Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 266 I'm addicted to defrauding people

Chapter 266 I'm addicted to cheating

Huo Qianyu's face was pale, and beads of sweat gathered and rolled down his forehead.

He really wanted to say that he didn't want this auction item anymore, but he only dared to hide this thought in his heart and didn't dare to say it out loud.

As a member of the Guwu family, Huo Qianchou is very familiar with the power of Hongxiu Zhao, it is definitely not something he or the Huo family can provoke.

It's the first auction item now, if he dares to say no, he will definitely be cleaned up, and he will even be unlucky to bring them along with the Huo family.

Just when Huo Qianchou was panicking, everyone was staring at him in surprise and pity.

On the auction stage, the beautiful female auctioneer has recovered her calmness from the ecstasy. She shouted: "500 yuan for the third time, is there anyone raising the price?" Seeing that no one continued to increase the price, she slammed With a click of the hammer, the first round of bidding was marked with a perfect exclamation point.

Then, with a professional and impeccable smile on his face, he said softly: "Congratulations, Young Master Huo, for getting this fire spirit gathering array."

Hammer strikes.

The sound was not loud, but when it fell on Huo Qianchou's face, it was like a thunderbolt, making him tremble and his face paler.

The female auctioneer looked at Huo Qianyu's appearance, and then remembered Huo Qianyu's strong buying before, which made her almost bear the stain of hosting the auction and the lost bonus, and felt an inexplicable sense of refreshment in her heart.

At the same time, the female auctioneer also glanced upstairs, feeling very grateful, thinking, if possible, she must thank the other party after the auction is over.

That was a hit man.

At least, that's what the female auctioneer thinks now.

"Master Huo, after the auction is over, please settle the Lingshi and take away your auction item."

On the auction stage, the female auctioneer put away her thoughts and said something to Huo Qianyu.

As soon as she finished speaking, behind the screen of the auction stage, an extremely terrifying aura that made most monks tremble in fear suddenly swept across the entire auction site. The monks with low cultivation could hardly breathe in front of this aura.

This aura passed away in a flash, but the shock it left for everyone was no less than that of Huo Qianyu being cheated.

After Huo Qianyu felt this breath, his face suddenly turned paler, his whole leg softened, and he sat down on the seat again.

Everyone knew that the people in the auction were beating him, telling him to be more honest and stop thinking about playing tricks.

On the second floor, Ye Luo also felt this terrifying aura. He was startled, and couldn't help but say, "It's such a powerful aura, who is this?"

The fat man also shrank his head, and said: "Damn, it's too scary. I feel that this breath is similar to the breath of the old man of the Zhu family. The old man of the Zhu family is a powerful person, and this person is probably the same."

"The background of the Red Sleeve Technique is deeper than that of the Zhu family. Even the Huo family can't be offended." Wu Banxian stroked his beard and narrowed his eyes, as if he was not surprised.

"Forget it, don't talk about it, anyway, we can't get involved with these great abilities, but I'm afraid that Huo Qianyu will be in trouble, 500 Yuan Lingshi, this time he will bleed profusely." The fat man grinned, and then Said: "Ye Luo, you are such a bullshit, you have cheated people invisible, this time you have cheated the Huo family hard."

"This is just the beginning." Ye Luo said after drinking a glass of water.

When he said this, there was a cold light in his eyes. As he said, this is just the beginning. After a year, he will settle the accounts with the Huo family and the Ning family. At that time, what the Huo family paid was not just Ling The problem is not stone, but blood and human life.

"That's right, this is just the beginning." Fatty nodded and scolded: "The Huo family actually robbed your fiancée, let's settle the debt with them slowly, and after a year, Fatty, I have cultivated to the realm of great power. Let's go and kill them together!"

"Okay, you guys stop yelling, there's something else up for auction." Wu Banxian interrupted suddenly at this moment, interrupting the conversation between the two.

"What, let me go and have a look. Fatty, I have seen a lot of things in Zhu's house." The fat man came up to me, glanced down, and then asked doubtfully, "Isn't this just a piece of bronze paper? It’s rusted, what are you taking it out for? Auction?”

on the auction table.

"Presumably everyone has heard of the ancient mine at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. This is a forbidden area for human beings left over from ancient times among the [-] mountains. On the edge of the ancient ancient mine, it is rich in origin stones, that is, gambling stones.

Human beings know very little about the ancient mines in the early Yuan Dynasty, and they only stayed in the peripheral areas at most. As for the forbidden areas in the depths, few people could break into them, and even if they broke into them, they would basically die.

And this piece of patina is a great power of my red sleeve move. Under an extremely unexpected situation, he broke into the depths of the ancient mine, and finally opened my red sleeve move. escape.

This senior brought out some things from the depths of the forbidden area, among which this page of ancient bronze book is one of them. However, I have studied the red sleeve trick for three years, but I have never researched the secret.

Now, put it up for auction to see if there is someone who is destined to break through the secret and get the shocking opportunity. Perhaps there is a heaven-defying technique in the book!Even the legendary Lost Book of Heaven.

A leaf of an ancient bronze book, with a base price of 30 Yuan Lingshi, and each price increase must not be less than one piece. "The female auctioneer introduced with a mysterious tone.

In the lobby on the first floor, when I suddenly heard the mysterious forbidden zone of life, there was a commotion when the ancient mine was in the early Yuan Dynasty, and there were many discussions, but when I heard the low price of the auction, the voice suddenly became quieter.

The monks are not stupid, even if it was brought from the ancient mine in the early Yuan Dynasty, but even the red sleeve move has not been researched for three years, a rusty ancient bronze book wants to be auctioned at the price of 60 yuan spirit stones ?
Also said that there are secrets and opportunities in it?Maybe there is a heaven-defying technique, or even a lost heavenly book?

It's just a fool!

In the hall, there was a sudden silence.

"31 spirit stones." Just when there was some silence, a young man suddenly shouted in the hall. This young man was dressed in white, restrained, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes. He looked like a young talent from a big family.

"32 spirit stones!"

Almost as soon as the young talented man finished speaking, the fat man suddenly spoke.

Above the second floor.

Ye Luo and Wu Banxian directly grabbed the fat man.

Wu Banxian said: "What are you doing, I didn't see it, this is the red sleeve trick used to fool the idiot?"

"That's right, fat man, don't be fooled." Ye Luo also reminded, and then felt the movement of the beads on his neck. It seemed that there was no vibration. Generally speaking, when encountering treasures, the beads would basically vibrate. Now there is no vibration. It also shows that this thing should be of little value.

However, because the beads were inside the clothes, Ye Luo didn't see a dark red light flashing through the beads.

"What's the matter, you are only allowed to cheat people out of the limelight. If you don't like Fatty, I will cheat people out of the limelight." The fat man rolled his eyelids and said in disbelief. Seeing that the other party added another spirit stone, he added five spirit stones in one go , Said: "I give out 38 spirit stones."

After the fat man shouted the price, he was ready to raise the price again, but the result was that the other party didn't make a sound at all.

The fat man scratched his head in a daze, and shouted: "What's the matter, why didn't that guy ask for a price? What's the point of this, isn't he cowardly?"

(End of this chapter)

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