Supreme enchanting soldier king

Chapter 275 Come up to lead the death

Chapter 275
Ye Luo's eyes shot out murderous intent, and he had already launched a murderous intent on the masked man beside Kaka.

Of course there are factors in this that he is a killer, and he is not sympathetic at all, but the more important reason is that this guy actually took refuge in the Japanese and acted as a lackey of the Japanese.

Not only that, he even forced Kaka to become a lackey of the Japanese, making her bow down to the Japanese and even let them play with her. This is absolutely unforgivable.

Although Ye Luo's relationship with Kaka's boyfriend and girlfriend is a joke, it can't be bullied like this.

Just when Ye Luo was about to kill, Kaka finally raised his head, looked at the masked man and said, "You are also from Huaxia. As the top killer, you could have a good life on your own. Why do you rely on those people?" Damn islanders?"

"What do you know? I used to be the top killer, but with the birth of these practitioners, where are killers, agents, and soldier kings? Don't you know that even the most mysterious and powerful war doctor , A few days ago, a small cultivating family broke off the engagement, and there are countless such cultivating families in the world, I don't want to end up like him one day." The man's tone was cold .

"Although he was annulled, he will never bow down to others and be a dog for others." Ka Card pursed his lips, stared at the man and said: "Besides, I believe that one day, he will rise again and get back for its own glory."

"Resurrection, don't count on him in this life." The man sneered, and said: "Besides, who told you that he won't, he won't go to others, it's because he doesn't have such an opportunity, and if he had the opportunity, he would never Don’t hesitate to rely on the past.”

Seeing the disbelief on Ka Card's face, the man continued: "As the top person in the world, he suddenly fell from the peak to the bottom overnight, was divorced, was a waste star, and suffered all kinds of humiliation. If someone can Give him great strength, even if you ask him to be someone else's father, he will agree without hesitation, no matter whether the other party is from the island country or what country, he will not hesitate to take refuge in the past, even with the most respectful attitude to worship."

"He definitely won't." Cards seemed a little stubborn.

"Hmph! Naive! I know, you have always regarded the war doctor as an idol, but have you ever thought that your idol has fallen from the altar, and now, I, who has already trained three levels of qi, can kill him at will Combat doctors, let alone other big shots." The man's voice was a little violent.

Then, the man said again: "The 300-year-old black donkey's hoof has been found for you. You must remember that you must fool the cleaner and approach his archaeological expert uncle. Ghost Valley hides this thing. It is very important to the islanders, once we can tell Miyamoto Saburo the news about this thing, then I will get a large amount of spiritual stones and top-level cultivation techniques."

Kaka stared at the man with disappointment in his eyes.

Although she was coerced by the organization before, she still had a sense of belonging, but now even the last sense of belonging has disappeared.

"The Miyamoto family is the greatest opportunity for us to become stronger again. You'd better not make any mistakes, otherwise, you will know the consequences." The man turned around, and then said: "You are a killer, what are you talking about?" Integrity, the last time you pretended to be Linglong and killed people to force her to come out, all you killed were fugitives who must die and some damn bad guys, don't think I don't know."

"Let me tell you, one day is a killer, and you will be a killer all your life, so don't try to cleanse yourself."

Kaka bowed his head and remained silent.

"The war doctor wanted to clean up his crimes, but when he reappeared three years later, he was annulled and humiliated. Even if your idol is like this, let alone you." The man said a few words contemptuously, and then added a rage: "If the war doctor is here now, I'll let you see what it means to be suppressed by strength and what is meant to be beaten. He is completely vulnerable!"

The killer card finally couldn't bear it anymore, and said: "Don't forget, when you heard that the war doctor was coming to the Black Snake base, you were so scared that you directly abandoned everyone and buried yourself in the world. It took years to dare to show up again!"

"Shut up! If you can't find the real Ghost Valley Secret Treasure, you can die, it's worthless!" The man was furious, and then, he slapped Kaka's face fiercely. past.


However, this slap did not hit Ka Card's face, because a piece of tile directly hit the man's palm at a super high speed.

Suddenly, the palm collided with the tile, the tile burst suddenly, and the palm also splashed blood.

The man was startled, he took a quick step back, his body was tense, his hands formed seals instantly, and the aura gauze condensed on him in the blink of an eye.

When the spiritual gauze appeared, the man seemed to have a sense of security. He looked around and calmed down a lot. He said coldly, "Who is it?"

"Black Snake, it was you who said that if I was here, you would hang me, so I want to see how you hang me." Ye Luo walked towards the man step by step, and that man was impressively The leader of the Black Snake Killer Organization, Black Snake!
Five years ago, the two met once.

Black Snake narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Luo quietly. Then, his face changed suddenly, and a flash of instinctive fear flashed in his eyes, and he said, "You, you are the battle doctor Ye Luo?"

Afterwards, the fear in Black Snake's eyes disappeared quickly, and he suddenly laughed wildly, and said, "What's wrong with the war doctor? This is no longer what you were then, and now you are just a waste who has been divorced and can't practice at all. In this era, you are An ant!
At this moment, Killer Card was completely shocked.

She looked at Ye Luo with straight eyes.

"You, you are the battle doctor?" Kaka was shocked, and her heart was full of shocking waves. After that, she recalled the first time she met Ye Luo and what happened after that, and suddenly realized that, since she met Ye Luo, , Everything is under Ye Luo's control. From the very beginning, he has been fooled, and has been fooled until now!
At this moment, Card had mixed feelings in his heart, and he was stunned for a while.

"Heh!" Ye Luo just smiled.

"Ye Luo, today I will completely settle with you the enmity of five years ago." Black Snake was gearing up, and the words came out in a vicious voice, "Ye Luo, I supported three moves in your hands back then, and today I will use three moves, three moves Within, I will let you die."

"Now, you can come up and lead the dead." Black Snake said proudly, looking at Ye Luo with contempt.


Ye Luo didn't talk nonsense, and just punched him with a punch, which was as heavy as a mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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