Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 255 Fatty Returns

Chapter 255 Fatty Returns (4 More)
On the WeChat group, the discussion continues.

Ye Luo looked at the message on WeChat with a calm expression.

Zhou Xiaoyu was dumbfounded, and stammered, "Ye, brother Ye, why do I feel like you've made a big fuss? If the war doctor finds out and you use his name to do this, he will definitely kill you , practitioners are not afraid of war doctors, but you are not a practitioner!"

"Calm down, how can such an awesome character as Zhan Doctor care about such trivial matters." Ye Luo patted Zhou Xiaoyu's head and said a word of comfort.

"Don't be afraid of [-], just in case, Brother Ye, even if you can't find a wife, you can't be so broken, right? Life is always full of opportunities. If God is blind that day, let you seize the opportunity , maybe it can rise again." Zhou Xiaoyu said a few words earnestly, seeing Ye Luo's stare, he quickly changed his words: "For example, follow me to find the ghost valley secret treasure, I am [-]% sure, the ghost valley secret treasure is in the western suburbs Cemetery!"

Even if he changed his words quickly, he did not escape Ye Luo's murderous hand.

He slapped her on the head, and said angrily: "Little brat, don't think about it all day, go home and look at the shop."

"But..." Before Zhou Xiaoyu could speak, he was interrupted by the vibration of the phone.


The phone in Ye Luo's hand vibrated continuously.

Wu Banxian?
Ye Luo looked at the caller ID on the phone, and saw that the number belonged to Wu Banxian. He couldn't help but be taken aback. The old man who set up a stall hadn't seen him since he went to Hidden Dragon Mountain last time. He is calling now, so he is back?
"Wu Banxian?" Ye Luo connected the phone and asked.

"Of course it is me."

Seeing that it was indeed Wu Banxian, Ye Luo asked curiously, "Why did you remember to call me? Are you still in Hidden Dragon Mountain?"

"Of course I'm not here anymore..." Before Wu Banxian finished speaking, another familiar voice came from the phone: "Give me the phone, from Mahler Gobi, you two are too disloyal. I was taken away by Zhu Xiaozhu back then. You two don't even say stop!"

This familiar voice turned out to be Fatty's. Why did these two people get mixed up again?
Back then in Hidden Dragon Mountain, didn't the fat man fall asleep to Mo Shanshan's cousin Zhu Xiaozhu by mistake, and was found to be the best spiritual root, and was finally taken away by Zhu Xiaozhu, and went back to Zhu's house to get married?

Ye Luo was slightly taken aback, and asked, "Why did you get mixed up?"

"It's a long story. We are now a red-sleeved recruit in Nanjiang City. Come here quickly. The fat man invites you to take care of yourself. You must have never heard of the health care in the cultivation world!" The fat man looked terrified and salivated: "The girls in it are all practitioners, and ordinary people dare not even think about it."

Red sleeve move.

Great health care for practitioners.

Ye Luo didn't know it, but he thought it was awesome after hearing it.

However, he wasn't very interested in this. On the contrary, he was very curious about why the fat man appeared here, and couldn't help but ask, "Didn't you go home to marry Zhu Xiaozhu? Why are you in Nanjiang?"

"It's not too soon to get married. Kowtow to the church can be done in one day. Hey, shit, don't always mention marriage. It's so unlucky. I'll tell you secretly, buddy is very awesome now."

Marriage is a bad thing?
Ye Luo was stunned, then remembered Zhu Xiaozhu's appearance and character, slapped his lips, feeling a little relieved, and joked: "That's right, if you dare to marry such a Zhu Xiaozhu, you must be awesome."

"You still dare to say it." Hearing Ye Luo mentioning his sadness, the fat man immediately became angry, and scolded: "It's not the two of you. When I was in Hidden Dragon Mountain, my conscience was eaten by a dog. Seeing that I was killed Take it away, and don't even say help to stop it."

Ye Luo hesitated, and argued, "Do you think we can stop it?"

