Chapter 250


Sha let out a wild roar, and couldn't help taking two steps back, trying to show weakness to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo didn't care about it at all, strode out, raised his fist, and smashed directly towards the opponent with the momentum of thunder. The terrifying force almost distorted the surrounding air.

Sha's body couldn't help trembling, and his heart constricted violently. At this moment, a wave of regret rose in his heart.

Back then, it seemed like an extremely stupid choice to agree to the Ding family to deal with Ye Luo.

Previously, he was aloof and thought that Ye Luo was an ant, and he could kill it easily.

Now it seems that it is a joke!

However, there is no time for him to think too much now, Ye Luo's terrifying punch has come, his most powerful method, the meteor sand fog, can no longer pose a threat to Ye Luo, what can he do?
At this moment, two thoughts flashed through Sha's mind.

The first thought was to use one of the most tragic taboo techniques to compress all the aura when Ye Luo's fist fell, and directly blew himself up at the cost of death!

In this case, with the help of the terrifying power generated by the self-explosion, he is [-]% sure that killing Ye Luo in such a short distance can be used as a price, and he will also fall.

As a high-ranking mutant genius monk, Sha never thought of using this method to deal with the enemy. He didn't have the courage to face death at all, and he didn't dare to explode himself.

And the second thought was to run away!

But how to escape?
He was a mutated third-level Qi training monk, but he was crushed and beaten by Ye Luo, a physical trainer. He was hit in such a desperate situation, and it was not easy to escape.

Compared to his entanglement and regret.

The thoughts in Ye Luo's heart are extremely clear, and every time a punch is thrown, the blood will continue to boil, and the flesh and blood will become stronger at a higher level at an astonishing speed.

Ye Luo exploded!

He was punched several times in succession, and there were several more wounds on Sha's body, and there was even more blood on the corners of his lips.

Knowing that if this continues, he will undoubtedly die, a flash of determination and fear flashed in his eyes, and he finally made a decision. At this moment, he suddenly took out a puppet made of sand from his arms.

He held the puppet made of sand between his hands, and quickly condensed an extremely weird handprint. However, when he condensed the handprint, the blood vessels in his body suddenly swelled, his eyes were bloodshot, and his skin even had some cracks and blood. out.

Taboo secret technique, must pay a terrible price!
Even, this taboo secret technique is used to escape!
Seeing this, Ye Luo couldn't help being startled, thinking that the monk was going to use some kind of attack method again, his momentum couldn't help but strengthened again, and his fist was strengthened again, like a cannonball, hitting the aura gauze made of sand condensed.


With one punch, the aura gauze, which was harder than steel, was smashed to pieces!

The terrifying power passed through the broken aura gauze, and a small part of the power was transmitted to the monk named Sha, causing him, who was forming seals with both hands, to spit out a big mouthful of blood.

At this time, the strange imprint formed by his hands has also come to an end.

The monk named Sha knew very well that it would be impossible to leave if he just turned around and fled, so he chose to use a method that would cause terrible physical damage and forcibly use a secret technique he had accidentally obtained to escape.

He was still forming seals, the previous arrogance on his face was gone, and all that was left was panic and fear.

One punch broke the spiritual veil, and Ye Luo's second punch fell again. Both punches were used in the military boxing. The two simplest moves are straight punches and punches.

"Come on!"

Ye Luo roared, his strength surged again, and his fist carried the force of wind and thunder.


The fist landed on the monk named Sha!
Ye Luo clearly felt that his punch directly hit Sha's three ribs, but just as the punch landed, all three ribs were broken, and they couldn't resist Ye Luo's punch at all.

Just as Ye Luo's fist was driving straight in, the imprints formed by Sha's hands were finally formed.


The first half of this punch hit the cultivator's body, and the second half of the punch continued to hit a pile of sand.

Ye Luo clearly saw that the moment the monk named Sha condensed into the last imprint, his body, which was originally full of flesh and blood, unexpectedly turned into a pile of sand in less than half a second!
That's right, a living person has turned into a sand man made of sand, and the clothes on that sand man are still the monk's.

With a punch from Ye Luo, the head of the sand man was blown off, and the sky was filled with yellow sand, but the sand disappeared from the spot strangely, completely gone.


Ye Luo couldn't help being a little surprised after dropping this terrifying punch.

run away?

The body turned into a sandman?
What kind of magic is this?
Ye Luo restrained his mad murderous aura, walked up to the man made of sand whose head was shot, and observed carefully, but found nothing abnormal.

Ye Luo is no longer a newcomer who doesn't know anything about cultivators. He thought about it for a while, and roughly guessed that the monk named Sha should have escaped in a very strange way. items, but all remained.

The only thing that monk could escape was his injured body.

"What a weird secret technique."

Whispering to himself, Ye Luo searched all over the place, but still didn't find any trace of Sha, and couldn't figure out why, so he simply gave up.

Afterwards, Ye Luo rummaged through the belongings left by the monk, and found a smartphone, nine spirit stones, a bank card, and other odds and ends.

He didn't look carefully, and left directly with his things in his arms.


On a tall building opposite the Dihao Building.

Ding Yuan's uncle and nephew sat opposite each other, waiting for the news of Ye Luo's murder.

Second Uncle Ding Yuan drank tea leisurely, obviously confident, but compared to his self-confidence, Ding Yuan was a little impatient.

After waiting for a long time, but Sha did not contact them, Ding Yuan worried: "Second uncle, why hasn't that monk replied yet? Isn't Ye Luo vulnerable in front of him? It's been so long, there should be some news ?”

Uncle Ding took a sip of tea, and said lightly: "Calm down, don't panic when things happen, and you can achieve great things. I have told you many times, the war doctor is just an ant in front of that monk! "


As soon as he finished speaking, the door of the room was suddenly pushed open by a Ding family's bodyguard anxiously, strode in and said, "It's not good! Ye Luo..."

"What's wrong with Ye Luo!" Ding Yuan suddenly got up and asked urgently.

"How flustered and flustered? Tell me what's going on slowly!" Uncle Ding blew on the tea in the teacup, and said another sentence lightly.

"Five minutes ago, our people saw that Ye Luo walked out of the demolition area intact, but the monk we hired at a sky-high price never came out. After that, our people went into the demolition area to find As a result, the monk was still not found, only a piece of sand, a bloodstain, and a looted monk's clothes were found. The monk we invited is probably in danger!" The bodyguard Said with some trepidation.

After the words fell, the room suddenly fell into a dead silence.

(End of this chapter)

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