Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 261: A Realistic World of Cultivation

Chapter 261: A Realistic World of Cultivation (10 more)
A chick from the cultivation world?

Ye Luo's heart skipped a beat. He had tried the usual health care, but he had never tried the health care of a chick in the cultivation world. Try it, what would it feel like?

Just as Ye Luo was drooling, the fat man pulled him in, took out a spirit stone from his pocket, threw it directly to the innocent girl, and said lightly, "I've given it to you!"

"Thank you, Bao Shao." The innocent girl's eyes flashed with joy, but her attitude, actions, and tone were all meticulous, and the service quality was top-notch.

The fat man waved his hand domineeringly, and said lightly: "Let's go!"

A precious spirit stone, in the hands of the fat man, doesn't seem to be worth as much as a piece of dirt.

In the private room, on the table, Ye Luo saw at a glance, jade plate, silver spoon, golden bowl, spiritual tea, and all kinds of luxurious top-grade ingredients, and even a pot of wine on the table, there was a touch of aura , extremely luxurious.

And on the seats in the private room, there were actually two first-class girls in palace costumes. These two girls seemed to be serving them, and they were very careful in every move. Moreover, there was a faint spiritual fluctuation on their bodies.

From the looks of it, it looks like a fresh young girl cultivator who has just condensed into a spiritual seed and trained in Qi.

"How is it, isn't it? Quack, the red-sleeved trick, the mysterious ancient brothel that has lasted for more than 2000 years, the quality of the girls is well-deserved, only Tianxianglou can match it, do you want to try it now?" The fat man pointed to the two young girls in palace costumes, There was also a gleam in his own eyes.

Ye Luo's eyes were also attracted by these two fresh and tender girls in palace attire, but he didn't forget the business, and said, "Didn't you say on the phone that you found the power of astral cultivation in Zhu's scripture storage pavilion?" Fa, where is it?"

"Huh! Don't tell me, I forgot. When I went out to play, I didn't bring those messy things with me and left them in the hotel." The fat man patted his head, and then said: "Let's finish playing first and then leave. The method is left in the hotel, but it can’t fly.”

As the fat man spoke, he grabbed one of the fresh and tender girls with his big hand. The girl's petite body formed a sharp contrast with the fat man's huge body.

Another young girl in palace attire looked at Ye Luo with mist in her eyes.

Not long after Ye Luo broke through, when his blood was surging and his body was full of strength, seeing this girl's appearance, the evil fire in his heart was immediately aroused, and he strode towards the girl.

Cultivation also has to reconcile yin and yang. As for the exercises, they don't exist now, and it won't be too late when they go back.

Ye Luo started, warm and fragrant, and then asked casually: "Where is Wu Banxian?"

"Quack! Next door, he has already taken away a beautiful woman. He is old-fashioned, and he is probably doing that right now!" The fat man's voice was a bit wretched.

When Ye Luo heard it, his heart became even hotter. At the same time, one hand directly reached into the gentle girl's clothes in the palace dress, and the other hand held the girl horizontally, and said, "How many rooms have you opened?"

"Three, the one on the left belongs to Wu Banxian, and the one on the right belongs to you, and the door is stuck on the table." The fat man's tone was very crisp, but his voice gradually became quieter.

Without saying a word, Ye Luo hugged the girl, took the room card, and turned around to go to his room.


However, when Ye Luo opened the door and was about to go out, he suddenly found an old man at the door. Looking carefully, this old man was indeed Wu Banxian.

"You're not in the house...what are you doing here?" Ye Luo was taken aback.

"What are you playing? The auction of Hongxiu Zhao has started. Stop playing and leave quickly. If you go late, the good things will be gone." Wu Banxian has a faint girly smell on her body. The momentum of the new branch.

"Come on, Wu Banxian, we haven't started yet, no, we'll go later!" The fat man cursed at the house in the room.

"What nonsense, besides, I am a calm person, I will do this kind of thing, stop playing, hurry up, there are good things in this auction, if you miss it, it will be gone." Wu Banxian urged.

Then, Wu Banxian said to Ye Luo again: "The astral cultivation method that the fat man found is very unreliable. In this auction, the auction of Hongxiu Zhao is specifically for ancient martial monks. There may be real ones. Cultivation method, you have to think about it."

Ye Luo thought about it, looked at the young girl in his arms again, took a deep breath, said cruelly, "Go to the auction first, and then get it when you come back, what, girl, you wait for me in the room first. "


It will be late and the sun will be setting.

Ye Luo didn't mention going to the auction, and Zhou Xiaoyu still didn't leave the rental house.

Before, she always thought that Ye Luo was an ordinary person, but later she found that he was very good at fighting, which made her very curious about Ye Luo. Now that Ye Luo is not at home, she just can check it out, maybe she can find out his secret.

With this in mind, Zhou Xiaoyu began to search.

I just searched for a while, but I didn't find anything of value. Instead, I saw something that Ye Luo bought before. She opened it out of curiosity, but found that it was empty.

"No way? Are you used up? A whole box?" Zhou Xiaoyu couldn't help but glared with his strange eyes.

"Hey! Sister Xiaoyu, why are you here, what are you running out of?" Outside the door, a girl's voice suddenly sounded, and then two little lolis appeared at the door.

These two little girls are Chu Xiaohuan and Yang Ying who just came back from school.

"Ah!" Zhou Xiaoyu was shocked, his body froze suddenly, and the box in his hand waved silently in the air.

"Sister Xiaoyu, what are you holding in your hand?" Yang Ying also asked curiously.

"The condom box? Xiao... Sister Xiaoyu, you... what are you doing?" Chu Xiaohuan's gaze was fixed, and she couldn't help being startled, and rubbed her eyes in disbelief.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm here to discuss with Ye Ge about finding the secret treasure of Ghost Valley!" Zhou Xiaoyu quickly explained.

"Ghost Valley Secret Treasure?" The two little lolis were puzzled.

After a long time, Zhou Xiaoyu briefly explained the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure and the idea of ​​wanting to go with Layeluo, and then said: "You don't know, I'll go first."

Chu Xiaohuan figured out her reason for coming, rolled her eyes, and suddenly said: "Sister Xiaoyu, Ye Luo won't go with you to the Western Suburb Cemetery to find the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, we can go with you!"

"What? You? No! Absolutely not. You are too young. Brother Ye will get angry if he finds out." Zhou Xiaoyu shook his head.

"Small?" Chu Xiaohuan puffed out her chest, and then, with the aura in her hand condensed, she slapped her palm on the wall of the rental house, making a palm imprint on the wall, and said, "Miss Xiaoyu, I am The legendary practitioner!"

"Me, me too. I've been to the Western Suburb Cemetery. If I know the place there, I'll go too." Yang Ying also said weakly.

"What?" Zhou Xiaoyu was shocked.

Chu Xiaohuan is also a resolute person. Before Zhou Xiaoyu could respond, he urged him first: "Sister Xiaoyu, since so many people are looking for the secret treasure of Ghost Valley now, and time is urgent, let's not wait any longer, prepare some things, and directly Go! Now, no one should have thought that the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure might be in the Western Suburb Cemetery."

(End of this chapter)

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