Chapter 267

The fat man stared, waiting for someone to increase the price.

When Ye Luo pitted Huo Qianyu just now, when he pretended to be in the limelight, Huo Qianyu was as if he had been beaten into chicken blood, and stupidly raised the price up, but when he pretended to be aggressive, he just raised the price twice, and no one bid. ?
"This shit, won't it fall into my hands, right? It's paralyzing, a rusty bronze ancient book is worthless at all, if it really falls into my hands, it will be a big shame." Fatty felt a little guilty.

Then, the fat man rolled his eyes, imitating Ye Luo's tone of humiliating Qianyu just now, and said seriously: "The ancient mine in the early Yuan Dynasty was a restricted area for human beings. This ancient bronze book came from the depths of the restricted area. As far as I know, books made of bronze , and came out of the restricted area, only the legendary seven-volume heavenly book.

The reason why Hongxiu Zhao has not researched anything for three years is very likely because the time has not come. Recently, the supreme power in the Tianji Pavilion revealed that once the secret treasure of Ghost Valley is opened, the world with exhausted spiritual energy will be destroyed. Great changes will take place. If the extremes come and go, the extremes will reverse. Human beings will usher in a splendid and prosperous age.

In the prosperous age, the background hidden in the world for millions of years will explode, the fairy road will reappear, geniuses will compete, the emperor will prove the way, all things will recover, and the restricted area will wake up.

And now this sleeping heavenly book will surely wake up, hehe, maybe if someone takes it away, he will have the most mysterious heavenly book in this prosperous age. "

The fat man finished speaking in one breath, and he described that page of the rusty ancient bronze book as mysterious and powerful, as if anyone who got this page of the ancient bronze book would immediately become an emperor after the ghost valley secret treasure was born.

Even Fatty was almost moved by what he said.

Feeling good about myself.

However, the auction hall was still quiet, and no one raised the price.

For a while.


In the auction hall on the first floor, suddenly there seemed to be a person who couldn't help laughing.

"Hahaha! Why don't you tell me that whoever buys the seven-volume heavenly book can become a fairy?" The laughter was uncontrollable and rang out in the entire auction house.

"Do you think that everyone is like the second idiot of the Huo family, who will raise prices without thinking? You are the second idiot, right?" Some people seemed to have no fear of the Huo family at all, and seemed to have some festivals, and directly mocked.

"Haha, the people upstairs are dumbfounded. Didn't they deceive you, did you deceive yourself? What an idiot, Huo Qianyu has just been deceived, who will fall for it again?"


In the lobby on the first floor, jeers were everywhere. Huo Qianyu's case was the first, which left a deep impression on the people on the first floor. It can be said to be unforgettable, and the lesson was painful. Will you fall for it again?

It's called bullshit to deceive people, but it's called foolish to deceive others.

There is no doubt that the fat man has become a fool.

Above the second floor.

"Fatty, if you don't listen to the old man's words, you will be at a disadvantage. Do you understand now?" Wu Banxian patted the fat man on the shoulder.

"Oh!" Ye Luo also shook his head and said, "It's a pity that there are so many spirit stones."

The fat man froze, and his face was a bit ugly. However, as a prodigal son who has been a very standard cheater since childhood, he didn't need money or Lingshi, but he had to save face.

"It's a pity, what do you know, isn't it just a few dozen spirit stones? Fatty, I'm not short of money, I just want to have fun!" Fatty's expression changed, and suddenly he looked calm.

"More than 30 spirit stones is not a small amount. Even if you are the uncle of the Zhu family and have the best talent, the spirit stones given to you by the Zhu family will not exceed 20 yuan a month, right? You have already given out 38 of them. , two months' income." Wu Banxian shook his head.

"Who said I only have such a small amount of pitiful spirit stones in a month!" When the fat man heard this, he jumped up as if his tail had been stepped on.

"Could it be a lot?" Ye Luo followed Wu Banxian's words and asked.

"That's necessary. Let me tell you the truth. As the only son-in-law of the Zhu family, Fatty, I am also a top-quality spiritual root. Now the Zhu family treats me like the Supreme Emperor. I can get what I want, just a little bit." I didn't pay attention to ten spirit stones at all!" Fatty's tone was arrogant.

"Just blow it!" Wu Banxian didn't believe it.

"It's a bit fake." Ye Luo also shook his head.

Seeing that the two didn't believe it, the fat man immediately felt greatly insulted. He turned around and opened the door, and said to a waitress at the door: "You, go down and get the page of the ancient bronze book I just took, Fatty, I Pay now."

While talking, the fat man calmly took out a crystal clear card similar to a bank card from his pocket, and threw it to the waiter casually.

When the waiter looked at the crystal card, his expression couldn't help changing, and he looked at the fat man again with a look of awe and enthusiasm, and said, "Okay, sir."

"Did you see that? Do you know what the crystal card is? You two beetles, you can see from this expression that you don't know that spirit stones are the currency of the cultivation world. This crystal card is used to store spirit stones. I want to get a crystal card." , at least a thousand spirit stones, this crystal card belongs to the fat man, do you know my net worth now?" The fat man looked contemptuous.

Ye Luo and Wu Banxian looked at each other, surprised and puzzled at the same time, which is a bit unreasonable.

"I understand Fatty's character as a fool. Could this card be stolen from Zhu's house? I remember that Zhu's family law is very strict. If it is really stolen, Fatty will be miserable." Wu Banxian approached Ye Luoer side, asked in a low voice.

"It's really not guaranteed." Ye Luo nodded, and then said: "Of course, maybe the fat man really counterattacked?"

"What are you two talking about? Haha, don't worry, Fatty, I am loyal. From now on, you two will hang out with me, and I guarantee that you will eat the best fairy food in the world, play with the best girls, and beat up the most awesome people." !” The fat man was full of pride.

The ancient bronze book that the fat man had just photographed was sent up quickly. After swiping the card, the fat man didn't even look at it, and threw the useless, rusty ancient bronze page to Wu Banxian, saying: " I’ve given it to you, I don’t even care about the book today.”

Wu Banxian took a look, observed it carefully, and immediately looked disgusted, and said: "Even the great power of the red sleeve move, after three years of research, I can't find any kind of waste product, what use is it for me, this is a waste product, I guess It's all dirty!"

Wu Banxian threw it on the ground like throwing garbage.

Ye Luo didn't care, and wanted to drink a glass of water, took a step forward, and stepped on the page of the ancient bronze book.

At this moment, Ye Luo suddenly felt that the bead on his neck was burning hot.

Ye Luo's body froze suddenly. Didn't the beads not react before, why now that they stepped on it, the beads felt a hot feeling that they had done before?

Could it be that this bronze book is not a waste product, but a treasure!

(End of this chapter)

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