"That's true." The fat man was stunned for a moment, and then said happily: "It's also fortunate that you didn't stop me, otherwise, I really wouldn't be where I am today. Fat Lord, I am a cultivator now!"

Ye Luo was stunned for a moment, and then he was relieved. Fatty has the highest spiritual root, and it is normal to become a cultivator.

His uneven performance made the fat man very upset. He raised his voice and said, "I said that I have become a cultivator. I am a very awesome practitioner. Why don't you ask Fatty how awesome he is?"

"How awesome?" Seeing that the fat man wanted to show off so much, Ye Luo gave him a chance.

"Quack quack! Let me tell you this, Fatty, I will stand still and let you hack with a knife. You won't be able to break through my defense after ten or eight years!" Fatty's tone was arrogant .

Then, the fat man said again: "However, you are hiding deep enough. I didn't expect you to be a war doctor. When I first heard about it, I was so shocked that I almost dropped my jaw. I couldn't sleep at night because of the excitement. It's a bullshit character, but now it's just a fart—"

Ye Luo: "..."

Ye Luo didn't speak. Seeing that he didn't ask, the fat man said with an itchy heart, "Why don't you ask me how awesome I am now?"

"How awesome are you now?" Ye Luo asked following his words.

"Quack, now you have to worship me. With my current strength, I can kill you with a stretch of a finger." The fat man seemed to be snarling with difficulty, and he was extremely excited.

Stretching out a finger can kill it?

This fat man has only practiced for a few days, how could he have such enigmatic self-confidence?

Ye Luo touched his chin, and asked again: "How far have you cultivated?"

"Fourth level of Qi training, spiritual armor, wow, fat man, I am indeed a genius in cultivation!" The fat man couldn't help laughing wildly, and finally he was able to stand out and shine!

"What? The fourth level of Qi training?" Ye Luo was finally a little surprised when he heard this.

Ye Luo knew a lot about Qi training monks.

Even a genius like Mo Shanshan, who has practiced for so many years, has only reached the fourth level of Qi training before taking the Swallowing Holy Grass, and this fat man has only practiced for a few days?
No matter how talented the talent is, it can't be the fourth level of Qi training, right?

Is the fat man bragging?

This is not like, this kind of unrealistic bragging will be exposed once they meet, and they will be slapped in the face. It doesn't make any sense at all. Fatty wouldn't do such a stupid thing, right?
However, if it wasn't bragging, what exactly did the fat man do to accomplish in such a short period of time what others have accomplished in a few years, or even more than ten years?

"Quack quack, these are trivial things. Fatty, I never cared about this little vanity, and you don't have to worship me too much. By the way, what, in the scripture storage pavilion of Zhu's family, I found a book about astral cultivation. Cultivation method." The fat man said again, and then said: "How about it, buddy, am I interesting enough?"

"The method of astral body cultivation?" When Ye Luo heard these words, he suddenly stood up.

"That's right, it's the rarest thing to see in all ages, the most cheating physique, the astral body cultivation technique, I've heard that the astral body can fight the supreme when the astral body is perfect, and it's a mess. Didn't you get divorced? After practicing, You can definitely change your fate against the sky, destroying the Huo family and the Ning family like destroying the dead!"

"Where are you now, I'll go find you right away." Ye Lu suddenly couldn't sit still.

"Red sleeve move, didn't I tell you?" the fat man said.

Ye Luo rolled his eyelids angrily, and said, "I'm not a live map of Nanjiang City, I know all the places, tell me the exact address."

"On the banks of the Nanjiang River, Dihao Building, Room 508, we are waiting for you here..."


He hung up the phone as soon as he said it, and listening to the blind tone on the phone, Ye Luo was full of questions.

Fatty reached the fourth level of Qi training?

Also found the cultivation method of the cheating physique and astral body that is rare in ten thousand years?
Although it felt unreal, Ye Luo couldn't help but look forward to it, and rushed to the bank of Nanjiang in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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