Chapter 276
Seeing Ye Luo punching, the black snake first tensed up instinctively, then subconsciously panicked and confused, and finally, when he came back to his senses, a shameful anger appeared in his eyes.

Now that he has become a cultivator, in his opinion, one hand is enough to crush and kill Ye Luo, but deep down in his heart, he has not completely walked out of the heavy shadow that Ye Luo once left on him.

Five years ago, before the cultivator was born, Black Snake was born as a generation of gold-medal assassins. He met gods and killed gods, and Buddhas blocked and killed Buddhas. As long as he took the assassin mission, he never missed it. The world-shaking Black Snake killer organization became famous for a while!

However, in the same year, one of the most mysterious organizations in the world released a list of the most terrifying people in the world. As a sharp-edged black snake, he thought he would be ranked first, but in the end he found out that Not only was he not ranked first, he didn't even enter the top three, only ranked fifth.

That year, the leader of killers Chutian ranked fourth, the ninja Chiyo Saun ranked third, the butcher king William Thomson ranked second, and the number one was war doctor Ye Luo!

The sharp-edged and murderous Black Snake, after seeing this ranking, was furious. On the top of the world, he directly threatened that this ranking was a piece of garbage and an insult. He called on Ye Luo to challenge Ye Luo!

Even, for the sake of challenge, he spent a lot of energy and effort to create momentum for the peak battle with Ye Luo, as long as he is an entry-level killer, soldier king, ninja, and secret agent in the world, almost no one does not know this shocking event. war.

The location of the decisive battle was chosen in the western desert.

In order to become famous, the killer Black Snake specially invited many powerful and powerful people in the entire industry to watch the battle. Even the top ten killers in the world, including the leader of the killer Chu Tian, ​​the ninja Chiyo Sayun, and the killer William Thomson coming.

On the day of the decisive battle, Black Snake adjusted himself to the peak state, used the most top-notch firearms and weapons, and even regarded this decisive battle as a glorious battle in his life.

If the battle is won, there will be no war doctor Ye Luo in the world, only the killer king Black Snake!
With all eyes on, the decisive battle began.

And from the moment of the beginning, the black snake, who showed his sharpness and high spirits, began the nightmare for 3 minutes.

Because he wanted to lock Ye Luo with a gun, but in a daze, Ye Luo's figure had disappeared from his eyes in the desert, and he didn't even see how Ye Luo disappeared from a barren desert 500 meters away of.

After that, he spent more than two minutes, full of apprehension and tension, trying to calm himself down, looking for Ye Luo's figure.

As a result, 2 minutes later, when he was concentrating on looking for Ye Luo, he felt that someone patted his shoulder from behind him. He was shocked and turned around suddenly, and was extremely shocked to find that the one who patted his shoulder turned out to be a war doctor Ye Luo!

"Hey! It's such a hot day, are you afraid it won't be hot here?" At that time, Ye Luo just said something casually.

Is black snake hot?

Of course he was not hot, not only not hot, but cold all over his body.

Shocked, furious, frightened, and humiliated all kinds of emotions rushed into his heart, he became angry and directly shot at Ye Luo, however, something happened that made him even more desperate, three strokes, only three strokes, and he fell to the ground.

At that time, his mind was blank. After spending so much effort and inviting the best people in the world to watch the battle, he waited for such a shameful result.

He was full of sharpness and high spirits. He thought that he would be able to defeat Ye Luo and become famous in one fell swoop, but he never expected that what greeted him was the nightmarish 3 minutes and the irresistible three-stroke attack... psychological shadow.

After he defected to the ninja of the island country and reached the third level of Qi training, he thought that this layer of psychological shadow had already been expelled. When he faced the rumored astral waste war doctor Ye Luo again, he could kill him with one hand. Unexpectedly, The moment Ye Luo made a move, he was still instinctive and subconsciously fearful.

This made Black Snake feel shameful anger!
He has now become an existence that can condense the aura gauze, which can instantly kill any ordinary soldier king killer. The aura gauze can even block bullets, so why should he be afraid?
Black Snake came back to his senses. Amidst the shameful anger, coldness and contempt flashed in his eyes, and he exuded a kind of arrogance belonging to a cultivator.

"Do you still want to leave me with a nightmare for 3 minutes like you did back then? Just kidding, don't forget, you are now a star that cannot be cultivated, a waste, a shame, hum! Today, I want to show you Look, what is the real strength, I will smash all your pride and self-esteem, and leave a nightmare for 3 minutes!" The black snake roared!

Everything was in the midst of lightning and flint. Seeing Ye Luo punching out, the black snake regained his composure, took a step forward, and punched Ye Luo directly.

When Kaka saw this scene, a trace of anxiety suddenly appeared on her dull face, and she shouted to Ye Luo: "Be careful, he is at the third level of Qi training, and the aura on his fist is very terrifying!"

Spiritual energy surged on Black Snake's fist, a cruel smile flashed across the corner of his mouth, and he roared: "Remind now, it's late, go to hell!"


The two fists collided, and an invisible shock wave emanated from the collision, forming a strong wind and blowing away in all directions. The killer Kaka who was standing aside couldn't help but take a step back, his eyes filled with horror.

After that, Ye Luo stood in place, like a standing statue, motionless.

However, the Black Snake, who was arrogant, contemptuous, and wanted to kill Ye Luo with one punch, suddenly changed his eyes, and all the aura condensed in his hand was scattered, and the aura gauze on his body was also shaken by this punch. Numerous cracks appeared, and the body also stepped back seven steps in a row before barely standing still.

In the dark, remote, narrow alley, there was silence.

Seeing this scene, Killer Card was stunned again. A daze, complexity, and doubt flashed in her clear eyes. As a top killer, she could naturally see that the Black Snake had eaten a large amount of blood in this punch. deficit.

Even, there is a taste of destruction.

Black Snake stabilized his body, his eyes suddenly rose in shock, he looked at his hands and the aura gauze on his body in disbelief, then looked at Ye Luo, and said: "This is impossible, absolutely impossible, you, you are just a A waste star, and can't cultivate, how can it have such terrifying strength?"

I don't know why, but the Black Snake, who originally felt sure of winning, arrogant and despised Ye Luo, felt the same sense of fear and powerlessness as it did five years ago.

It seems that Ye Luo was invincible before and could only make people fear, and now he is even more invincible and makes people tremble!

"I do not believe!"

Black Snake shook his head and growled, greatly stimulated.

All these years, he has always wanted to defeat Ye Luo and drive away the shadow in his heart, which has almost become his obsession.

Because of the third level of Qi training, he was already full of confidence, but he didn't expect that under Ye Luo's punch, all his pride and faith were completely shattered!

"You forced me, you forced me..."

Black Snake's eyes were scarlet, and he murmured incoherently, his hands were quickly connected, and the surging power surged out, and fiercely attacked Ye Luo, "Forbidden ninja art - burning blood, Ye Luo, you are going to die for me!" Bar."

(End of this chapter)

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