Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 256 Young Woman Yang Yu

Chapter 256 Young Woman Yang Yu (5 more)
The red-sleeved trick reappears.

It touched the nerves of all practitioners in Nanjiang City.

Red sleeve tricks are not the same concept as the red sleeve tricks in film and television dramas, but a cultivator sect composed entirely of women.

This sect is rich in all kinds of beauties, and countless practitioners want to be their guests, whether it is because those practitioners are beautiful and elegant, or more importantly, they can assist practitioners in their cultivation.

On the banks of the Nanjiang River.

The Dihao Hotel was full of practitioners early on, and everyone was waiting eagerly for the official appearance of the red sleeve move at night.

In front of the Imperial Hotel.

A stretched Lincoln car stopped, and a young man in a suit and leather shoes with combed hair got out of the car first, then trotted all the way to the door on the other side, opened the door respectfully, and then cast his eyes in the direction of the hotel.

I saw a short man coming out. The man was less than 1.7 meters tall, with bow legs and a square beard under his nose, which made people know that he was from the island country.

Several waiters didn't have a good impression of the islanders. When they saw the islanders coming out, they just stood quietly and looked at them coldly, without any reaction.

Seeing this, the young man felt that his master had been slighted, and scolded: "What are you doing? This is your service attitude. Why don't you hurry up and send Mr. Miyamoto off."

Just after the scolding was finished, the young man lowered his head again, and said to the bow-legged islander, "Mr. Miyamoto, the car is here, please."

The young man respectfully led the islanders into the hotel. His cautious appearance made several waiters despise him, and one of them spat out, "Traitor!"

The young man didn't care what the people behind him talked about. After welcoming the islanders into the car, he flattered him and said, "Mr. Miyamoto, there are still many interesting places in Nanjiang City, how about I take you there..."

"Walking around on the street, I see that the quality of beauties in Nanjiang City is good."

"That's right, if there is something you like, Miyamoto-san just order it." The young man nodded and bowed, and led the islanders to wander the streets, commenting on the beauties in the past.

When passing by an intersection, the eyes of the islanders brightened, and they cast their gazes across the road. They saw a slim girl crossing the road. The girl was in her early thirties. Although her appearance was not perfect, she had a sense of tranquility. Indifferent temperament.

If Ye Luo were here, he would definitely recognize this young woman as Yang Yu.

"Mr. Miyamoto, I have my eyes on her."

The young man looked at the woman carefully, and knew that he liked young women from a good family the most, so he said something flatteringly, and then said to the driver: "Come over!"

The car made a sharp turn and bumped into an old man on the side of the road.

Yang Yu heard the sound behind her and saw the old man fell to the ground, so she rushed over and asked, "How are you, old man, is there anything wrong?"

Shouting a few words, seeing that the old man didn't respond, Yang Yu came to the lengthened Lincoln and asked inside, "Why did you drive and hit the old man?"

in the carriage.

When the islander saw the car hitting someone, he scolded with a sullen face.

The young man trembled, rolled his eyes, and said, "Mr. Miyamoto calm down, I have a solution."

The young man whispered a few words in the ear of the islander, then opened the car door and got out. Seeing that there was no one around, before Yang Yu could speak again, he ran to the old man and shouted anxiously: "Dad, dad , how are you, is there something wrong, is there any injury?"

Yang Yu was stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect the two to be father and son.

She subconsciously followed, and before she could speak, the young man reprimanded: "You are such a biker, you hit my father."

"What did you say?" Yang Yu was stunned for a moment, not expecting the other party to say that.

After a brief daze, she distinguished: "I didn't hit him, it was you who drove him."

"I hit it myself. Is your head broken? Why do I hit my father when I'm free?" The young man sneered and began to put shit on Yang Yu's head, "Why are you so bad? Down with my dad, how dare you argue! My dad just got out of the car at such an age, and you knocked him down, you don't have any conscience!"

The young man shouted loudly, attracting the attention of many people.

When everyone heard what he said, they thought it was true, and criticized Yang Yu one after another.

"Why is this so?"

"I bumped into someone and still don't admit it."

"I think she looks pretty good, but I didn't expect her heart to be so vicious."

Seeing everyone blamed herself indiscriminately, Yang Yu's heart sank. She, Yang Yu's face flushed, stammered and explained: "I, I didn't, obviously you knocked him down, and you want to save him , that's why..."

"I hit it myself. He is my own father. Would you hit your own father? My father just got out of the car. You knocked him down, but you beat him upside down." The young man walked towards Yang Yu. After taking a step, he said aggressively, and began to take the rhythm again.

Everyone didn't see what happened. When they came, they saw the young man scolding Yang Yu for hitting his father. They preconceived that the young man had a father-son relationship with the old man, and thought that Yang Yu had hit someone. After a wave of rhythm, it became more and more determined that Yang Yu had bumped into someone.

It never occurred to him that the old man was not the young man's biological father at all, let alone that all of this was thought up by the young man to excuse himself.

Everyone looked at Yang Yu more and more unkindly, and some of the grumpy ones started to swear.

Seeing that the situation was under control, the young man's eyes flashed with complacency, and he pretended to come to the old man, crying and crying: "Father, don't scare me, you must be fine, if something happens to you, how can I live...Dad , Dad, my dad is out of breath, you killed him..."

"No, I didn't, I didn't…"

Yang Yu waved her hands to explain, but no one believed it.

Under the scolding of the young man and the accusations of everyone, her heart sank.

All mouths are full of gold.

Now that Ken believes in her, who else can help her?
They looked around for help, but none of them stood up, and there were only endless accusations.

Just when Yang Yu was about to despair, a taxi passed by. A young man in the taxi noticed the situation outside the window, asked the driver to stop, got out of the car and walked over quickly.

"Sister Yang, what happened?" The young man came to Yang Yu and asked.

This young man is none other than Ye Luo who hastily rushed to find the fat man.

Seeing Ye Luo appearing, Yang Yu grabbed his hand as if grabbing a life-saving straw, and said anxiously: "Ye Luo, help me quickly, I didn't hit anyone, we did kill someone, it was them Hit me, please help me..."

(End of this chapter)

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