of a few attacks, he will die in his hands.

Ye Luo didn't care about this, his whole body was boiling with blood, his eyes were blood red, and with raging murderous intent, he walked towards Sha without saying a word, like a killing god under the Nine Netherworld.

(End of this chapter)

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