Chapter 271

"Where is that fat man, let him come to see me immediately, no, I will go and clean him up myself."

The fiery woman knew that the fat man was guarding herself and turned all the spiritual herbs into weeds. Her whole body seemed like a volcano about to erupt, her tone was extremely cold, and her anger was surging.

Go pick him up yourself.

Hearing the hot woman's words, the strong man's expression suddenly became weird. Now the fat man is starting to make moves in the red sleeves. It seems inappropriate for her to go alone.

Seeing that the strong man didn't answer, the fiery woman raised her eyebrows and scolded angrily, "I'm asking you something. Are you deaf? Where is the fat man?"

"Uncle...uncle, move in the red sleeve."

boom -

As soon as the words fell, the fiery girl slapped the table beside her directly, and the high-grade, solid and heavy table made of pineapple wood was directly shattered into fragments, splashing fiercely.

"This fat man is really pissing me off." The fiery girl was furious, turned around and left, and said coldly: "Go to Hongxiu Zhao!"


The red sleeve hit.

Fatty didn't know that his affairs had been exposed, he slapped the crystal card symbolizing status and wealth on the table, and said, "Give us three spiritual massages."

"Reiki massage... It's gone." The service staff said cautiously.

The fat man got angry when he heard it, and yelled, "No more, isn't this your family's specialty? Why is it gone? I'm afraid my father won't be able to pay you?"

"Really, there is no more." The service staff was startled, and quickly replied.

"I came with them, why do they have it?" The fat man pointed to several gorgeously dressed monks standing beside him, and said angrily.

"There are only four Reiki massages per day, and they have booked in advance..."

Before the waitress could finish her sentence, she was interrupted by the fat man. He shook a large string of spiritual energy beads bought at an auction around his neck, shook the noble spiritual object jade finger, and shook the same thing on his body. It's the spiritual armor that I just bought, and said indifferently: "I've made a reservation, how much does it cost to make a reservation, I'll pay double, three first!"

The service staff was dumbfounded, and after a while, they patiently explained: "The reservation is made in advance, it's not a matter of how much money..."

"In Fatty's eyes, there is no matter that spirit stones can't solve. If there is, then there is not enough spirit stones." The fat man said arrogantly, glanced at the other monks, and said, "Go tell them, the spirit stones are not enough." We've ordered a massage, so feel free to ask for any compensation you need."

Those monks in gorgeous clothes couldn't help looking at the fat man after hearing the words, and one of them frowned and said, "Who are you? The toad yawned so loudly!"

"It's no wonder that he is fat, so he has a big tone." Another person said sarcastically.

Who is the fat man? He has always been the one who bullies others. Where has anyone ridiculed him before? When he heard the other person's words, he trembled with anger. , a layer of aura-like armor appeared in all parts of the body.

"Spiritual energy armor, four layers of Qi training." Several monks exclaimed, and their expressions suddenly became dignified.

In fact, not only these people, Ye Luo was also a little surprised.

Although I had heard the fat man say that he had reached the fourth level of aura before, hearing it and actually seeing it were completely different things.

He beat people to death, fought bloody battles with people, and now he is only at the third level of body training. Fatty has nothing to pretend to be troublesome, but because of his relatively high talent, he has reached the fourth level of Qi training in a short period of time , This Nima is too unfair.

While Ye Luo was having a good time, the fat man was not idle. Seeing a few monks being stunned, he sneered and threatened: "Now I know I'm afraid, it's too late. The fat man has lived such a long life. I have always been the only one who bullies others, no one Bullying me, just now you dared to scold Fat Lord, you are dead."

"This is the red sleeve trick, I don't believe you dare to make a move." Someone said sternly.

The fat man didn't care about these things, rolled his eyelids, and said, "Fatty doesn't care about his red-sleeve tricks..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Wu Banxian stopped him, "Fatty, Hongxiu is very attractive, you can't fight privately here, or the Zhu family won't be able to find you."

When the fat man heard it, he was a little confused, but what kind of character he is, if he loses or loses, of course he can't let it go, rolled his eyes, and said: "Since the girls here don't want to see blood, that's okay. This spiritual massage, we just guard it outside, I don't believe you will never come out."

"Let's go!" Fatty took a deep look at several people, and then called Wu Banxian Ye Luo to leave.

When the few monks heard this, they felt like they were sitting on pins and needles. It was not a fun thing to be stared at by a person who practiced Qi for a spiritual massage, and they couldn't tell the depth of the two people next to them. After retreating, one of them said: "Wait..."

"Brother, don't you just want the Reiki Massage? It just so happens that we have some important things to do, so we can't do the Reiki Massage. You want a spot for you."


Fatty's eyes lit up, he staggered to the side of the man, and said: "Good brother, you are really good buddy, then what happens when you go out in the future, report your fat master's name."

Several people tried their best to squeeze out a smile, and left Hongxiu Zhao as if fleeing.


Hall on the third floor.

A middle-aged person in charge, seeing the fat man flaunting his power and scaring the guests away, his expression changed slightly, and he was about to intervene, but saw that the old man next to him didn't respond, and gave up his plan.

However, even though he gave up, he couldn't help asking, "Old Liu, why didn't you let me stop this fat man from breaking our red sleeve rules?"

"This fat man has the aura of an old friend of mine. Presumably he has accepted his empowerment." The old man pondered for a moment, then said: "The empowerment requires very high aptitude, and this fat man's spiritual root must be very important. The strength will definitely advance by leaps and bounds, and the future will inevitably force my friend to go further, so let's make a good relationship."


Fatty didn't know this, and a few people who had reserved spiritual massage left, and the quota naturally fell to the three of them.

Frightened away the opponent, won the spot from the opponent, pretended to be the limelight fiercely, he became more and more energetic, and said to Ye Luo and Wu Banxian: "Let's go, let's go for the spiritual massage."

Ye Luo frowned slightly, pulled the fat man, and persuaded in a low voice: "Fatty, don't be jealous of everything, it's easy to get beaten."

"Beat me, who dares to beat Fat Master?" Fatty said vigorously.

"Fatty, it's better to keep a low profile." Wu Banxian also advised.

"Low-key, Fat Master doesn't know how to write low-key... I've said it before, Fat Master, I am a Supreme Emperor-level existence in the Zhu family, and with Fat Master's cultivation, I walk sideways everywhere." Fatty waved He waved his hand and said, "Don't be naughty, let's go to Reiki Massage." "

Without waiting for the two to respond, he said meanly again: "Thinking of those girls' warm little hands, walking around and massaging all parts of the fat man, and then letting the fat man do whatever he wants, my heart itch."

(End of this chapter)

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