Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 273 The Sad Fat Man

Chapter 273 The Sad Fat Man

The fiery woman's cold voice sounded, and the five knuckles of Fen fist clenched and creaked as they collided, as if they would be cracked at any moment.

Even through a door, Ye Luo could feel the anger contained in it.

He shrank his neck, turned around and avoided it.

It's not that he is afraid of the strength of the hot woman and leaves Fatty and Wu Banxian alone, but that he already knows the identity of the hot woman, that she is the fat man's aunt and the elder of the Zhu family.

Since he is an elder, he will naturally not be unfavorable to Fatty, at most he will beat him up violently.

Anyway, the fat man has a thick skin and deserves to be beaten.

Fatty, he didn't know what Ye Luo was thinking. He saw his aunt coming here angrily, got off the bed with a grunt, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said with a forced smile, "It's all rumors, and occasionally there will be jokes. , can't take it seriously, hey! Auntie, you have become more and more beautiful recently."

"Don't talk sweet words to me." The fiery woman snorted coldly, not being confused by him, pointed at him and asked: I asked you why the precious spiritual grass behind the car turned into a weed? "

"Ah! What? The spirit grass has turned into weeds? Who did this? We must investigate deeply and not forgive easily."

The fat man rolled his eyes, looking very guilty, but soon he returned to normal, said angrily, and gave advice: "I heard that recently, there are gangs of good and bad people in Nanjiang City, and even professional practice theft gangs, who are extremely arrogant. Arrogant, are they?"

If she hadn't known that this was what the fat man said, the fiery girl might have believed it.

Now that she knew what the fat man was talking about, and seeing him pretending here, she became more and more angry, and said coldly: "Fatty man, don't talk nonsense to me, don't you know who stole it?"

"I don't know." The fat man looked blank.

"I don't know, heh, I heard that you seem to have become a godly hero these days, spending money like water, capriciously shooting at auctions, smashing spirit stones in red sleeve tricks to grab women, how come I don't know when you have so much money ?” the fiery woman asked.

"Ah! What, isn't this saving some private money? Sometimes, what you don't see with your own eyes is just a rumor, which is easy to be exaggerated." The fat man's throat felt a little dry, but he still refused to admit it.

Still refuse to admit it.

The fiery woman sneered, took out a mobile phone, and then opened the video recording on it. On the screen, it was impressively displayed that a fat man sneaked into the car, and then secretly took out a few precious He opened the jade box, took out the noble spiritual grass, and finally put the wild grass in it...

When the fat man saw this scene, his face suddenly turned pale.

"Auntie, listen to me..." Fatty stopped abruptly after speaking halfway.

"Pa—" In a fit of rage, he punched the fat man in the face

"Aw—" the fat man screamed.


"Oh—Ye...Ye Luo, Wu...Wu Banxian, save me!" the fat man screamed.

The fat man wants to run, but he, who has practiced Qi at the fourth level, is like a chicken in the hands of a fiery woman, without any resistance at all. Wanting to run is just a dream!
Wu Banxian was stunned. The fat man who was bullish before, spent money like water, spent a lot of money, majestic and overpowering, became like this in a blink of an eye?

Didn't the fat man say that he was the overlord in the Zhu family?

This is the position of the Supreme Emperor?
Although Ye Luo didn't see it outside, he could imagine how wonderful the scene was just by listening to the sound.

"Fatty, hold on. Look, I've been advising you to keep a low profile before. That's not how money is spent. If you still don't listen, this... that... I have something to do, so I'll leave first." Wu Banxian made excuses to slip away.

"Fatty, there is no hurdle that you can't get through, just come over!" Ye Luo's lips twitched, praying secretly from a distance, without any intention of going forward.

This is completely the fat man's own death, not to blame others.

"Aw—Auntie, I was wrong, take it easy, I'm about to die! You can't ignore death!" The fat man screamed for help.

That's impossible, the only son-in-law of the Zhu family is also a top-notch genius. As long as he doesn't pierce the sky, his life will not be in danger. At most, he will be beaten violently and have a long memory.

Wu Banxian came out of the private room and met Ye Luo.

"How is it?" Ye Luo asked.

"Don't mention it, it's so miserable. If you don't die, you have to peel off your skin." Wu Banxian shook his head, afraid that the hot woman would come out to settle accounts, and slapped his forehead and said: "What, I just remembered that I got a lot of goods this time, and I haven't sorted it out yet. , I have to go out to sell things at the stall tomorrow, so I'm busy, so I'll leave first."

Ye Luo is so smart, of course it is impossible to stay and wait for the hot woman to make trouble, and he has always been concerned about the secrets hidden in the page of the ancient bronze book that was sucked by the beads at the auction. I wanted to go back and do some research, so I added, "Xiaohuan is coming back soon, and I have to go home to cook for the little girl, so it's time to go home."

The two left one after the other, leaving only the fat man crying for his father and mother, "Ye Luo, Wu Banxian, you two bastards, and you left me alone..."

The two turned a deaf ear and strode away from here, afraid of getting burned.

But just as Ye Luo took a few steps, the girl grabbed the corner of his clothes, and the girl said in a low voice, "Well... didn't you say to check for me?"

Cooperate with inspection?
Ye Luo's footsteps paused slightly, and there was a little commotion in his heart again, but with another inhuman scream from the fat man, the commotion was weakened again.

Ye Luo lowered his head, moved closer to the girl's ear, and whispered a few words.

The girl's face flushed when she heard the words, her breathing was slightly short of breath, an unspeakable embarrassment flashed in her eyes, and then she showed surprise and joy again.

After speaking, Ye Luo turned and left.

The girl took a step forward, hesitated, and said, "My name is Xiaolan. Next time you come, you, you can call me. I won't charge you, thank you."

Ye Luo smiled at the wall, and glanced back worriedly. Seeing that the fiery woman hadn't come out, she quickly walked a few steps and followed Wu Banxian in front of her.

"Hurry up, it's no fun for Fatty's aunt to get angry." Wu Banxian urged in a low voice.

"Why is his aunt so young?" Ye Luo wondered.

"What's so small, but she's an evildoer, she's almost a mature woman in her 30s, but she still has a girly face." Wu Banxian muttered.

"What? A milf who is almost 30 years old? Why do I look like eighteen or nineteen?" Ye Luo was puzzled.

"It has something to do with the skills she practiced. This is an evil person. If it wasn't for the Zhu family and the Mo family who wanted to snatch something from the Miyamoto family in the island country, this evil woman would not be able to come to Nanjiang." Wu Banxian said in a low voice.

"Didn't they come for the secret treasure in Ghost Valley? Why are there other purposes?" Ye Luo frowned.

"Well, it should be for the Compass of Destiny!"

(End of this chapter)

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