Chapter 265
The idea of ​​making the person in the private room on the second floor bleed profusely had grown in Huo Qianyu's mind.

Huo Qianyu raised her head quietly, and said indifferently: "If I don't let me go, what can I do?"

"No? Heh!" Ye Luo's tone changed, and he continued, "I think highly of you by discussing with you. If you don't let me, I'll spend money on you so you dare not make an offer!"

dare not!

When Huo Qianyu heard this, a cruel smile could not help flashing across the corner of his mouth, and he said coldly in his heart: "Today I will make you bleed profusely!"

"320 spirit stones!" Huo Qianyu didn't have so many scruples about adding spirit stones this time. From the tone of the man on the second floor, three hundred was not his limit at all. Bleeding!

"Turtle, you still dare to fight with me? You're looking for death! 350 yuan!"


"Four hundred!"


"500 yuan!" After a burst of terrifying bidding, Huo Qianyu yelled out a frightening number again, and after Huo Qianyu yelled out this number, the corner of his mouth also smiled.

In his opinion, the astronomical figure of 500 Yuan Lingshi is enough to make the person on the second floor bleed once, and he will stop bidding when he shouts again!

And according to the irritable and arrogant personality of the person on the second floor, he will definitely bid again.

Huo Qianyu said coldly again in his heart: "If you grab something from me, even if I don't get it, it will still make you bleed. Even Huo Aotian will go bankrupt with 500 Yuan Lingshi. Since you can compare with Huo Aotian, hehe , then you go bankrupt!"

In the hall, everyone was almost shocked.

A price of 500 yuan for a fire-type spirit-gathering formation?

Some monks were dizzy, this number is really unbelievable, a small family may not spend so much spiritual stones for a year.

On the auction stage, the beautiful female auctioneer with a perfect figure had already revealed a look of shock and joy in her eyes. She never expected that an item auction that would have her bonus for this month deducted, or even become a taint, Now this happens.

I am afraid that this auction will be the most glorious moment in her life as an auctioneer.

Huo Qianyu was waiting, everyone was waiting, and the female auctioneer was also waiting. Almost everyone thought that according to Ye Luo's aggressive bidding style just now, they would inevitably bid again.

Huo Qianyu had already made up his mind that when the person on the second floor made another bid, he would give up. He even had already thought about what words he would use to ridicule this idiot when that person took over the offer at a high position.

One second!
Two seconds!

Three seconds!

Everyone was waiting. On the second floor, that person's arrogant and irritable voice didn't sound any more. Didn't he shout very directly the previous few times?It won't take more than a second at all. What's wrong this time?
Everyone was a little bewildered.

Huo Qianyu's heart skipped a beat.

Why don't you shout?
Could it be that he didn't hear the price he yelled just now?Impossible, my voice is very loud, won't he stop shouting?

Almost as soon as this idea came to mind, Huo Qianyu suddenly felt cold all over. If the person upstairs really stopped shouting, what would he do?
500 yuan of spirit stones is not a small amount, if the other party really stops shouting.

He will be in serious trouble, even if he exhausts all his savings, it will not be enough, and he will have to use the money that was offered as a reward for killing Cui Yanhuo's thousand enemies.

If this is known by the family, the consequences will be very serious.

As for not buying it, he didn't even dare to think about it.

This auction was held by Hongxiu Zhao. As a brothel that has been open for more than 2000 years and has not collapsed, the forces behind it dare not even provoke the Huo Family. It is so terrifying that almost no one dares to face it.

"500 Yuan Lingshi! The person upstairs, you don't dare to bid, do you? Heh, are you so cowardly?" Huo Qianchou was extremely disturbed, but on the surface he tried his best to maintain his composure. I deliberately made a sarcastic sentence, trying to provoke that person to continue bidding.

"Hey! I was in a hurry to go out today, I seem to have forgotten to bring the spirit stone." The voice above the second floor finally rang again.

"Do you have spirit stones? You dare to pay such a high price. I'm paralyzed. When can you change your pretentious personality? All the spirit stones in our family only add up to more than 20 yuan. What kind of local tyrant are you pretending to be?" , Fortunately, I came in time, otherwise our family will be killed by you!" A furious old man's voice came from the second floor, and this voice was pretended by Wu Banxian.

"Yes! Yes! Second brother, the last time you went to a mental hospital for an examination, the doctor suspected that you had schizophrenia. The other character always thinks that you are a local tyrant. Dad, you should quickly cover his mouth tightly, and don't let him shout again. If you shout again, you will die!" Another person shouted, and this voice was played by the fat man.

Afterwards, on the second floor, there was a sound of collision, which seemed to be a fight, but it quickly returned to silence. No one saw the scene in the house, but everyone couldn't help but think of an old father and A son who has subdued a second son who loves to act schizophrenic, lest he yell again.

In the hall, everyone heard the conversation of these three people, and everyone's expressions became extremely strange. After that, their gazes once again focused on Huo Qianyu, who was standing in the same place at the VIP table.

At this moment, Huo Qianyu froze.

Forgot to bring Lingshi?


The total assets of the family are only more than 20 Lingshi?

Gagged and taken away?
First I was slapped in the face, then I was despised, and then I tried my best to dig a bottomless pit. The person I wanted to get into was a poor schizophrenic?
In the end, did he fall into this incomparably deep pit?

That formation fell into his hands?
500 Yuan Lingshi!
This is an astronomical figure that makes people dizzy and want to vomit blood. Did it fall on him?

Huo Qianyu's eyes were dizzy, and her body was cold.

Bidding with a psychopath put him in a desperate situation!

And at this moment, the eyes of all the people in the auction fell on him, as if they were ridiculed and pityed.Bid with a schizophrenic, dig a bottomless pit, but bury yourself.

I'm afraid that from now on, the name of Huo Qianyu will be spread as a joke in the practice world. It is estimated that some monks will ask casually when they see it, have you heard the story about that idiot Huo Qianyu?
At this time, Huo Qianyu didn't have the slightest arrogance and coldness before. As a genius of the Huo family, Huo Qianyu had never been so frightened and embarrassed in his life.

He looked up, his face was a little pale, and there was sweat on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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