Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 258 This Person Must Die

Chapter 258 This Person Must Die (7 More)

The bow-legged ugly man took a step towards Ye Luo, and his foot landed on the ground hard. The half-foot-thick concrete road on the ground actually shattered densely under this foot, within a radius of one foot. Spider texture.

"Water... cement floor cracked... cracked?" Someone shouted from the surrounding crowd.

"This... is a master! Could it be a special soldier?" Someone said in surprise.

"It's bad, that young man in his early years, I'm afraid he's going to be unlucky!"


Yang Yu couldn't help but startled when he saw it. How could this short and ugly man be so scary?
Ye Luo used to be a cleaner, but later became a doctor by chance. He was thin. How could he be a match for this kind of person?
If this person really got angry, Ye Luo would definitely not be his opponent, and he would be seriously injured if he didn't die.

Moreover, judging from his clothes and the car he drives, this man is also a rich man, and he is also a foreigner. In this case, even if he maims Ye Luo, he will probably just lose money in the end. ?
In case, hit the wrong position, it will kill someone!

At the critical moment, Yang Yu bit her lip, suddenly took a step forward, and said, "So many people are watching, and it was obviously you who bumped into him, what else do you want?"

"The person who bumped into someone or hurt me, if this matter is not resolved, you two don't even think about leaving!" When Miyamoto Jiro looked at the young woman Yang Yu, a greedy look flashed in his eyes.

"You...what do you want?" Yang Yu was a little scared, but she insisted on asking again.

"What do you want? Hmph! Let that man kneel on the ground, kowtow a hundred times to admit his mistake, and I will spare him. As for you, I will not make things difficult for you. Since you killed the old man, you will follow us later." Get in the car together, take the old man's body with you, and after cremation, give the old man a seven-day filial piety before leaving." Looking at Yang Yu's extremely mature and seductive identity, Miyamoto Jiro's eyes became more greedy.

As soon as the people around heard it, a discussion immediately started again.

It seems that what Miyamoto Jiro said was not harsh, he just kowtowed to admit his mistakes and kept his filial piety, and did not let him pay sky-high money.

Ye Luo's eyes flashed a icy coldness, but he didn't think this person would be so kind.

Although he didn't see what happened, he could almost restore the whole thing.The old man must have fallen to the ground, and Yang Yu was saving someone. In the process of saving someone, Miyamoto Miyamoto Jiro, who drove past here, should have seen him, and greedily fell on Yang Yu's extremely seductive mature body.

Afterwards, the dog-legged young man next to him went up and pretended to be the old man's son, trying to blackmail him and take Yang Yu away.

Ye Luo has raised his murderous intent!
The cruel and heavy blood debt owed by the islanders during the Anti-Japanese War has not yet been repaid, and now they still want to play with domestic women, and in such a despicable way.

This man must die.

And he wanted to beat him to death in public.

It's just that it's a bit troublesome to operate, after all, it's a legal society now.

However, this did not bother Ye Luo, he rolled his eyes, and soon thought of paying attention, but seeing him suddenly took a step forward, he said quietly: "Are you sure this old man is the father of that young man?"

"It must be!" Miyamoto Jiro said coldly.

"Okay! Then do you dare to make a bet with me, if I can prove that this old man is not the young man's father, do you dare to fight with me and sign a life and death certificate, life or death does not matter!" Ye Luo said in a serious tone.

Jiro Miyamoto was slightly stunned, and thought about it casually. As a practitioner, Ye Luo was like an ant in his eyes. There was no way you could be his opponent. This bet, no matter how you looked at it, seemed to be made for him.

"Okay! I'll bet with you!" Miyamoto Jiro said, and added: "If you can't prove it, I want you to fight with me and sign a life-and-death certificate."

"it is good!"

Seeing the bet between the two, the onlookers were a little bit puzzled when they saw the bet. Why did the young man bet with this ugly man? The strength shown by the ugly man just now was intimidating.

Was the young man stunned?

Yang Yu was anxious and wanted to stop, but was stopped by Ye Luo.

Murderous intent flashed in Ye Luo's eyes.

After that, Ye Luo walked up to the old man, lowered his head and pressed on the old man's chest three times in a row. At the same time, he struck the back of the old man's head with another heavy palm. Finally, he took out the dagger and lightly touched the old man's left and right ears. , all opened a small bloody mouth.

Black and red blood flowed out from the old man's earlobe in an instant, with a faint fishy smell.

"Oh, young man, what are you doing?"

"You are killing people!"

"Hey, stop!"


Among the crowd, seeing Ye Luo's violent attack, some people couldn't help shouting, thinking that Ye Luo was committing murder.

Seeing this scene, Miyamoto Jiro couldn't help showing a cruel smile, and said: "The Chinese people are really a despicable nation, and they directly kill the old people in their own country."

Yang Yu was also frightened, and reached out to pull Ye Luo, but she didn't.

But Ye Luo said at this time: "The tremor coma is just a coma of the body, and the spirit has not fallen into a deep sleep. The old man knows what happened around him. He will wake up when he releases the blood in his head."

As soon as Ye Luo's words fell, the old man who was in a coma opened his eyes strangely, and then stood up slowly, his eyes slowly regaining clarity.

The surrounding voices stopped abruptly!

Wake up!
Under Ye Luo's brutal treatment, the old man came back to life unexpectedly.

Miyamoto Jiro also had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

This old man also seemed to have a violent temper. After waking up, before he could stand on his feet, he immediately yelled furiously, "Bastard! What a fool! You bumped into me, but you came back and pretended to be my son, and framed the person who saved me!" girl!"

Tremor coma is just a coma of the body, and the consciousness is still awake. During the coma, one is aware of what is happening outside.

Afterwards, the old man breathed a sigh of relief, and suddenly took two steps forward: "You little devil? I'll kill you, old man. You're already here, and dare to harm people in our country. I participated in the War of Resistance!"

The old man was irritable, and after recovering a little bit, iron and blood burst out from his body.

Even Ye Luo couldn't help turning his eyes sideways when he saw the iron and blood. Then, Ye Luo stood up straight like a gun, like a sharp sword drawn out of its sheath, and gave the old man a standard military salute!

Looking at it, the old man seemed to feel the same kind of aura from Ye Luo, and his somewhat stooped waist also straightened quietly, and he returned a military salute to Ye Luo.

Ye Luo smiled brightly, and said word by word: "Anyone who offends China will be punished no matter how far away! This little devil, I won't bother you old man, I will do it myself."

(End of this chapter)

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