Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 264 tit for tat

Chapter 264 tit for tat
150 Lingshi!
On the auction stage, it only took a few minutes for the female auctioneer to go from her initial disappointment to Ye Luo's surprise when she called for the first price, and now to her current surprise.

There was a touch of curiosity and gratitude in her eyes. Who is that person on the second floor?
However, as long as it is an auction, as long as the guests don't take the initiative to show up, no matter who it is, it is a big taboo to take the initiative to inquire about the identity of the anonymous auctioneer. This is related to the reputation of the auction.

Even Huo Qianyu, who was furious just now, did not dare to touch this taboo, and asked who was on the second floor.

Unless, that person voluntarily reveals his identity.

"180 spirit stones!" Huo Qianyu's voice was cold, raising the price again.

The people in the hall on the first floor all looked at the second floor in an instant. According to the previous practice, would the people upstairs add another spirit stone to slap Huo Qianyu's face?

"It's almost enough to be a pit, and it's 180 spirit stones. If it's outside, you can buy two spirit-gathering arrays with similar functions." The fat man patted Ye Luo on the shoulder to persuade him.

"Yes, the face has been slapped, the pit has been pitted, and the heat is almost ready." Wu Banxian also said.

Ye Luo nodded, as if he was about to turn around and sit back, and give up the auction. Seeing this, Wu Banxian and Fatty also breathed a sigh of relief.

"280 spirit stones!" The moment Ye Luo turned around, he quietly shouted out a shocking sky-high price. On the basis of the sky-high price of 180, Ye Luo actually added a hundred more!

Wu Banxian and Fatty, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, shook the spirit tea in their hands. For a monk, a spirit stone is extremely precious. How much did Ye Luo just shout out in one breath?
Didn't you add one this time?Is it an increase of one hundred?
280 pieces?
The price was behind, and everyone in the lobby on the first floor was stunned for a moment, are they sure they heard correctly?Not one more, but one hundred?
If adding a spirit stone is a slap in the face, adding 100 spirit stones like this is contempt!
It seems that the mysterious person in the private room on the second floor has already disdained to continue to add little by little with Huo Qianchou, and directly raised the price to a higher level, from provocation and slap in the face to impatient contempt.

It seemed like a local tyrant got tired of playing with a local beetle, and wanted to directly add money to drive the local beetle out of the game.

Almost everyone looked at Huo Qianyu!

"It's not about the price anymore, it's about earning face. If you are cowardly, you will lose all face. But if you don't, so many spirit stones will make Huo Qianyu very uncomfortable, right?"

"Damn it, 280 spirit stones, it's paralyzing. I don't think I can earn enough of these spirit stones in my life."

"Will Huo Qianyu continue to increase the price? Even if he is a core disciple of the Huo family, Huo Qianyu may not be able to have so many spirit stones, right?"

"Not necessarily, Huo Qianyu came to Nanjiang this time not just to investigate the murders of Huo Qianchou and Cui Yan. Don't forget, the ghost valley secret collection first started after Cui Yan died, and the situation in Nanjiang was in chaos for a short time. Only then did it show up."

"That is to say, the Huo Family was the first to discover the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, and they have invested the most in research and investment in the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure. Now the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure has disrupted the entire practice world. The aristocratic family is all looking for the secret treasure of Ghost Valley, as the Huo family who invested the most, got the news first, and paid the lives of two core members for it, how can they be willing?"

"Huo Qianyu came this time, on the surface, to track down the deaths of Cui Yan and Huo Qianchou. I am afraid that the most important task is to obtain the secret treasure of Guigu, and the Huo family will inevitably set up a large sum of money for spirit stones to be used for Find and compete for ghost valley secrets."

"Hiss! Do you mean that Huo Qianyu will use this spirit stone specially used to find the hidden treasures of Ghost Valley? I remember that even a big family like the Huo family, although rich in assets, can use such a large amount of spirit stones , also needs a sufficient reason, otherwise I am afraid I will be punished a lot.”

In the hall on the first floor, there was a discussion. At this moment, everyone's eyes were on Huo Qianyu.

It has come to this point, should we increase the price or not?

280 spirit stones is almost the limit that Huo Qianyu can bear. In today's scarcity of spirit stones, even the third-ranked genius of the Huo family doesn't have too many spirit stones.

Add the price, and he will have to use family funds.

What's more, no one can guarantee that the person upstairs will not raise the price again.

Huo Qianyu was burning with anger and murderous intent, but he couldn't vent it. This is an auction, so he couldn't mess around.

"It's already reached 280 spirit stones, and no one has raised the price yet? If not, then..." On the auction stage, the female auctioneer looked at Huo Qianyu with a smile, picked up the hammer, and seemed to be about to knock it off.

"Wait a minute! 300 yuan!" A ruthless look flashed in Huo Qianyu's eyes, and he finally decided to call the price one last time. This is the last limit he can bear. Internally, his vitality was seriously injured.

Added again?
At the auction, the atmosphere was a bit serious. This time, everyone's eyes turned to the second floor.

Above the second floor, there was a brief silence.

Don't buy it?
The figure of 300 yuan is already a bit scary, and the price is a bit unreasonable. It seems that it is over.

"This... brother, this formation is extremely important to me. I must get it. Now the price has reached three hundred. With so many spirit stones, even if I add more, I will feel a little uncomfortable. Well, I will give you ten spirit stones as compensation, and then I will add another spirit stone to take this item, how about it?
"Of course, if you really continue to fight, you may not be able to compete with me. After all, you are only the third-ranked genius of the Huo family, and you are still a little behind the first-ranked Huo Aotian. If Huo Aotian comes, maybe You can still compete with me."

On the second floor, Ye Luo said something in a discussing tone.

The auction hall was silent again.

Is this a negotiation?Is there any talk and discussion like this?This is simply looking down on and contemptuously!

Even ordinary people can hear another layer of meaning implied in this sentence, that is, I want to settle this thing, you can't do it anyway, I will reward you ten spirit stones to send you off, so don't fight around , I used to give so much to roadside beggars.

The most important thing is that he deliberately said very contemptuously that Huo Aotian is not far behind, but you are far behind.

Anyone who knows the situation of the Huo family knows that Huo Qianyu has always tried his best to surpass Huo Aotian, but he has been crushed by Huo Aotian all the time, unable to turn over, and even a few times challenged, it is twice as difficult. humiliated.

In Ye Luo's last sentence, he deliberately said that Huo Aotian was about the same, but he was too far away, which really hurt Huo Qianyu's most sensitive nerves.

Huo Qianyu's rage was unstoppable, and a look of cruelty flashed in his eyes. Suddenly, a vengeful thought came to him. He didn't want to buy this item, but he wanted to continue bidding to raise the price of this item. High, wait until the sky-high price is reached, and then stop bidding.

He wants to take revenge on Ye Luo and make Ye Luo bleed profusely!

(End of this chapter)

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