Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 253 Sky-high Reward Offer

Chapter 253 Sky-high Reward Offer (2 more)
500 Yuan Lingshi.

Hearing this person broke the news, the WeChat group suddenly became noisy.

"500 Yuan Lingshi is really a big deal."

"Who says it's not, I'm a good boy, this is a huge amount of wealth, the Huo family and the Ning family have spent a lot of money!"

"It seems that the contact has damaged Cui Yan and Huo Qianchou, and has completely touched their bottom line. This is the rhythm of them wanting to stand up at any cost."

The group exploded instantly as the news spread.

Seeing the news, Ye Luo narrowed his eyes fiercely. Are the Ning family and the Huo family going to attack at the same time?There is also a sky-high reward?

At the same time, a thought flashed across Ye Luo's mind. The ghost valley secret treasury that disturbed the entire practice world, and the bronze gate under the dry well, the ancient altar, the donkey, the dark river, and the ten-story demon pagoda. Is there any connection?
In other words, is the dry well the secret treasure of Ghost Valley?

If so, what would be hidden in the ten-story demon tower?

If not, where is Ghost Valley Secret Treasure?

Just as Ye Luo was pondering, Zhou Xiaoyu leaned over, staring straight at the screen with strange eyes, and said frightened: "How about it, I didn't lie to you, something big is going to happen!"

"Heh!" Ye Luo smiled.

"Brother Ye, don't laugh, Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, shh! Keep your voice down, for the group of cultivators, I have already understood clearly through the leader of the gossip group that brought me into the group last night. But a group of very awesome existence.

You have also seen that even a war doctor is a joke in their eyes.

And this Ghost Valley Secret Treasure is a secret treasure that those bully people have exhausted their efforts and even resorted to any means. There must be something shocking in it.

In this area of ​​Nanjiang City, who is more familiar than me? Don't forget, I, Zhou Xiaoyu, am the queen of gossip in Nanjiang City. I don't know what's going on in Nanjiang City?

I was thinking, since this Ghost Valley Secret Treasure is unowned, whoever finds it first will own it.

No matter how awesome that group of people is, if they can't find it, it's useless. If we find it first, it will be ours! "Zhou Xiaoyu finally revealed his real purpose.

Ye Luo froze for a moment, then said, "You won't be interested in Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, will you?"

"Of course, geniuses and earthly treasures are for those who are virtuous, and those who take the initiative to attack will get them. This is a shocking opportunity, how about it? I'm so excited, such a good thing, I thought of you at the first time, and I don't mind In the past two years, when my mother beat me up, did you cover for me?"

"How about it? Cooperate with me. In Nanjiang City, this ghost valley secret treasure must not fall into the hands of others!" Zhou Xiaoyu patted his young breasts that had just taken shape, full of confidence.


Ye Luo's face darkened, and he knocked on Zhou Xiaoyu's head directly, and said, "Don't even think about Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, there are so many powerful people who can't find this thing, and they can even kill people for it. With your small body, you will be eaten if you get involved!
"Go back to the pharmacy and look at the store! How dare you think, if your mother finds out, she will definitely smoke you to death. At that time, don't blame me for not doing it. I'm afraid that your mother will smoke someone."

"Ah! It hurts, don't hit me on the head! Brother Ye, what I said is true, why don't you believe me? I have studied it all, and I have deduced the possible location of the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure. As long as you can bring If you are looking for something, come with me, in a few days, you will definitely find it!" Zhou Xiaoyu was serious.


Ye Luo tapped his head again and said, "Can you still study?"

"Hey! Brother Ye, I've said it all, don't hit me on the head! Listen to me, Guiguzi was a big man in the pre-Qin period, and the secrets left by such a big man must have a history of more than 2000 years. Yes.

Moreover, the secret treasure left by the supreme must also be in the treasure land of geomantic omen!

Think about it, in our Nanjiang City, it has a history of more than 2000 years, and it is also a place of geomantic omen. After so many years of urban development, where is the place that has not been dug up?

That must be the Western Suburb Cemetery!
Before I came here, I had already checked the exact historical documents of our city. The cemetery in the western suburbs appeared in the pre-Qin period. There is a gap on the east side, which can directly face the early morning sunshine. It is a treasure of geomantic omen!
For more than 2000 years, the areas around Nanjiang City have enthusiastically buried their ancestors' graves in the western suburbs cemetery, which is enough to prove this point.

In the past few years, Nanjiang City has undergone crazy development, building houses, roads, bridges, etc. Almost the entire city has been dug up. If there is anything, it will be dug out long ago.

However, only the cemetery in the western suburbs has never been dug. It stretches for nearly a hundred miles and has been buried for more than 2000 years. Therefore, based on multiple factors, I deduce that the secret treasure of Ghost Valley is very likely to be In the western suburbs cemetery!
The more Zhou Xiaoyu talked, the more energetic he became, and a flash of excitement flashed across his eccentric and pretty face.

Cemetery in the western suburbs?

That place is indeed a bit weird, but, could that place be the location of Ghost Valley's secret treasure?
Ye Luo was distracted after hearing half of it, and didn't pay much attention to the little girl's speculation, feeling that what the little girl said was a bit unreliable.

Ye Luo looked down at the phone screen, but his attention was shifted to the two people who were sent to Nanjiang by the Huo family and the Ning family as mentioned in the group.

The person from the Huo family is Huo Qianyu, the genius of the Huo family, who ranks third among the younger generation of the Huo family!

That person from the Ning family turned out to be the terrifying fifth level of Qi training, a big shot in the Ning family!

"With my current strength, I can beat the monks at the third level of Qi training, but the monks at the fourth level of Qi training will have a qualitative leap in strength. Even if I have just broken through now, if I go head-to-head There may not be a complete chance of winning, but if you are against a big shot at the fifth level of Qi training, you will basically die." Ye Luo quickly calculated in his mind.

"We must find the body training technique as soon as possible and break through again!" Ye Luo could feel a dangerous aura, and so many geniuses from the hidden ancient martial arts family came to Nanjiang City, would they find that strange dry well?

Is the dry well the secret treasure of Ghost Valley?
Ye Luo felt that it was necessary to do another dry well as soon as possible!
But before that, he had to make some preparations. The two masters of the Huo family and the Ning family may have arrived in Nanjiang City. Cui Yan's death was fine, and no one saw it. Guessed, especially Long Qingshu.

With Long Qingshu's personality, under such a sky-high reward, he would definitely betray himself.

And once he is betrayed, with his current strength, he will be in danger almost immediately, but if he can delay for a while, get the things in the ancient well, or break through again, then it will be a completely different situation situation.

At that time, he will tell everyone with practical actions that those so-called geniuses are not even a fart in front of him, a well-recognized trash.

(End of this chapter)

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