Chapter 270
This time, Long Qingshu was completely awake.

This was not a misunderstanding at all, Huo Qianyu was going to attack him.

In an emergency, Long Qingshu was full of doubts, but he didn't have time to think about it.

Long Qingshu tried his best to dodge to the left, trying to avoid this crazy punch, but he obviously underestimated Huo Qianyu's strength. The moment he dodged, Huo Qianyu's fist had already hit him.

If this punch hits hard, it may be life-threatening.

At this moment of life-and-death crisis, Long Qingshu suddenly pinched a crystal clear khaki pendant on his neck. The khaki pendant suddenly burst out a golden, thick and terrifying energy. Blocked in front of Long Qingshu.


Carrying all Huo Qianyu's pent-up anger and surging spiritual power, the iron fist slammed hard on the golden and thick shield, making a deafening sound.

Even with that shield, Long Qingshu's whole body still flew upside down under the huge impact force, and the shield also quickly melted and disappeared in the process of his backward flight.

Long Qingshu flew more than ten meters in a row before hitting the ground hard, splashing dust all over the sky.

The red sleeves moved away, and many passers-by saw this and looked towards this side one after another.

Seeing Huo Qianyu's anger burning, it was as if his daughter-in-law had been raped by some big men, and the anger emanating from her body was shocking.


Long Qingshu coughed, his hair was disheveled, and there was blood on the corner of his mouth. Although the khaki pendant blocked most of the attacks in an emergency, the aftermath was terrifying.

Huo Qianyu is a genius-level character at the peak of the fourth level of Qi training, so the attack with hatred and anger is naturally extremely amazing.

Long Qingshu got up, his heart was full of anger, and he couldn't care about his previous image, so he couldn't help but yelled: "I hate you Ma Le Gobi. The murderer of Qiu and Cui Yan, you still attack me? Are you a human being or not?"

It was almost inexplicable that Long Qingshu was punched by this punch, and he was very angry.

The auction was over, and some monks who left early saw this scene, and when they heard this sentence, their eyes became a little weird.

Tell Huo Qianyu that Ye Luo, the war doctor, killed Cui Yan and Huo Qianchou?
Looking for death?
The whole world knows that Ye Luo is a trash star, and this Huo Qianyu has just been played by a schizophrenic patient as a second idiot.
Isn't this courting death?
Could it be that Huo Qianyu was a fool, and wanted to pretend to reveal the news, and then take the five hundred spirit stones that were rewarded on the arrest warrant?Everyone was astonished and suspicious, and then looked at Long Qingshu with the eyes of a real idiot.

Huo Qianyu, who was still furious, didn't explain, and didn't stop, just punched him again. Huo Qianyu, who was at the peak of the fourth level of Qi training, was able to hit Long Qingshu almost without any pressure.

However, Huo Qianyu looked at the khaki hanging chain on Long Qingshu's neck, which symbolized his impressive status. After all, he still didn't kill him, but his fist full of anger fell like raindrops.

As the auction ended, everyone left one after another. Many people saw Huo Qianyu leaving from a young man who had fallen on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

What happened?

Some people were curious, but they didn't understand why. At this moment, after a few monks who had been onlookers explained what happened earlier, everyone looked at Long Qingshu again with almost the same expression, as if saying: Whose family's second idiot, can you be a little more stupid?
Ye Luo, Fatty, and Wu Banxian happened to pass by here too.

Ye Luo quickly guessed the cause and effect from the crowd of onlookers.

This Long Qingshu must have wanted to reveal the news that he had killed the two members of the Huo family, and then with the help of Huo Qianyu, to kill himself, using a trick to kill with a knife.

It's just that Long Qingshu probably didn't realize that he was already on guard against him. He had already dug a hole for him in the WeChat group in order to guard against him.

Unexpectedly, Long Qingshu would be here, and when Huo Qianyu was the most angry, he jumped into this pit without hesitation.

Just now, Huo Qianyu was cheated, and Long Qingshu entered the trap without hesitation, which caught people off guard.

"Ye Luo, why are you in a daze?" The fat man patted Ye Luo, and then said, "Look at that young second idiot, hey, he's really stupid!"

Ye Luo couldn't help smacking his lips, shook his head, and didn't speak.

"Walk around, these two idiots don't have much to look at, go back to the red sleeve trick, continue to take care of yourself, and take care of yourself in the cultivation world."

Around the neck of the fat man was a goose egg-sized spiritual bead that he had bought at an auction, and on his thumb was a spiritual jade wrench overflowing with spiritual energy. He was wearing a defensive golden spiritual armor, holding spiritual energy in his hand Scepter, at first glance, looks like a nouveau riche in the cultivation world.

Under the astonished, envious, and jealous eyes of the crowd, Fatty swept away the previous bad luck, and his face was full of joy, as if pointing the country and encouraging the words.

"I heard that in addition to the great health care in the fairy world, Hongxiu Zhao also has a very famous aura massage method. This massage method uses young girls who are on the second floor of Qi training, and uses a special method that consumes aura. The technique is to massage the guests, and the spiritual energy penetrates into the muscles and skin of the small hands, which can strengthen the body to a certain extent."

"However, although the effect is powerful, it will also deplete the cultivation base of the young girl. Therefore, the price is very high. If you get more than 50 yuan of spirit stones at a time, ordinary monks are not blessed to enjoy it. Haha, the fat man is happy today, let's enjoy the fairy world. Health care, while enjoying this kind of massage, I treat you!" The fat man said to Ye Luo and Wu Banxian in high spirits.

"You spend spirit stones like this, is there really no problem?" Ye Luo was still a little worried.

"Fatty, I advise you to take it easy, I feel that spending too much will cause accidents." Wu Banxian dissuaded.

"What's the matter? Have you forgotten that my position in the Zhu family is the Supreme Emperor?" The fat man was indifferent, and his tone was pretentious.


Nanjiang City, on the sixth floor of the Dihao Hotel, in the living room of a room.

There were six people from the Zhu family who came to Nanjiang this time, and the leader of them was a young woman with a hot figure and terrifying cultivation.

"Have you found out?" The fiery woman's tone was cold.

"I found out, when we came to Nanjiang City this time, most of the spirit herbs were placed in my uncle's car. My uncle took the initiative to take care of the spirit grass, so most of them were placed in my uncle's car." The strong man exuding a strong aura replied cautiously.

"Where are all those spirit herbs now?" The fiery woman's tone became colder and colder.

"Gen...According to the monitoring and observation on the car, then...those spirit grasses were secretly dropped by my uncle and replaced with ordinary weeds. Afterwards, some monitoring on the road was called, and it can be basically concluded that those spirit grasses, On the way, I was secretly sold by my uncle and exchanged for spirit stones." The strong and strong man swallowed, as if he was extremely afraid of the hot girl.

"I can't spare her."

The fiery woman was furious, and the temperature in the whole room dropped below zero, "Where is that fat man, let him come to see me immediately, no, I will go and deal with him myself."

(End of this chapter)

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