Chapter 263
on the auction floor.

Huo Qianyu didn't know Ye Luo's plan.

Seeing that no one bid, he urged with fiery eyes, "Auctioneer, does this item belong to me?"

On the auction stage, the female auctioneer with an excellent figure and attractive appearance had a faint aura fluctuating on her body, and her brows were also frowned. When presiding over the auction, the most disgusting thing is that this kind of person with her family background As a threat, ordinary people dare not increase the price.

Does no one dare to raise the price?
This set of fire-type spirit-gathering formations is worth at least 55 spirit stones. Now, Huo Qianyu only produced [-] spirit stones. Auctioning it at such a price would be a stain on her career.

The female auctioneer glanced at the hall, with a hint of disappointment in her eyes, no one dares to raise the price?

She sighed slightly, she seemed to have no choice but to recognize this kind of person.

After asking again and again, seeing no one responded, I had no choice but to tap the small hammer, then asked again and tapped the small hammer again.

After asking for the third time, she raised the small hammer again, reluctantly wanting to take the third hammer.

However, when the third hammer falls, her bonus for this month will also be wiped out.

When Huo Qianyu saw that the female auctioneer was about to drop the hammer for the third time, the joy and passion in her eyes became more and more intense, and she couldn't wait to say: "Someone bring the things to me, hahaha!"

"56 spirit stones!"

Just as the hammer in the hands of the female auctioneer was about to fall, a lazy voice suddenly came from above the second floor. It seemed that the owner of the voice had just fallen asleep and was only waking up now.

"Hey, Ye Luo, why are you so cowardly, you just added one piece?" In the private room on the second floor, the fat man frowned, feeling that there were too few pits.

"Hey, take your time, the water flows slowly." Ye Luo touched his chin, which was his habit before cheating people.

In the private room on the second floor, someone actually raised the price!

Someone wants to offend Huo Qianyu, the Huo family?

Who is this, so bold?
Most importantly, the added price is only a piece of Lingshi?
As soon as the price was announced, almost everyone felt that it was not just a simple price increase, but also a provocation and a slap in the face, completely ignoring Huo Qianyu's attitude and background.

In the hall on the first floor, there was silence.

Huo Qianyu's body froze, and the hotness and joy in his eyes froze. Suddenly, he turned his head and looked towards the second floor. A murderous look flashed in his eyes, and an ugly flush flashed across his face.

From his point of view, this is slapping him in the face without any concealment. He has already threatened and warned, and even brought out the Huo family. The price of one more spirit stone than him!

This is not a provocative slap in the face, what is it?
A burning sensation appeared on Huo Qianyu's face, and this invisible slap in the face made him extremely embarrassed.

on the auction table.

The female auctioneer, who was already very disappointed, had already thought that this stain was a setback, and this month's bonus was for nothing, but unexpectedly, when she gave up, there was a turning point!
Someone raised the price?

The female auctioneer suddenly raised her head, with a flash of surprise, she also looked at the private room on the second floor.

The private room on the second floor facing the lobby on the first floor has a thin layer of gauze curtain. Through this layer of gauze curtain, people on the second floor can clearly see the first floor, while people on the first floor cannot see the second floor.

Whether it was Huo Qianyu, the female auctioneer, or the people in the hall on the first floor, they all watched very carefully, but they couldn't see the people in the private room on the second floor.

However, even if she couldn't see it, it didn't affect the good mood of the female auctioneer. She said happily, "56 spirit stones, are there any more?"

"Who is this, dare to hate the Huo family?" Someone whispered.

"You must be an awesome character from the big family, otherwise you would never dare to slap Qian Yu's face like this." Someone speculated.

"I feel that something big is going to happen. If you slap Qianyu's face in public like this, as the third-ranked genius of the Huo Family, why not get mad?" Someone worried.

However, the Huo family is strong, and the brothel red sleeve move that has survived for more than 2000 years has an equally terrifying background.

Dare to open a brothel in the realm of self-cultivation where the weak prey on the strong, without a strong force, how could it be possible to open a brothel? As a core disciple of the Huo family, Huo Qianyu is well aware of this.

He has gone too far with this method of forced buying today. If he dares to use more forceful methods, even threatening the people on the second floor, the people with red sleeves will probably make a move.

The auction has its own rules, breaking the rules is tantamount to tearing face off with the auction!

Huo Qianyu's heart was burning with anger, but he didn't have the courage to tear up his face with the red sleeve move. At this time, even if he was slapped in the face, he could only hold back. At this time, if he wanted to get the fire-type spirit gathering array again, he had to increase the price .

He must get that thing!

"60 Yuan Lingshi!" Huo Qianyu held back his anger, and directly added five yuan. At the same time, his heart was already ruthless, and he waited for the red sleeve trick to find out who was in the private room. He must let him know who offended the Huo family. Horrible consequences!
"61 yuan." Ye Luo added another price.

"70 yuan!" Furious, Huo Qianyu made another offer.

"71 yuan!" Ye Luo continued, adding another price.

"100 yuan!" Huo Qianyu was furious, and added thirty in one go!

"One hundred and one yuan!" Ye Luo's voice came slowly from the second floor.

"130 spirit stones!"

"130 pieces"

Huo Qianyu's veins were exposed, and his face was distorted!

In the hall on the first floor, it became more and more silent.

If the price was increased for the first time, there might be some suspicion of mischief. Now, after several consecutive price increases, the nature is completely different.

This is to hate the fire family!

Whispering, while slapping Lian's face, and in front of so many people, what is this for?

"That's awesome, the people on the second floor are either crazy, or they're a bullshit character who can ignore the Huo family, otherwise, they wouldn't dare to increase the price like this.

"I guess it's the second situation. In this kind of place, lunatics can't get in. They should be disciples of some super big family. I will feel sorry for Huo Qianyu for the slap in the face.

"Is it possible that this person has enmity with the Huo family? The Huo family has angered many people over the years."

"Probably not. The Huo family exterminates the weak ones. Those who are oppressed dare not speak up even if they dare to be angry, let alone slap Qianyu in the face like this."

There were discussions on the first floor, but in the private rooms on the second floor, the atmosphere was a bit weird.

The fat man was a little nervous, grabbed Ye Luo, and said, "Ye, Ye Luo, calm down, I know you have a grudge against the Huo family, it's almost enough, and now you have added 150 spirit stones! That's it!" It's not a small amount."

"Yes, calm down a little bit, don't be impulsive, in case that Huo family member yells halfway, if he doesn't yell, wouldn't he ask you to buy it?" Wu Banxian also persuaded.

Ye Luo glanced downstairs, shook his head, and said: "Look at his posture, this is not his limit, this thing seems to be very important to him, since it is so, hehe, no matter what, let him go out." Bleed!"

PS: It will be delivered on 12th, the excitement will continue tomorrow, please continue to support, please ask for monthly tickets and recommended tickets.

(End of this chapter)

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