Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 260 The World of Cultivation

Chapter 260 The World of Cultivation
Long Qingshu's tone was not kind.

Ye Luo pretended not to hear it, and said solemnly: "You want to return the spirit stone? What a coincidence, I am short of money recently. 1000 yuan spirit stone is enough for me to spend for a long time."

"Do you still want Lingshi? Dare to blackmail me. If I don't kill you, you can ask for blessings and burn incense. Do you still want Lingshi? Don't forget your own identity. In the eyes of us practitioners , you are just an ordinary person like an ant." In Long Qingshu's tone, there was an undisguised threat.

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes, and tried to reason, "I risked my life to save you from Huo Qianchou, and you wrote the IOU to save your life. Now, you want to renege on the debt? Why don't you return the Lingshi?" ?”

"Where is there so much nonsense, come out with the IOU, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude!" Long Qingshu burst out with spiritual energy in his hands, and suddenly took another step forward.

"Are you going to grab it?" Ye Luo looked at Long Qingshu calmly, not frightened by his gesture at all.

A flash of anger flashed in Long Qingshu's eyes, and he said, "I'm going to use force to deal with you? I can crush you to death with one finger, and hand over the IOU, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

"No." Ye Luo shook his head.

"You asked for this!" Seeing that Ye Luo dared to ignore him and laughed at him, Long Qingshu was furious. A guy like an ant really doesn't know the heights of heaven and earth!
Long Qingshu's spiritual energy condensed, grabbed Ye Luo, and said, "I'll show you what is the power of a practitioner!"

Ye Luo narrowed his eyes and looked calm. He didn't dodge or panic. He just punched Long Qingshu's palm.


Fist and palm collided, aura and great force rubbed against each other, and there was a violent muffled sound!

Ye Luo stood still, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

However, Long Qingshu retreated five steps in a row, and all the spiritual energy gathered in his hands had been smashed away, and his eyes showed disbelief.

"You, your power..." Long Qingshu pointed at Ye Luo with a shocked expression.

How could Ye Luo have such great power?


Which ants have such terrifying power?

At this moment, many thoughts flashed through Long Qingshu's mind. Suddenly, Long Qingshu thought that Huo Qianchou chased and killed Ye Luo in front of the unfinished building in the Western Suburb Cemetery, and in the end Ye Luo was intact. Huo Qianchou died.

Could it be that Huo Qianchou was killed by him?


How could Ye Luo be so powerful, isn't he a trash star?

what on earth is it?

"Heh!" Ye Luo ignored Long Qingshu, just shook his head, pointed at the red sleeve move, and said lightly: "I heard that the red sleeve move is reappearing today, and there are many practitioners present. What kind of scene will it be if the signed IOU is announced?"

Publish the IOU.

Long Qingshu, who was full of doubts, was shocked when he heard the words!
If he really auctioned off this IOU, he would lose all face. If he let his father know at this time, the consequences... Long Qingshu just thought about it, and shivered shiveringly.

His bad-tempered father, who is desperate for face, may really do something righteous and exterminate his relatives for the sake of face!
The most important thing is that once such a scandal occurs, his future status and reputation will probably plummet, and the treatment and resources he receives may decrease sharply.

IOUs must not be auctioned at the auction!

Do you want to use strong hands again?

Long Qingshu hesitated, Ye Luo has such a huge and terrifying power, it is most likely because Ye Luo is a legendary body repairer.

As for physical training, it has been extremely rare since ancient times. Long Qingshu couldn't figure out Ye Luo's strength for a while, and with Huo Qianchou's lessons learned from his death, he didn't dare to do it lightly.

If Ye Luo couldn't be subdued at the first time and made a big noise and attracted onlookers, it would be troublesome. Moreover, the red sleeve move also has its own rules, that is, no one is allowed to use force here, otherwise the consequences will be dire.

It can't be done by force, and the IOU must never be auctioned, what should I do?
"Wait a minute." Long Qingshu gritted his teeth, made a decision in his mind, and followed.

Ye Luo's footsteps didn't stop, as if he didn't hear it at all.

"That, that, can you slow me down for a while, and I will return the spirit stone to you." Long Qingshu said in a low voice with difficulty, but he thought in his heart that after this crisis, he must find Chance beat Ye Luo violently to vent his anger.

"It's okay, but there is always a deadline." Ye Luo's tone was flat.

"Of course I will return it to you when I have it." Long Qingshu wanted to fool around.

"At the auction—" Ye Luo paused in the middle of his sentence.

Long Qingshu's eyes flickered with anger, he gritted his teeth and said, "One month, give me one month, and I will find a way to pay it back to you."

Hearing Long Qingshu's promise, Ye Luo didn't let him go, but rubbed his hands together and said, "Okay, I'll give you a one-month grace period, but you won't take nothing with you when you go out, why don't you give back some of it first. "

Long Qingshu had no choice but to pinch his nose to admit it, took out ten spirit stones from his body and gave them to Ye Luo, and then sent him away.

Seeing Ye Luo leaving happily, Long Qingshu's teeth were itching with hatred, his eyes slowly filled with hatred, and he growled, "Ye Luo, wait, I won't be named Long if I don't kill you!"


The interior of the Red Sleeve Trick is also completely an antique building, and even many supplies inside are also retro. You can also see some young, beautiful, youthful and beautiful girls in palace costumes, swaying back and forth inside.

Ye Luo observed it carefully, and a thought flashed in his mind: Hongxiu Zhao is the brothel, the brothel in the practice world.

After this thought arose, Ye Luo went to look at the layout of Hongxiu Zhao. The more he looked at it, the more he felt that it resembled it, that is, the layout and taste of the building were much higher than ordinary brothels.

This is a brothel exclusively for monks!
Ye Luo glanced again and came to a final conclusion.

"Sir, what service do you need?" While Ye Luo was looking at it, suddenly, a gust of wind blew in, and a pure and elegant girl in palace attire appeared in front of Ye Luo.

"What, I'm looking for two people, one is Wu Banxian and the other is Bao Yueban." Ye Luo responded.

The pure girl's eyes lit up, and said: "So you are Mr. Bao's distinguished guest, please come with me."

The innocent girl led the way up to the second floor, and when she reached a private room, she stopped and gently knocked on the door.


The door opened, and a fat head suddenly poked out, eyes widened, mouth grinned, suddenly laughed, and said: "Why did you come here, come in quickly, the chicks are all found, I'm waiting for you, it's all about cultivation The chick in the world, hehe..."

A chick from the cultivation world.

Ye Luo's heart fluttered instantly. He had tried the usual health care, but he had never tried the health care of a chick in the cultivation world.

PS: 9 more tickets, recommended tickets, and monthly tickets. There are still a few chapters at noon tomorrow. Please support me a lot, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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