Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 274 Destiny Compass

Chapter 274 Destiny Compass
"Destiny compass?"

Ye Luo frowned, and looked at Wu Banxian suspiciously, this word was very unfamiliar.

Wu Banxian didn't hold back, and said directly: "The news that Nanjiang City's Ghost Valley Secret Treasure will be born this time has almost shocked the entire practice world. Many hidden families have been born one after another and gathered towards Nanjiang City. Now the entire Nanjiang City is already undercurrents. .”

After a pause, Wu Banxian said again: "According to the news obtained by the Zhu family and the Mo family through secret channels, in addition to the domestic forces, there is an ancient ninja family, the Miyamoto family, who also sent a team to come As far as I know, this team is living in a villa area in the western suburbs."

"Miyamoto family of ninjas?" Ye Luo's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he suddenly remembered that little devil named Miyamoto Jiro he met on the way to Hongxiu Zhao.

Although Jiro Miyamoto has been abolished, Ye Luo has no guilt at all, after all, the evil deeds of the islanders are too numerous to write down.

At first, he thought that the other party came alone, but he didn't expect that it was a gang. The ghost valley secret treasure in China was born, and this little devil wanted to come to share a piece of the pie. He was looking for death!

"During the Anti-Japanese War, a little devil from the island country once snatched a destiny astrolabe from Zhu's family. This astrolabe is a relic of Guiguzi from the pre-Qin period. Even Guigu Supreme used it occasionally during his lifetime. Its function is terrifying, but The specific use is not yet known.

Now, this astrolabe is in the hands of the Miyamoto family. According to the news, the Miyamoto family came to Nanjiang this time and specially brought this rare treasure, hoping to use this rare treasure to snatch the secret treasure of Guigu. "Wu Banxian said slowly.

"The Zhu family wants to take back the astrolabe?" Ye Luo's eyes brightened.

"That's right, but it's not only the Zhu family, but also the Mo family. The two of them have always been cousins. The two families joined together for this matter. The last time we saw Mo Shanshan in Canglong Mountain, and Ah Yamato and Ah Er are also here, and the three of them should be inquiring about the Miyamoto family now." Wu Banxian replied.

Ye Luo was taken aback again, Mo Shanshan is here too?

Wu Banxian went on to say: "Among the people who came from the Miyamoto family this time, there is a big man sitting in the town. Forcibly attacking and snatching it will definitely not work. Let alone how terrifying that big man is. Once he escapes with the destiny astrolabe, he will be considered as a person of the same level. Even the big shots can't catch up.

Ye Luo frowned and said, "Do the two of them have any plans now?"

Wu Banxian shook his head and said: "Not yet, the people who came from the Miyamoto family this time all lived in the villa area in the western suburbs, and the security was extremely tight. Ordinary monks, as long as they have aura fluctuations on their bodies, they can't get mixed up at all." go in.

And those who have not practiced are too weak and have not received professional training, so they are easily exposed. Therefore, it is difficult to make a plan before understanding the internal situation of the Miyamoto family. "

Ye Luo frowned and remained silent.

Destiny Astrolabe, Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, Miyamoto Family, Ye Luo recited silently.

While Ye Luo was chanting silently, Wu Banxian suddenly glanced at him and said, "By the way, speaking of it, you have a chance. You have a strong body, you can fight against the ordinary third level of Qi training, and you don't have any fluctuations in spiritual energy. Instead, you are going to snatch the destiny." The perfect candidate for Compass.”

Of course, Wu Banxian just raised his mouth, and then changed the subject: "We can't worry about this matter, let the big shots of the Zhu family and the Mo family take care of this kind of thing, it's this little devil Coming to our country again and wanting to grab something, this is a bit disturbing."

Ye Luo remained silent. As a hot-blooded young man who once broke out from the army, deep down in his heart, he almost had an unforgettable hatred for the island country and the belief that he must kill.

The national humiliation comes first, and it will never be forgotten.

"The Miyamoto family?" Ye Luo read it in a low voice, remembering the family's name firmly. If there is a chance, he will not only snatch the Compass of Destiny, but also keep them all.

Wu Banxian and Ye Luo chatted for a few more words, then separated and went home.


Night is deep.

Sitting in the taxi home, Ye Luo's heart was always a little restless.

The tiny island country actually sent the most mysterious ninja family in the country to Nanjiang City, and even wanted to snatch the ghost valley secret treasure in the country. Ye Luo felt a burst of shame when he heard the news.

"Go to the western suburbs, the Cherry Blossom Villa area."

Ye Luo thought for a moment, and decided to go to the place where the Miyamoto family lived. During the day, the scene of Miyamoto Erlang bullying Yang Yu was still vivid in his mind. He wanted to see if there was any opportunity to take advantage of it. .

If you have the chance, go for him.

If there is no chance, he can only stand still, after all, his current strength is still very weak.

Tightening his fist slightly, Ye Luo felt a sense of urgency again, the desire to possess great strength.

If he has strong strength, he can go to the villa area in the western suburbs now, and kill those ninjas with evil intentions, and kill those islanders who are still restless and want to do bad things in the country.

"I have to go down the dry well again. From that donkey's mouth, I need to find out the method of astral body cultivation, and I want to get the heaven-defying thing in the nine-story demon tower!" Ye Luo whispered to himself, and he had already made a decision in his heart. .

When they arrived at the Cherry Blossom Villa area in the western suburbs, Ye Luo did not ask the driver to stop directly, but asked the driver to go around the entire villa area three times in a row. Ye Luo quickly memorized and memorized the terrain.

Ye Luo didn't let the taxi return until he remembered a similar time.

However, just as he was walking back, Ye Luo suddenly discovered that the gate of the villa area, which was closed tightly, was opened, and two people walked out.

Ye Luo actually knew one of these two people.

This person is a killer card!
Seeing this scene, Ye Luo narrowed his eyes fiercely. How could the killer card come out of the island's villa area?Could it be that she has something to do with the islanders?
A man walked out with the card. The man covered his face with a mask, and he couldn't see his true face. After the two came out, they walked towards a quiet and dark corner.

Seeing this, Ye Luo immediately paid the bill and got out of the car. Taking advantage of the darkness, he sneaked in silently and followed, wanting to see if there was any secret in it.

Ye Luo followed behind the two of them like a civet cat, and with perfect concealment means, hid in a corner, quietly looking at the card and the man.

In an alley, the two stopped.


The man wearing the mask slapped Ka Card on the face, and said coldly in a hoarse voice, "You were inside just now, why didn't you obey my order, and dare to use that kind of disrespectful Speaking to Miyamoto Saburo in the same tone?"

Kaka lowered his head, pursed his lips, and said softly, "I'm from Huaxia, and I will never bow down to devils, let alone sell my body and soul to devils."


The man wearing the mask slapped Ka Card's face again, "If you die, who will remember that you are from Huaxia? Do you know that your life is in my hands, as long as you If I don’t give you the antidote for a month, your whole body will rot, and you will die from the most terrifying torture in the world.”

Card's face was pale, but he was stubborn and did not speak.

Ye Luo, who was on the side, heard the conversation between the two, and there was a strong murderous intent in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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