Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 272 Reiki Massage

Chapter 272 Reiki Massage
Elegant room.

Fatty Ye Luo and Wu Banxian lay on the dragon bed.

Three young girls stood beside the three of them, their hands were gently surging with aura, and they were slowly massaging the three of them with a special technique.

Ye Luo could clearly feel that with the massage, the spiritual energy slowly penetrated into the body, continuously nourishing the flesh and blood, increasing the blood energy, making people feel comfortable all over, the pores were fully opened, and even the strength increased invisibly.

Reiki massage is really extraordinary.

Of course, corresponding to its effect is its consumption on the massager.

The faces of the three young girls were slightly red, and there was a little sweat on their foreheads. It seemed that this level of spiritual massage was indeed a very exhausting thing for them, so it was no wonder that they would There is such a high sky-high price.

"Ye Luo, although you are a war doctor, you were very good in the past, but now the times have changed, and practitioners have come out, and you are basically useless as a war doctor, and you can't do anything else at all. Otherwise, in the future You follow Fat Lord and me, how about I pretend to be a bully and step on others to show off?" Fatty enjoyed the supreme service and hummed.

"That's a good idea." Ye Luo smiled.

"That's it. From now on, you will follow the fat man." The fat man hummed again, his chubby hands always wanted to touch the girl, but they were blocked very cleverly.

The fat man didn't dare to go too far, after all, this is a spiritual masseur, not a lady who sells it, and the fat man knows how terrifying the red sleeve move is.

However, the fat man thought, after the massage, he would call the few female monks who were playable before, and have a real fairy world health care.

For a moment, I can only endure it temporarily.

"You guys returned to Nanjiang this time because of the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure?" Ye Luo changed the subject and talked about the Ghost Valley Secret Treasure. This is basically an open secret, and he didn't shy away from it.

"It must be, as a local aborigine who has lived in Nanjiang City for 70 to [-] years, if we don't take advantage of our familiarity with Nanjiang City to find the secret treasure, it's simply unreasonable!" When Wu Banxian spoke, the one with his hand all the time The scratch on the young girl's leg seemed to have happened by accident. The young girl beside him frowned slightly, out of professional ethics, she didn't get angry directly.

Wu Banxian's method is more concealed and shameless than the fat man at first glance. After all, Jiang is still old and spicy.

When Ye Luo saw this, he immediately despised him. At such an old age, he dared not be jealous of women. However, Ye Luo put his hand directly on the girl's abdomen, and said without waiting for the girl's reaction: "Hey! Sister, do you always feel sick and tired these days, and you still feel a little dizzy from time to time, and your eyes are dark?"

Anger rose in the young girl's eyes, but after hearing this sentence, her body froze.

Ye Luo added another sentence: "At about seven o'clock every day, your stomach hurts a little, especially after eating some cold or spicy food, it will be more severe. In addition, your menstruation is extremely irregular, and the duration is long. Short, severe pain, sometimes even unbearable, but when I went to a major hospital for examination, I couldn't find the cause."

The anger in the eyes of the girl beside Ye Luo turned into surprise, and she asked in a clear voice, "You, how did you know?"

"You don't need to worry about this, you just need to answer whether it is..." Ye Luo kept it close.

"I... yes... what's wrong with me?" the girl worried.

"You can stop the massage for a while, find a quiet room, and let me give you a full-body examination. For some diseases, let alone the hospital can't diagnose and treat them, even the spiritual energy can't repair them. You should also ask some high-level monks to diagnose them. Pass." Ye Luo's tone was flat, without any waves.

"Ah! You know this too?" The girl was stunned.

"Go find a quiet room, and I'll give you a detailed body check." Ye Luo's tone was calm, but his eyes revealed wretchedness.

Fatty and Wu Banxian were at the side, dumbfounded when they heard it.

The same is picking up girls, why is there such a big gap?

Wu Banxian even touched it a few times, but the fat man didn't touch it at all, and almost pissed off the girl next to him, which made the fat man feel uneasy.

The girl next to Ye Luo hesitated after hearing Ye Luo's words.

Ye Luo said: "The condition of your disease is not optimistic. If you don't treat it as soon as possible, it may worsen..."

The girl became more and more hesitant, and asked in a low voice: "You... really know how to see a doctor?"

"Is that so, don't you have a judgment in your heart?" Ye Luo asked without answering.

Hearing Ye Luo's words, the girl's complexion changed for a while, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll go with you to the private room next door, I hope you can cure my illness."

Ye Luo takes the girl away.

The fat man couldn't sit still anymore, he turned over and sat up, staring straight at the girl who was massaging him, and asked very directly: "Let me tell you, how many spirit stones are there for one night?"

"You don't sell yourself as a performer!" The girl next to the fat man said in a firm tone.

"Fifty spirit stones!" Fatty directly quoted a high price.

"Please respect yourself." The girl next to the fat man said in a cold tone.

"One hundred spirit stones!" Fatty directly doubled the amount, and said flatly, "I have plenty of money!"

"No...Impossible." The girl's tone eased a little, with some hesitation.

"Two hundred spirit stones! Let me tell you, do you know the Zhu family, a powerful cultivation family? Fat Lord, my status in the Zhu family is equivalent to that of the Supreme Emperor. Ordinary female monks will throw themselves into their arms when they see me. It's an honor for me to see you today!" Fatty's tone was proud, and there seemed to be a scumbag about him.


Just after the fat man reported the exorbitant price, the door of the private room, which was closed tightly, was suddenly smashed open by a force full of anger and killing intent.

Immediately afterwards, a girl in fiery red clothes, with a fiery figure, a cold face, and a smoldering look in her eyes, slowly walked into the private room with a half steel pipe in her hand.

Ye Luo had just walked out of the private room, before reaching another private room, when he heard a loud noise behind him, he suddenly turned his head, only to see a fiery woman who broke open the door of the previous private room and rushed in like the wind.

Although it was a glimpse, Ye Luo's face turned serious, because he couldn't judge the girl's realm, but felt that the girl's aura was as terrifying and powerful as the ocean.

who is thiswhat purpose?
Ye Luo hesitated for a moment, then followed quietly, his fists clenched slightly, the invisible force gathered, and then he planned to attack violently.

As soon as he reached the door, Ye Luo heard the hot woman's voice, "Fatty man, you prodigal son, get the hell out of here."

"Little... Auntie, why are you here?"

"Why did I come? If I didn't come, how would I know your honorable status in my Zhu family, the Zhu family's existence like the emperor..."

(End of this chapter)

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