Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 257 Ye Luo Makes a Move

Chapter 257 Ye Luo Makes a Move (6 more)
"Sister Yang, don't worry, this matter is on me."

Ye Luo gently patted her hand to comfort her. He still knew a little about Yang Yu, a young woman doctor, and knew her character. If she really hit her, he would definitely not deny it.

Now that she asks herself to help, saying that she didn't bump into the person, but the other party hit him, then it must not be her, but the other party's bumping into him.

It's really audacious to hit someone and dare to frame Yang Yu's head.

Ye Luo's eyes flickered with coldness, but he didn't attack immediately. Instead, he glanced at the old man on the ground, only to find that the old man was exhaling more and inhaling less, almost hanging by a thread.

He frowned slightly, and looked at the young man again.

This look made him see that something was wrong.

Is this young man the son of an old man on earth?
From the looks of it, it doesn't look like it at all.

The most important thing is that the old man looks over 80 years old, while the young man is only in his 20s. If it is his father, then the old man didn't have a child until he was 60 years old?
The chances of this are a bit small.

And Yang Yu also said that people are bumped into by young people themselves.

In this way, Ye Luo was almost certain that the young man was not the son of the old man. The reason why he said this was to beat him back and put the responsibility on Yang Yu.

With this in mind, Ye Luo suddenly knew what to do.

He stared at the young man, and pointed at Yang Yu: "You just said that she hit your father?"

"Yes, it's her." The young man nodded, and then he pretended to be angry and said: "This person is very beautiful, why is he so cruel, and it's fine to hit my father, but he still wants to renege? Let me tell you, today If you don’t give an explanation on this matter, don’t even think about leaving!”

"I didn't, you're spitting blood!" Yang Yu said angrily, her voice trembling a little.

"Sister Yang, don't get excited, let me do it." Ye Luo stopped Yang Yu and said to the young man, "I'll ask you a question. You said he was your father. What is your father's name?"

The young man was taken aback for a moment, seeing Ye Luo asking this question, he suddenly felt a little tricky, he frowned, and said angrily, "Who are you, why should I tell you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that I suspect that you are not his son." Ye Luo's voice was cold, and he walked up to the unconscious old man on the ground, helped the old man sit up, and put his hand casually on the old man's pulse and asked: "Since you said that this old man is your father, then you probably don't know what this old man's name is?"

The young man was a little guilty, obviously he did not expect that Ye Luo would see through his plan, his eyes flickered, and he couldn't help but glance at the lengthened Lincoln not far behind.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes and glanced at the car. There seemed to be someone in the car.

The onlookers were also taken aback. Before, they were all wondering whether this person was hit by Yang Yu, and they never doubted whether the old man on the ground was the young man's father.

In this day and age, are there still people who recognize their father indiscriminately?


Among the crowd of onlookers, there was a group of low-pitched discussions.

"What? You don't even know your father's name?" Ye Luo's tone became colder.

"Who, who said that I don't know, my father's name is Wang Wen!" The young man was quick to wit, seeing that the old man was already in a state of dying, he casually said a name.

"Really? Then what's your name?" Ye Luo asked again.

"My name is Liu Tianming. Who are you? What right do you have to ask these questions? Get the hell out and let that woman come out. She hit my father!" the young man said angrily.

"Then I'll ask you another question. If you can answer it correctly, I won't care about it." Ye Luo smiled, and continued: "The question is, what's your mother's name?"

The young man was furious. Why does this person seem to be checking household registration and asking questions? However, seeing more and more people around him, it might be a little inappropriate to do it directly. After thinking about it, he chose to answer Ye Luo's question, said: "Are you sick? My mother's name is Zhang Cuilan. Well, you can get out now!"

"Oh! Your father's name is Wang Wen, your mother's name is Zhang Cuilan, and your name is Liu Tianming. Your surnames are a bit confusing. Are you a bastard?" Ye Luo couldn't help shaking his head, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Everyone couldn't understand it at first, but after savoring it carefully, some people immediately understood.

Father's surname is Wang, mother's surname is Zhang, and son's surname is Liu?

What's the matter?
The young man also realized that Wang Wen was just a name he made up casually. He didn't think about it so much. He didn't expect to be caught by this person.

"What is my family name, do you care? You are from Mahler Gobi, who are you? If you care so much, you should go away quickly, otherwise, believe it or not, I will kill you!" The young man took a big step forward, He yelled and became angry from embarrassment!

Before Huang Mao could make a move, Ye Luo struck first, and slapped Huang Mao's face twice left and right. These two slaps were so cruel that his face was swollen, leaving five blood-red spots. Fingerprints.

"It's better to keep your mouth clean." Ye Luo said lightly.

Just hit it?
The people around were even more surprised when they saw this scene. This young man, that young man in his early years, doesn't seem to be weak either!
Different from everyone's reaction, although Yang Yu felt relieved, she was afraid that Ye Luo would get into trouble, and persuaded in a low voice: "Ye Luo, don't hit people, just explain the truth clearly, and the old man is in critical condition, so we should rush to the hospital .”

"This kind of person deserves a beating." Ye Luo said lightly.

"You dare to hit me, you wait for me!" The young man was furious, but he didn't dare to go forward, pointed at Ye Luo and said a few words, stepped back in front of the lengthened Lincoln, and whispered a few words into it .

The car door was pushed open, and out of the car came out a bow-legged, short, ugly man with a square beard under his nose and a face full of pimples.

"Mr. Miyamoto, you have finally come down. This man dared to spoil your good deeds and beat me!" Huang Mao screamed, and when he saw the bow-legged ugly man, he immediately yelled loudly.

"You hit my man just now?" The bow-legged ugly man walked towards Ye Luo with a cold expression and a dangerous aura.

When Ye Luo saw the ugly man with bowed legs, he almost instinctively became murderous.

Because, Ye Luo could tell at a glance that this ugly, bow-legged man was a tiny islander, and his features were too obvious.

Because of the previous history of humiliation, all the soldiers did not have a good opinion of the islanders, Ye Luo was even more so. Seeing the young man who did evil followed the islanders behind him, Ye Luo's eyes shot with murderous intent.

"I hit it."

Ye Luo stared at the islander and spoke bluntly. Although he vaguely felt that this islander seemed to be not simple and had a dangerous aura unique to monks, Ye Luo didn't take it to heart at all.
"It depends on the owner when beating a dog. If you don't even ask me, just do it. It seems that I need to teach you what is respect." The ugly man with bow legs has a gloomy face, gloomy eyes, and murderous intent. .

(End of this chapter)

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