Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 252 Ancient Martial Arts Practice WeChat Group

Chapter 252 Ancient Martial Arts Practice WeChat Group (1 more)
bang bang bang-

Just as Ye Luo was about to continue thinking and researching deeply, there was a knock on the door of the rental house.

"Brother Ye, are you there?" Outside the door, a familiar girl asked in a low voice.

The gossip girl Zhou Xiaoyu in the drugstore?
Ye Luo was slightly taken aback, why did she come here?

Ye Luo got up and opened the door casually. Seeing Zhou Xiaoyu standing at the door mysteriously, she asked, "This little girl is not guarding in the pharmacy. Why did you come here? Aren't you afraid that your mother will beat you?"

"Hush! Brother Ye, keep your voice down, I have something important to tell you this time, and it has a lot to do with you." The 17-year-old eccentric Zhou Xiaoyu entered the rental house sideways, and then closed it behind his backhand. The door of the rental house.

"Big event?" Ye Luo narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, it's a big deal! Brother Ye, have you joined the WeChat group for ancient martial arts practitioners that I recommended to you last time?" Zhou Xiaoyu asked in a low voice with a puberty-specific mystery on his handsome and elf face.

"Added it yesterday, but the group leader didn't agree at that time." Ye Luo said.

"Brother Ye, take out your phone now and have a look, did you see it?" Zhou Xiaoyu's tone became more mysterious.

It was rare for Ye Luo to see a gossip girl so serious, but she was aroused a little bit of interest, reached out, took out her phone from her pocket, and opened WeChat.

"Hey! The group leader agreed." Ye Luo couldn't help being slightly surprised.

Zhou Xiaoyu's eyes showed a bit of surprise, and said: "I really went in, Uncle Ye, go in and have a look."

Ye Luo casually clicked in.

"Please change the group name card to join the group."

As soon as Ye Luo joined the group, he saw a message flashed in the group. After thinking about it, he changed the group name card to Battle Doctor.

"Brother Ye, you changed your nickname a bit exaggeratedly. It's okay for you to have the same name as battle doctor Ye Luo, but even the group business card has to be changed to his. It seems that you adore battle doctor." Zhou Xiaoyu moved over , took a look, and shook his head immediately.

"It's okay." Ye Luo smiled, but didn't explain. The girl didn't know his identity.

"However, Brother Ye, the war doctor is not doing well now. The Ning family annulled the marriage, was humiliated by the Ning family and the Huo family, and in the ancient martial arts circle, it has almost become a joke of a lazy toad wanting to eat swan meat. Alas, What a tragedy." Zhou Xiaoyu shook his head.

Ye Luo's mouth twitched.

"Brother Ye, calm down. You're not a war doctor anyway, you just have the same name. Don't be so excited. Even if you get divorced and become a shame and a joke, it has nothing to do with you."

Zhou Xiaoyu talked to himself, and when Ye Luo's face turned dark, he changed the subject and said: Hee hee, brother Ye, do you know what I admire most about you? "

"Handsome?" Ye Luo asked.

"Brother Ye, I'm serious with you, don't joke around." Zhou Xiaoyu gave him a blank look.

Ye Luo rubbed his nose, he was also very serious, okay, but in Zhou Xiaoyu's eyes, it became a joke, isn't he handsome enough to be serious?

Zhou Xiaoyu didn't know what he was thinking, and said directly: "What I admire most about you is your indifference in dealing with things, your calm attitude, and the Buddhist mentality!"

"How to say?" Ye Luo was aroused curiosity.

"Think about it, you are so young, but you have been able to work as a cleaner in the hospital for three years. You don't fight for the top job, don't change jobs, don't get bored, and don't think the wages are low. You are comfortable and stable. I just treat you with this attitude. It feels like, at least in terms of mentality, you are better than a war doctor!" Zhou Xiaoyu said a lot in one breath.

Ye Luo reached out and knocked on Zhou Xiaoyu's head, and said angrily, "Are you sure this is a compliment to me?"

"That... that's natural." Zhou Xiaoyu stammered, seeing Ye Luo's expression of disbelief, he quickly changed the subject and said, "By the way, Brother Ye, don't talk about it, just watch the group, it's really important. If the two of us grasp this matter, maybe you can really catch up with the war doctor!"

The corner of Ye Luo's mouth twitched again, ignored Zhou Xiaoyu, and looked at the WeChat group.

After joining the group, not many people noticed Ye Luo.

At this time, the group was discussing enthusiastically.

"Have you heard? Huo Qianyu, the third-ranked genius of the younger generation of the Huo family, has come to Nanjiang. I heard that he is here to investigate the mystery of Huo Qianchou and Cui Yan's death!"

"What? Cui Yan, Huo Qianchou is dead? How is this possible? As far as I know, Huo Qianchou may have reached the fourth level of Qi training, and he has condensed aura armor, and Cui Yan even has a fiery red fly The sword, in the case of a long-range attack, can be said to be able to kill a monk at the fifth level of Qi training, how could he die? Who has the ability to kill him?"

"Who knows, but the Huo family was really angry this time, and even sent out Huo Qianyu. I'm afraid they won't stop until the murderer is found!"

"What do you know? I heard from the gossip that not only Huo Qianyu came this time, but even a big figure from the fifth level of the Ning family came together to kill Huo Qian, the core member of the Huo family, in Nanjiang City. Enmity is simply slapping the face of Huo's family in public, and Ning's family will also marry Huo's family, both prosperous and shameful, this time the two families have joined forces!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! Nanjiang is probably going to be lively. The news that Guigu is hiding in Nanjiang has just spread, and the news that the two masters of the Huo family and the Ning family have teamed up to find the murderer came again. Interesting, I will buy a plane ticket to go to Nanjiang City .”

"Haha, you haven't come yet, we've already arrived. There was a news from Tianji Pavilion last night, saying that the start of Ghost Valley's secret treasure may usher in a magnificent prosperity!"

"What do you mean? Great God, ask for an explanation, ask for popular science!"

"Hey, it has been 2000 years since the earth's spiritual energy has been exhausted, so that there is no supreme being after the Qin Dynasty. The big shots in the Tianji Pavilion calculated that if it is extremely peaceful, the cathode must be positive, and there may be something against the sky in the ghost valley secrets, causing the earth to happen. A shocking change, spiritual energy blowouts, geniuses springing up like mushrooms, immortal roads may even reappear, a glorious era is coming..."

"That's right, I've also heard that Guiguzi is the last Supreme Being on Earth, and when the Guigu Secret Treasure appears, the earth will inevitably experience a shocking change. There is an earth-shattering fortune in the Guigu Secret Treasure!"

"After the news came out, many ancient families that had been silent for many years sent their young generation's terrifying geniuses to Nanjiang City to practice, but everyone knew that everyone's goal was the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure. "

"A big event is going to happen in Nanjiang City! So many geniuses from hidden families have come here. If there is a fight over the secret treasure of Ghost Valley, it will be lively."

"Nonsense, Tianji Pavilion has been silent for hundreds of years, where did you send the message?"

"What is the Tianji Pavilion? Please popularize science!"

"I'm an idiot, you don't even know about the Tianji Pavilion? How did you end up in the world of cultivation?"

"Ghost Valley Secret Treasure is a bit mysterious, it's too far away from our world, but I have a piece of breaking news here."

When everyone was talking about the secret possession of Guigu, a person said in a sly way: "Just now, the Huo family and the Ning family issued a reward at the same time. Whoever can provide clues to kill Cui Yan and Huo Qianchou will be rewarded." Lingshi is 500 yuan, are you interested in joining in the fun?"

(End of this chapter)

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