Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 268 Bronze Book Mutation

Chapter 268 Bronze Book Mutation

The bronze book caused the bead to change.

Ye Luo couldn't help but wonder, could it be that this bronze book is not a waste product, but a treasure!

But it's not right, even with such a powerful force as the Red Sleeve Move, they haven't researched anything for three years. If it's not a waste product, what is it?
Ye Luo was puzzled, bent down and picked up the page of the ancient bronze book from the ground, and examined it carefully.

"Don't study it anymore, this thing is definitely a waste product. I, Wu Banxian, will never miss something when I look at it." Wu Banxian's tone was affirmative. Thinking of the matter of the three-leaf spirit grass piercing the eyes before, he became popular with his experience, and then said: "And the red sleeve trick I have studied those few old antiques for three years, but nothing has been researched, so this must be a waste product."

"After all, it's something in the forbidden zone, and it's bought with dozens of spirit stones. You have to see what's so special." Seeing Wu Banxian's swearing, Ye Luo didn't explain.

Wu Banxian didn't pay much attention either. Seeing that the auction below had started again, he and the fat man looked downstairs.

Ye Luo picked up the page of the ancient bronze book, and it was cold in his hands. The copper rust on it felt a bit cut, and the thickness was as thin as a single piece of paper. It's a waste product.

Ye Luo studied it again, but found nothing abnormal, so he put it in his arms.

However, when he just put it in, the somewhat hot bead around his neck produced an inexplicable suction without warning, and it sucked towards the page of the ancient bronze book.

Immediately afterwards, the page of the ancient bronze book moved violently and went straight into the bead.

Ye Luo was slightly taken aback.

Is this awkward?
Since Ye Luo got the beads, it was the first time he saw the beads actively absorbing things.

However, this is not a place to study beads, and I don't know what will happen to that page of the ancient bronze book when it is sucked into the space of Kanda. Ye Luo can only temporarily suppress the doubts in his heart and continue to watch the auction.

Wu Banxian seemed to have sensed something, and suddenly turned his head. After that, he took a closer look, a little doubt rose in his heart, then shook his head, and continued to pay attention to the auction below.

In the Kanda space of the beads.

That page of the ancient bronze book, after entering the Kanda space, fell directly to the one-third of an acre of land in the Kanda space, and then was automatically buried by the soil and quickly split.


The ancient bronze book in the process of decomposing exudes a simple, vicissitudes, powerful, and dense mist of time. This mist is green. If you look closely, it is surprisingly fine bronze particles.

These decomposed bronze mist formed a ribbon, and slowly drifted towards the one-acre three-point land. The stone tablet at the end of the field with a terrifying gap cracked, engraved with the four simple characters of "Kanda Space", drifted past.

The bronze mist melted into the cracked stone tablet, and the terrifying gap began to shrink slowly. The stone tablet that stood in the Kanda space and waited silently for an unknown number of years seemed to have undergone a slight change.

In the space of Kanda, beyond one-third of an acre of land, there is an endless, cold misty wasteland. At this time, the mist on the wasteland is also silently surging.

At the same time, when the bronze book was being disassembled, golden, simple, and atmospheric mysterious scriptures floated out of the book, floating quietly above the one-third-acre land.

Those scriptures floated, occasionally the wind blew, and amidst the shaking, there was a lonely taboo voice, which seemed to call people to come in to observe, study, and practice.

Ye Luo didn't know about Yue.

At this moment, his attention was completely attracted by the fat man.

After this guy took pictures of that useless ancient bronze book, he failed to deceive others. After he deceived himself, in order to prove his strength, as long as he saw something of interest at the auction, or found an opportunity to pretend to be aggressive, he would almost Get out and fight.

In the blink of an eye, he bid two more things at a high price.

This approach is completely a proud style.

Seeing that this was not the way to go, Ye Luo pulled the fat man to persuade him, "Fatty man, calm down, don't be angry at everything!"

"What are you afraid of, I only spent more than 100 spirit stones, which is far worse than that idiot Huo Qianyu." The fat man slapped his eyes red, and pouted.

His voice was not low, and Huo Qianyu heard it all at once.

Seeing people around looking over again, Huo Qianyu's face was hot, and he got up and left his seat angrily.

He wanted to go out temporarily to avoid it, because he was worried that if he continued to stay, he would be suffocated to death.

Huo Qianyu left, and the other person also left, it was Long Qingshu.

Ever since being tricked by Ye Luo, Long Qingshu has been secretly observing Huo Qianyu, trying to use him to deal with Ye Luo.

As a young talent, although the talent is not the highest, and the cultivation is not top-notch, but after all, he comes from a big organization, has a good father, and has an innate sense of superiority.

However, when he first debuted, he was blackmailed and blackmailed again and again. With Long Qingshu's character, how could he bear it.

It's just that Ye Luo's powerful strength and the terrifying power contained in that punch made Long Qingshu feel a sense of crisis. According to his judgment, it is very likely that Ye Luo started to train his body after he failed in Qi training .

Body training is a method of cultivation, no matter in the early or late stage, it is extremely difficult to cultivate. Body training requires a large number of precious, rare, and expensive auxiliary elixir, which is even more daunting. Therefore, after ancient times, this cultivation method basically extinct.

Ye Luo suddenly began to train his body, which made Long Qingshu a little confused for a while.

Long Qingshu was also a cautious person. After quick thinking, he came up with a plan, which was to borrow a knife to kill people. The knife he wanted to borrow was Huo Qianyu from the Huo family.

At this time, seeing Huo Qianyu leaving the auction hall to take the air outside, Long Qingshu naturally would not miss this opportunity, put on a pair of big sunglasses and a large mask to cover his face, walked directly to Huo Qianyu, and said hello: "You You must be in a bad mood right now."

Isn't this nonsense, anyone will not be in a good mood after being cheated of 500 yuan of spirit stones.

Huo Qianyu's eyes were like knives, and he shot fiercely at Long Qingshu, his eyes flickered fiercely, thinking that he was here to laugh at him.

Seeing this, Long Qingshu was startled, and quickly said: "Brother Huo, don't be angry, I have no malicious intentions, I came to you to help you."

Facing Huo Qianyu's suspicious gaze, Long Qingshu said to himself: "I'm really here to help you. 500 Yuan Lingshi is an unbearable figure for you, right? You are in trouble now, but I am There is a way that can help you."

Long Qingshu originally wanted to show off, but under Huo Qianyu's cold killing intent, he didn't dare to talk nonsense, and said directly: "I know who the murderer who killed Huo Qianchou is."

(End of this chapter)

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